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Messages - F C Webb

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Australia / Re: Emily Harriet Norman
« on: Tuesday 10 October 17 06:20 BST (UK)  »
Thanks  shollingworth101 for passing on this information, I had not come across the  notice in the Ovens & Murray Advertiser but Trove are busily digitising new material all the time. Following on from my last messages on this subject Trove had subsequently added the "The Record", a local newspaper covering South Melbourne (Emerald Hill) as well as limited editions of "The Age", an article appeared in both of February 1901 detailing the magistrates court hearing concerning Emily Norman of Emerald Hill on vagrancy charges (no visible means of support). This would be the same Emily Norman admitted to the Elizabeth Fry Retreat at this time and thence to the psychiatric hospital system ending in Ballarat.

At no stage did it seem that anyone knew about her brother William and sister  Jessie and by 1901 her sister Jessie (one of my G Grandmothers) was living at Mordialloc which was farmland on the outskirts of Melbourne in those days although the Woods retained a house in South Melbourne.

I can't help but think that the Woods may have retreated to Mordialloc in the 1890's post William Norman Snr's death to escape the wayward Emily.

Australia / Re: Emily Harriet Norman
« on: Tuesday 04 March 14 01:22 GMT (UK)  »
For completeness I have updated some details of the Norman's

1. I have sent another Email to the site seeking the source of their BDM data on Malta information but as yet I have not received a reply.

2. I have revisited the Public Records Office and re-examined the available Male & Female patients case books for the Ballarat - Sunbury asylums for the period that Emily Norman was there (1906 - 1907) but again no success, the record books are incomplete and overlap to some extent. Her name appears on the Male index but the Male case books are incomplete with at least one missing volume for that period where I presume her details would be if the index is accurate.

3. Looked up William Norman's Jnr's railway station master postings in "Rigg of The Railways" ISBN 0646415395 which is the most complete and readily available listing and it only lists his posting to Brunswick station on the 28/7/1902, it lists his DOB as 30/10/1847 compared to the site on Malta that lists his birth as the 30/10/1845? The Rigg book is not complete so William may well have been the station master at Cheltenham at some stage. I'm quite sure though that the William Norman listed as executor to Stephen Wise's Will is the same person.

4. I note from LDS " FamilySearch" that William Norman had two other brothers also born in Deptford, John in 1804 and James in 1806. Only the 1851 census lists any of the Normans and that is James who is living at Chatham, is a Widower and works as a "Baker Journeyman", so the baker occupation seems a strong link. William Norman's parents being John Norman and Sarah Wilson as stated on his death certificate.

5. There is a John Norman who dies at Inglewood in North West Victoria in 1890 whose DOB is 1804-1805 born London that is a good candidate to be William Norman's brother.  John Norman died a bachelor with no known details other than he was born in London.

I think that the absence of any other DBM information for Emily Harriett Norman makes the Emily Norman who died at Ballarat a good candidate to be the family member but I don't think that I will be able to obtain any further conclusive evidence unless someone else at some future time claims to be a descendant.

Once again many thanks to all for the excellent work over the past two weeks in tracking down the Wise family connections and the fact that Eliza Haynes sister  Harriett also emigrated to Australia.

best regards  ....... Frank

Australia / Re: Emily Harriet Norman
« on: Wednesday 26 February 14 09:48 GMT (UK)  »
I don't have Emily Harriett Norman's birth certificate but the people who compiled the lists on the web site have obtained this information from somewhere.

I have sent two Emails to that site over the past 12 months and they went unanswered so I'm not sure if this site is being maintained.

I have tried the London Metropolitan Archives without success and the BMD Registers Non Conformist Non Parochial site that supposedly has overseas registrations without success.

There is a note about Malta in the LDS FamilySearch site,_Marriages_and_Deaths_Overseas#Foreign_Registers_and_Returns_1627-1958_.28RG33.2F1-162.29 that details what happened to some records from Malta.

William Norman was described as being a "Steward to Admiral William Parker" at Malta but simply as a Pensioner on his death certificate. Perhaps the Haynes, Wise and Norman families were all bakers?

Australia / Re: Emily Harriet Norman
« on: Wednesday 26 February 14 07:44 GMT (UK)  »
Thanks for picking up my error, I was looking at the wrong date for Harriett Haynes, so Eliza and Harriett were sisters it seems, Eliza's son William may not have really known what occupation/profession his mother's father had so we can't read too much into "Carpenter" on Eliza'a death entry.

Australia / Re: Emily Harriet Norman
« on: Wednesday 26 February 14 06:42 GMT (UK)  »
You're too quick for me Judith and some fantastic work,  I just posted a reply when your new message came in.

It is most likely the family William Norman (Jnr) who was a station master, but I don't know if Cheltenham was one of the stations that he managed but I can find out.

The coincidence is though too much to make it anyone other than the family William Norman, William Norman Jnr's  last residence and where he died was 14 Cassells Road Brunswick Melbourne Vic, he died on the 18/9/1915.

All this futher cements Emily Harriet Wise as the witness to William & Catherine's marriage, at least all your collective good work has ruled this witness out as being Emily Harriett Norman which is  a significant achievement.

It's amazing how you sometimes see what you want to see, now I'm going to have to diplomatically turn down Les' efforts on the Weir search in the UK.

PS: Bizarrely Cheltenham is where some of the family Weir's are buried!

Australia / Re: Emily Harriet Norman
« on: Wednesday 26 February 14 06:26 GMT (UK)  »
I've been away from Melbourne up country for a couple of days and I'm truly amazed at the work that has been going and have quite a lot to take in, many thanks to Sparrett, Judb, Essie, Merlin and Jorose.

1. I ruled out the Loraine Emily  being Emily Harriett Norman after looking into her background and the parents names but the Loraine & Wise connection was unexpected.

2. I was sceptical to say the least about the witness being WISE but now having had a long look at the 1896 probate records I must agree with Sparrett that the witness in 1871 to William & Catherine's marriage was most likely Emily Harriet Wise, given that there are some 25 years between signatures there are some striking similarities,  the "i" being dotted above the "s", the tail on the letter "e" and the ornamental letter "H". I'm certainly glad that I inserted the signature as I would be still "barking up the wrong tree" looking for Weirs. Thanks to Cando, Jennaya & Joyful for casting doubt on Weir and pointing to Wise.

3. Both Bethanga & Wangaratta  are in close proximity to Beechworth in North Eastern Victoria so if Emily Harriet Wise was in either place in 1871 then she didn't have far to travel (by Aus standards), certainly she was of the right age being born in 1851 - 1852 (age at death 58 in 1910 according to Vic BDM) thanks Essie .

4. The link to Malta through Stephen Wise and possibly the same Haynes family as Eliza is remarkable but it all  makes sense and that Emily Harriet Wise was no random witness if she was indeed the witness.

Eliza Norman's son William stated in the ledger entry for the death that the Eliza's father's name was JOHN and that his profession was a CARPENTER, Eliza's mother's name was not known. It was stated that Eliza was born in London although why she and William Norman were married in Derbyshire is still a mystery but the marriage in Derbyshire is stated in the death entry and there is a marriage in the LDS FamilySearch that matches this well.

Not knowing Eliza's mother's name makes it hard to link other possible siblings but the Maltese connection seems to point to Harriet Haynes being either Eliza's sister or a close relation.  According to Eliza Haynes death entry she was aged 56 when she died on the 13/7/1878 making her DOB around 1821 - 1822. Harriet Haynes was born in 1847 so some 25 - 26 years after Eliza so not likely to be her sister but possibly a cousin.

Eliza Haynes was buried in a pauper's grave at Beechworth in 1878 and some 20 years later a former male patient from the May Day Hills asylum was buried on top of her.

Because the father and son both have the name William and no middle name I surmised that it was William Jnr who was definitely living around Beechworth in the 1870's that admitted his mother to the Beechworth asylum and whose stated occupation was "letter Poster" and "Bell Ringer" but it could well be the father William.

5. Back to the Emily Norman who seems to have been given the "run around" of Victoria's mental system circa early 1900's.

Thank you Jorose for this work and I hope you haven't blown your Internet download limit as these old files are big, not to mention difficult to read.

It certainly seems plausible that the Emily Norman who entered Kew asylum (presumably Willsmere, now up market private apartments) is the family Emily Harriett Norman, her estimated/stated age was 50 in 1905 at Kew which makes her 7 years younger than the family Emily and 52 in 1907 at Ballarat but the Ballarat record of her age would have been based upon the admission record at Kew. The case book at Beechworth states that she did not speak much and that there were no known relatives so her true age would be doubtful.

I will now go back to the Public Records Office in North Melbourne and look again to see if I can find the case book  from Ballarat that holds Emily Norman's details before her death there in 1907, it may provide some final clue but given the death certificate stated all her details were unknown then I'm not holding my breath.

The Norman's may not have been all that close as a family as there are no mention of siblings in the few newspaper family notices (Trove) of  William Jnr's death before his sister Jessie and no notices that I can find for Eliza or William Snr.

I also have copies of William Jnr's Will from 1915 and there is no mention of anyone other than his wife and children and there is no mention of Norman's in Catherine Norman's (nee McKinley, William Jnr's wife) Will either.

Incidentally as you will all know copies of the AGE newspaper are not available via Trove (they are available at the Vic State Library on microfilm) but many copies (some in better condition than the State Library Vic) can be found at but have not been OCR converted.

Australia / Re: Emily Harriet Norman
« on: Monday 24 February 14 19:11 GMT (UK)  »
Perhaps I'm reading into the name  "Weir" because of the possible connection through the other family Weir's but I've looked at the name carefully again and certainly the first letter is unmistakeably a W and I thought that the third letter is an "i", dotted in the same manner and location as the i in Emily, the last letter looks more like an "r" than an "e" to me also.

Nevertheless it's a good to have alternative opinions and the Wise name is something to go on especially the lead that Judith has found with Lawson.

I've come to a deadend on the Weir's in the available BDM records apart from looking into the ones I've mentioned before.

I have looked some time ago at the Emily Harriett Norman in England who married Frederick Henry Simpson in 1895  and that particular Emily was born in 1870, also the family Emily would have been aged 47 at that stage and Emily & Frederick went on still having children in 1911 by which stage the family Emily would have been aged 63.

Australia / Re: Emily Harriet Norman
« on: Sunday 23 February 14 21:33 GMT (UK)  »
Hello Sue;

The Emily H Weir is almost as enigmatic as the Emily H Norman!

I've gone through all the possible Emily, and Emma H Weir's without any success either, given the other Weir's in my family I'm still sure that there is a connection and Les Horn in the UK has been helping me with the Weirs but so far nothing.

I'm not one to "run up the white flag" too early and I only post on  forums seeking help when I really feel I'm running out of options.

It looks like I'll just have to pay the $A31 to get a copy of the death entry for Emily Weir who died at Woonona in NSW in 1898 and failing that the Emily Weir who died at Northampton WA in 1946 (although this is a longshot) as these look like the only possibilities at this stage, there are no newspaper entries that I can find that shed any light on these Emily Weirs.

I've attached a JPEG of the Emily H Weir signature on William's marriage entry 1871 and an example of an ornamental letter H, so I'm pretty sure that the middle initial is the letter H.

Australia / Re: Emily Harriet Norman
« on: Sunday 23 February 14 20:15 GMT (UK)  »
Thanks Cando, Sparrett & Jennaya;

1. The Plumber William Norman who lived in Clarendon St South Melb was not the family William although it's uncanny that he was living in Clarendon St which is the address that Jessie Norman gave on the ledger entry for her marriage.  This William Norman died in 1890 some nine years after the family William Norman and unlike my Normans there are numerous other records of his life (Port Philip Electoral Roll and Argus Newspaper entries).

(The link to William Norman Plumber death 1890  )

2. I get the impression that William Norman spent most of his life away from Australia serving with the RN and only returned in the late 1870's. There are certainly no records of William & Eliza having any further children and their death certificates list only the same children that came to Australia and the death of Fanny in Malta. The informant for the death of William and Eliza was in both cases their son William.

3. I have spent much time at the North Melbourne records office examining the large original ledger books form the Ballarat & Sunbury asylums trying to find the record for the Emily Norman who died at Ballarat in 1907 but to no avail. The problem I found was that this Emily Norman's name was included on the Male index not the Female but I could not find the actual entry in either case books (there are actually about 7 case books).  Her age given as 52 would place the DOB at 1855 which is a bit later but then again her true age may not have been known,  I have the  ledger entry for this death in 1907 and it sheds no light at all as all her details are unknown. Her brother William and sister Jessie were both still alive in 1907 and I thought that they would have known or been contacts. By the way these old asylum case books are not light reading and come complete with before and after photos of those that made it through!

4. I did not know about the Kew entry so I will follow this one up

5. I'm not confident that the Emerald Hill rate books will reveal anything as the family may have been living with someone else who is listed as the rate payer.

6. I should point out that I have also gone through the census records in the UK looking for Emily XXX born Malta without any success, there is an Emily Weir of exactly the right age whose death is registered at Medway which includes Chatham where William Norman's father John came from (the Normans were mariners).  The parents of William Norman Snr were John Norman and Sarah Wilson.

Thanks for all your efforts but this is a really hard one.

The records in Australia especially Victoria & NSW are very good but not perfect, I've already traced three family members one of whom is buried in the MGC that do not show up in the Vic BDM index, not to say they are not in the original ledgers though.

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