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Messages - Alfred Moynte

Pages: [1] 2 3
London & Middlesex Completed Lookup Requests / Re: lost London streets, Gone!
« on: Sunday 24 July 11 00:25 BST (UK)  »
Try the Internet Archive Wayback Machine

This is a great way to look at deleted web sites.  I just tried it successfully for the Lost London Streets site.  Go to the Wayback Machine, then enter the URL for L.L.S. ( in the blank field.

Essex Completed Lookup Requests / Re: Towns named Waltham in Essex
« on: Wednesday 14 October 09 02:07 BST (UK)  »
Thank you Bob.

Essex Completed Lookup Requests / Re: Towns named Waltham in Essex
« on: Sunday 30 July 06 00:00 BST (UK)  »
I've been off line for a while -- thank you for the replies.  Clincher you are right I have to keep expediency in mind; no one was thinking of Rootschat when they were filling in the forms. Nice bit of local lore jp, much appreciated to hear that kind of story.


Essex Completed Lookup Requests / Towns named Waltham in Essex
« on: Wednesday 31 May 06 12:07 BST (UK)  »
I'm trying to sort out all the Walthams I run across.  I know about Walthamstow and Waltham Forest (a modern creation).   Not so clear about "just plain" Waltham, Great Waltham, Little Waltham, and Waltham Abbey.  (Not to mention Coldwaltham and Bishop Waltham which I believe are not in Essex.)

When I see plain Waltham in the 1800s records, which one are we talking about?



Feel free to move this one over, Biker.  Thanks again to Reyz.



The Common Room / Same Address at Time of Marriage
« on: Saturday 17 December 05 14:15 GMT (UK)  »
On all three marriage certificates that I have in hand, the husband and wife were at the same "Residence at the Time of Marriage". In one case even the same house number.

The years were 1850, 1851, and 1893.  Southwark and Lambeth.

Is this unusual?   Sorry if discussed before, could not find such a topic.


Thank you to everyone for the helpful replies. By the way Emmeline, the groom in question, too, was an Alfred.

Best regards

Thank you for those links, mc8.

Somewhere in RootsChat (I think) I read a post that said not all marriages listed under St  Saviour Southwark involved the church that is now known as Southwark Cathedral. But for the life of me I cannot find that post now.


Just received a marriage certificate from 1893. "Marriage solemnized at the Parish Church in the Parish of St Saviour Southwark in the county of London". Residence at the time of marriage was Sumner St.  Married by George Horlock, Curate. Is there any way determine which church, from that information?


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