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Messages - vivdunstan

Pages: [1] 2 3 4 ... 12
All the details you need should be on the couple’s marriage certificate.

Go to to access the original records. The indexes are free to search, the digital images pay per view.

There is a 1876 marriage in the index at North Berwick of a couple of this name. You need to look at that original record to see the names of the fathers and mothers of the couple as recorded.

The children’s Scottish birth certificates - also on the site - should record when and where their parents married too.

And it is likely that death certificates for the earlier generation will help you trace back. Also on the same site, along with census returns, pre 1855 parish registers etc.

Roxburghshire / Re: Ann Pringle
« on: Saturday 13 June 20 19:48 BST (UK)  »
The early 1800s, including the 1840s, was a huge era of upheaval in the Scottish church community. Many people moved away from the main Church of Scotland. Sometimes to non conformist churches, who may, or may not, have left surviving baptism records. Often no records survive for these churches.

It means that it is extremely common for births not to be recorded in Scottish church records, no matter how hard or how long you look for. This is why it is so important to have other records. Fortunately you have the census records. Where do the parents names come from? Have you tried tracing them back? You may just have to accept that this birth, like thousands of others, is not recorded with a baptism.

My GENUKI Mordington parish page (the parish containing Lamberton Toll) has more info about Lamberton Toll and links to further resources about marriages there.

If that was Lamberton Toll in Berwickshire they had a runaway irregular marriage. There is probably not a legal church record of it. Unless the local kirk session interrogated them about it afterwards, perhaps when bringing in the first child to be baptised. These kirk session records where they survive are generally unindexed and in a separate archive from the parish registers of baptism and marriages. They cannot yet be searched online, and have to be looked at in Edinburgh or via computer in a number of archive search rooms around Scotland.

Berwickshire / Re: Dingleton Hospital Melrose
« on: Tuesday 18 February 20 18:39 GMT (UK)  »
Above in the screenshot it is written that he is buried in Galashiels.

No, it says that his death was registered in Galashiels.

You should order a copy of his death certificate - using the link on the site you gave a screenshot of - to get more details of his circumstances when he died.

It won't give a place of burial, but would give you extra information, including cause of death, his address, and the name of the informant when he died.

Berwickshire / Re: Dingleton Hospital Melrose
« on: Monday 10 February 20 15:35 GMT (UK)  »
That's really interesting! I just wish I could pin down an accident report because then I'd know how long ago the head injury happened. My great-grandparents had retired and "come back home" to Edinburgh (after years living in what was then Southern Rhodesia) around 1932 or '33, so the accident could have occurred any time between then and late 1939.

You could try accessing her detailed patient records at Dingleton. The hospital’s records survive, in Edinburgh. I describe them in GENUKI at

And if you follow the link though from there you should be able to find the full archive details. There are confidentiality closures, but as a great grandchild you may be able to access them.

Berwickshire / Re: Middlemiss marriages !!!
« on: Tuesday 04 February 20 14:18 GMT (UK)  »
If a couple married irregularly rather than in a church the marriage would often be recorded in the kirk session minutes, when the couple are told off, rather than in the church’s marriage registers. Generally kirk session minutes, where they survive, are held separately, and not part of the digitised records at There are plans to make them more widely available, but they’re not ready yet.

Of course spelling variations are also a huge issue to contend with. I find wildcards help when searching. Eg in this case I’d search for mid*l*m*s* rather than a specific spelling.

Good luck!

Roxburghshire / Re: Hawick burial - which churchyard?
« on: Wednesday 18 December 19 15:24 GMT (UK)  »
Thanks, Viv :) A lot of info there. It mentions at the end of William's writeup that he's buried in St Mary's. Refers to my great(x4)-grandmother too, Margaret who married William Kennedy. And the Boa spelling (for a good while I was looking for Boas instead of Bowies). If I'd had this way back when, I could've saved myself some frustration. All good stuff though :)

Excellent! I hadn’t looked at the entry, and didn’t think it would list a burial place. Excellent result! And glad there is extra info in there for you.

Roxburghshire / Re: Hawick burial - which churchyard?
« on: Monday 16 December 19 13:11 GMT (UK)  »
Astronomy and Astrophysics at the University of British Columbia.... am I missing something? I can't see anything relating to Hawick on that page.

Use this link:

It's a superb resource for people with Hawick connections. Compiled by Hawick man Douglas Scott, Prof of Astronomy.

It won't help answer your specific question, but it may be of interest nevertheless.

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