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Messages - hosta girl

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Family History Beginners Board / Re: TIDY, Charles Arthur - obituary lookup
« on: Sunday 18 September 16 16:41 BST (UK)  »
Not being able to afford a gravestone, esp. for children, does make sense during that era - thank you for telling me this.  I have found this where I live as well, even for adults.  The village is Carleton-in-Craven, a couple of miles from Skipton.  The document I found via Ancestry is a copy of the Parish Record which listed the 'Record' number for baby Evelyn's burial, info I sent in my e-mail.  Will update when I hear something.

Family History Beginners Board / Re: TIDY, Charles Arthur - obituary lookup
« on: Sunday 18 September 16 00:57 BST (UK)  »
Hello dawnsh.  I am attempting to find the names of C.A. Tidy's family members so that I can contact  them.  Have recently discovered some good information in order to do this.

Hello Threlfall Yorky - I found the info on my aunt's burial spot and have sent an e-mail to a contact e-mail address for the very tiny village where the churchyard is to see if there is a gravestone and if so if someone could take a couple of pictures.  I visited that same churchyard some years back and took many photos and wish I knew then what I know now.  I looked at many gravestones then & did not see one for her but hope to have this confirmed.

I apologize for posting 2 different subjects in the same thread - won't do again.

Family History Beginners Board / Re: TIDY, Charles Arthur - obituary lookup
« on: Monday 12 September 16 06:13 BST (UK)  »
Hello ThrelfallYorky - I'm attempting to find the burial spot of my mother's oldest sister who was born (1915) & died (1916) in England before my g.parents immigrated to Canada.  Place of death from the GRO is listed as Low Ground, Elslack, Skipton which I think was the farm my g.father grew up on.  I  believe she may be buried at St. Mary's Church in Carleton-in-Craven or Carleton Church in Carleton.  Not sure if these are the same place.  Old notes indicate that in some cases burials aren't recorded in cemeteries although the person is in the churchyard.  Would it be best to contact the church?  If she is not there do you have any suggestions on how I could find her?

Hello rosie99 & others regarding C.A. Tidy - rec'd a response from the History Centre in Surrey letting me know they have The Surrey Advertiser on m.f. from 1994-2000 & what their hourly fees are for searching.  They also suggested ordering the Will to verify if they had children which I will do.  Thx for your other suggestions re newspaper & crematorium.  Appreciated.

Charles Tidy's plane was shot down during WW11, he escaped and eventually made it back to England.  I ordered 2 small military reports from the Ntl Archives but neither are of the plane going down and escape/help from French Resistance.  Does anyone know if the report I'm looking for is ever released in England?

Family History Beginners Board / Re: TIDY, Charles Arthur - obituary lookup
« on: Monday 05 September 16 19:40 BST (UK)  »
Hi Gibel,
This index is a new website to me but after going on a couple of times I did find info on Charles' wife (address in Ash, Aldershot, Hants) who died in 1994 and who I think is one of Charles' sons who died in 1992 (he lived elsewhere).  The only info I found for Charles in the probate index (he died in 2000) was the date & place of probate + probate #.  I did not see anything about who the executor/s were.  I do know that I would have to purchase the Will to find out more info but before doing that I would want to know for sure that family members are listed - info I hear is not always there.
Now that I know their address in Ash when his wife died I will contact the Surrey History Centre in Woking to give them more info.

Family History Beginners Board / Re: TIDY, Charles Arthur - obituary lookup
« on: Friday 02 September 16 20:47 BST (UK)  »
Hi Girl Guide and ThrelfallYorky,

Thanks for responding and giving me some suggestions.  I have been trying to find family for so long and feel I'm closer to doing this but of course in researching we all know there are speed bumps along the way.  ThrelfallYorky, you are correct about the Canadian & American obituaries and in the Vancouver (Canada) Vancouver Sun a lot have photos.  A friend who also researches & who grew up in England did warn me that 'notices' in England usually only state a date and where the service may be and that the probate may not list family members. 

Thank you Girl Guide for the newspaper website which I will check out.  According to an Ancestry FT Charles died in Ash, Surrey.  The England & Wales Death Reg. Index lists the 'Event Place' as West Surrey, Surrey, England.  The probate was done in Winchester, Hants.  I didn't order the probate information because of being told there would probably not be any family info included and after finding the probate info for who I think was one of Charles' sons who died in 1994.  No names, very generic.  Did you actually see information in the probate? A couple of people who have Trees were contacted (not by me) but never heard back. 

I looked on Find a Grave for 2 churches I found in Ash but no results.  Also e-mailed the public library in Ash last night (love libraries!) and received a response this morning to say that because the library does not have the resources to look up an obit they have forwarded my request to the Surrey History Centre in Woking.  Rec'd an automated response from them this morning saying I'm in the line-up and they aim to answer requests within 20 working days.

FYI, I have roots in both Hampshire and Yorkshire on my maternal side.  My maternal g.mother was born in Itchen-Stoke and have relatives in the New Forest & Lymington as well as some who unfortunately spent time in a Workhouse in Alton.  My maternal g.father was born in a tiny village, with the nearest 'city' being Skipton.  Have visited England many times.

Thanks again.
hosta girl

Family History Beginners Board / Re: TIDY, Charles Arthur - obituary lookup
« on: Thursday 01 September 16 22:33 BST (UK)  »
You are correct - I mistakenly took the death date from another source - same person but different death date.  I also have the death and probate deaths from the probate search website.
I find that even with the incorrect date that something usually appears but also thinking that obits are rare to find.  I don't live in England so was hoping that someone could steer me in the right direction in finding an obituary, e.g. newspaper or library.
Thanks CaroleW

Family History Beginners Board / TIDY, Charles Arthur - obituary lookup
« on: Thursday 01 September 16 18:58 BST (UK)  »
Hi, I am wondering if someone would be interested in seeing if there was an obituary for the above person who died August 31, 2000 in Ash, Surrey, England.  Charles was born July 3, 1920 in the Registration District/County of Southwark, Greater London and at one time lived in Cranley/Cranleigh Surrey.  I found him in the 1939 Register Transcription with his parents Frank Arthur & Elsie Winifred.  His wife, Sylvia Joan (nee Ive) died in March 1994.
I have tried many different websites (Ancestry, FindMyPast,  Find A Grave) without success.
Thank you.
hosta girl

Thank you very much for your quick reply and two website links - this is great.  I am also looking for an obituary, or other newspaper articles on Marion and Virginia's brother - Alan Graham Reid - who was killed Sept. 1, 1944 in France.  Any articles would most likely be in the same newspapers but I noticed one of the resources you mentioned starts at 1997.  Any suggestions for finding Alan's obit?

I do have other info on Alan - birth index (May 11, 1918 in Yakima) and military - but not an obit. 


I'm wondering if someone would be willing to look up and send me the obituaries for the following 2 people as the Washington State libraries no longer provide this service:

1) Marion H. Reid (middle name Hall), 1915- Nov. 7,1999.  Obit. in the Yakima Herald Republic newspaper November 27, 1999.
2) Virginia (Reid) Davis, 1917- Dec. 14, 2010.  Obit. in Yakima Herald Republic newspaper December 19, 2010.

Thank you.
hosta girl

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