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Messages - DrT33th

Pages: [1] 2 3
Angus (Forfarshire) / Re: Sir Robert Peel
« on: Friday 23 June 17 11:42 BST (UK)  »
Yup.  Looking like a dead end. ;D

Angus (Forfarshire) / Sir Robert Peel
« on: Tuesday 30 May 17 14:52 BST (UK)  »
A Montrose Visitors Website refers to the town's Statue of Sir Robert Peel as follows:

"The south end of the High Street is overlooked by a statue of Sir Robert Peel, a local man who was British Prime Minister and founder of the present-day Police Force. From his name came the old slang term for police, 'The Peelers'."

Is there a Montrose connection to Sir Robert Peel?  It doesn't appear in any of the biography stuff I have read (although to be fair I didn't delve too deeply).

Does anyone know?

Down / Re: The bouncing McBrides
« on: Tuesday 18 April 17 22:52 BST (UK)  »
Hi Sam,

That is spectacular!  Thank you Sam and Sinann

... in the space of 24 hours I have gone from knowing not much more than

"my grandfather was born in County Down"


Where he was born (Montrose St, Ballymacarret, Belfast) (yes the Down side of the city)... [Question, why does the birth cert say 'Castlereagh District' Belfast and not Ballymacarret?]

..and details of my Great Grandparents wedding...linking to names of my GG Grandparents  ;D

So far, just FYI, I am one quarter Irish, one sixteenth English and the balance Scottish...   Living in Melbourne Australia...

What a wonderful day...  ;D

- Fraser

Down / Re: The bouncing McBrides
« on: Tuesday 18 April 17 13:19 BST (UK)  »
Woo Hoo   ;D ;D ;D

I have found all three sons, living at 3 Montrose Street, in Belfast.

Thank you so much.  This nis a good start. I can work on from here   :P

 - Fraser

Down / Re: The bouncing McBrides
« on: Tuesday 18 April 17 12:56 BST (UK)  »
Wow.. That looks like him...but 4 years older than I was told!!  1893 not 1897!!..and Belfast and not County Down as per the Scottish 1901 census.  :o ::)

No wonder I was having trouble  ;D

Down / Re: The bouncing McBrides
« on: Tuesday 18 April 17 12:27 BST (UK)  »
Hi Sinann, Thank you for that  :D 

I am in Melbourne I can only post overnight / early morning UK/Ireland time.  8)

Samuel McBride (senior) was born about 1859
Mary Jane Davis (Wife) about about 1861

Francis about 1891
William about 1893
Samuel (my Grandfather) 17th April 1897.

- Fraser

Down / The bouncing McBrides
« on: Tuesday 18 April 17 10:51 BST (UK)  »
I am hoping for some help, as I have hit a brick wall.

My grandfather, Samuel McBride, came to Scotland (Old Kilpatrick) as a young child, from County Down, around 1900.  The family all appear in the 1901 census and again in the 1911 census

Samuel McBride
Mary McBride (Wife)
William, Francis and Samuel (sons) all arrived together.

The 1901 census has has them all as born in County Down, but no detail.

Robert (Bobby) was born soon after their arrival in Scotland.

In 1901 they lived in "Peacock's Land" old Kilpatrick, which I understand is actually in Duntocher/Hardgate area. 

In the 1911 Census they are living at 26 Radnor Street, Clydebank.

Sometime after 1911 the family returned to Ireland (possible County Antrim. I know that my grandfather use to visit family in Lisburn.)

The family "tradition" is that Samuel fell out with his father and he and Bobby left Ireland again to return to Scotland.

Samuel, my grandfather, then served in the army in the first world war, came home and married Isabella Gillan ..and the rest is, well..history.

I have no idea how to track the McBride family before they got on the boat to Scotland, or what happened after they went back.

Any and all ideas gratefully received.

 - Fraser

Angus (Forfarshire) / Re: "Joining the Watts"
« on: Monday 17 April 17 08:19 BST (UK)  »
1841 census in Montrose. James Watt, 30, baker and confectioner with Christina Watt, 25; Helen Watt, 15; John Moore, 4; Jane Ann Watt, 5 months; two apprentices and a servant. This looks like James Watt and Christina Gordon, but I don't see a marriage date. Their daughter Jane Ann was born 28 December 1840.

They also had
James Wilson, 23 October 1842 (note the middle name)
Christina, 18 April 1844
Robertina Helen, 15 May 1846

Hi Forfarian,

A far as I can see James Watt went south and married Christiana Gordon (Father Charles Gordon, a Tailor) on 23 Nov 1839 at St George the Martyr Church in London then brought her back to Montrose for a while before heading back to London...  They appear again in the London 1861 census as a family, living in Clerkenwell St James, Pentonville District.

 - Fraser

Angus (Forfarshire) / Re: "Joining the Watts"
« on: Sunday 16 April 17 13:31 BST (UK)  »
Hi all... Your assistance tonight has been spectacular.  Thank you... but it is getting late here Down Under, and bedtime.

So, thank you all again...I am off for a kip!!   :) :)

- Fraser

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