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Messages - jo Archibald

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dear jap and mcleod syme
I have beeen researching my husbands family and found his ggrandfather David Archibald  :) was a footman at northfeild house in the early 1880's. He emmigrated to Australia in 1860 and became successful in the copper mining town of Moonta. He named his son Thomas Syme and his grand child was named George Hamilton (my father in law).
I knew they were from Prestonpans and that Capitan george Syme played a part in their upbringing, their father was killed in the Lucknow rebellion in India and his wife mary grieves was left with a young family two of the boys were put into James schaws home for poor boys of respectable parents of which Capitan Syme was a governor I feel he must have been good to them for great grandfather to honour him by naming his children after him and the area they came from, thought you might be interested.

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