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Messages - tulipwindmill

Pages: [1] 2
Lanarkshire / Re: Old Motherwell addresses
« on: Sunday 19 March 17 14:38 GMT (UK)  »
Hi,I just came across this through a Google search.My gran lived in Netherwood Road for years,Im sure she was 27 and the Farrells lived next door to her!

Lanarkshire / Re: Newsagents in Motherwell
« on: Sunday 10 November 13 18:50 GMT (UK)  »
Thanks Lodger.As far as I remember that building that is the Hairdressers was a lawyers office and a doctors surgery.In fact,Dr Wyper may have been in it at one point.As a child I only ever remember the area where the new surgery is across from the new Toll st flats as being waste ground.I do remember the Taggarts buildings across from the school too at one point. "The big hoose" you are talking about at the corner of Toll St is that what Im talking about? It's now the Hair Store,looks out across to what was Strathclyde caravans? Everytime I try to explain where this is people end up confused and on the wrong end of the street lol,which makes it difficult to explain! Angela

Lanarkshire / Newsagents in Motherwell
« on: Sunday 10 November 13 16:07 GMT (UK)  »
I was wondering if anyone can help me.This is driving me insane!As a child,I remember a tiny newsagents,almost like a shed,nestled in next to what was then a doctors surgery.This would be just before the turn off for Knowetop.The doctor's is  now a hairdressers and is 460 Windmillhill st.Locals will know that next to that is a patch of grass,between the patch of grass and the Hair Store building is some bushes,this wee shop was in   there,around late 1970's early 1980's. Noone,including my mum remembers it.Can anyone shed any light on this please?


World War Two / Re: RAF in India
« on: Wednesday 28 August 13 23:05 BST (UK)  »
Greensleeves,that sounds like the stories I used to be told.There were train stories,stories about being on a boat.My grampa had a pet monkey called Jacko.He also told us about lying in bed and watching a lizard in his jacket pocket.Talked about char wallahs,and driving big wigs,but never said what exactly he did sadly!


World War Two / Re: RAF in India
« on: Tuesday 27 August 13 12:40 BST (UK)  »
Thanks for that Spikey68,I will investigate that one!


World War Two / Re: RAF in India
« on: Monday 26 August 13 19:26 BST (UK)  »
Thanks Nanny and Ruskie,
Yeah,I have found some stuff in the past and been on WW2talk before.Thing is,an LAC was more driving and maintanance,so you don't really get much about that part of things.He told us stories about driving big names around and we know he was based in New Delhi and I think Calcutta too.His name was Andrew White.We have some air graphs he sent to my gran and on those he has his rank LAC,which we found to be Leading Aircraftman.However,I do also have a newspaper cutting which has him ranked as Corporal.He was also  involved in the concert parties.I have a programme dated Dec 8th 1942 in which he appears as a baritone. This tells me that the Station Commander at the time was Wing Commander H Stanton.There are also loads of pictures which sadly have no writing on the back!
As you can see,I do have bits and pieces including a National Service card and a letter from SD NIGAM station master at Manpur.I guess,his service records would be the next step.


World War Two / RAF in India
« on: Monday 26 August 13 12:47 BST (UK)  »
my grampa was in India during the war.He was a LAC in the RAF.Thing is,I find it very hard to find info about this area during the war.I am thinking about getting his service records,just the cost puts me off lol.Are there any sites or anything that could give me more info on what went on there?

Thanks Angela

Found this comment on pic from my cousin.

"...we think, is Jim Cater in front of one of the Bridgeton shops.  There’s a sign on the right hand side which gives the address (215 Main Street, Bridgeton) of the main branch but my mum thinks the shop in the photo is somewhere near John Street Secondary School so not actually too far from the main one. "

If it's Jim Cater,then,that would be the boxer,so,its his son,boxed in Olympic team.

Thanks for the colouring,it's lovely.



Amazing how clear you can make these pics.You people are fab.Thanks!


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