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Messages - Sarah63

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Leicestershire Lookup Requests / Re: Ann Neal - Newbold Verdon b 1834
« on: Friday 17 February 17 22:16 GMT (UK)  »
Well done Lorraine, I didn't know FindMyPast had released the Leicestershire records I fear I'm about to loose my half term holiday to research  :D . I went to st Johns with my parents last September so I know where you mean re the unmarked graves. I will ask my gt aunt who is George Neal's granddaughter (though she was born long after he died) she may know though she does get confused these days. We need to find what happened to Theodosisa, I have sessions searching but haven't got any further, you'd think looking for someone over 90 when they died would narrow it down!! Anyway happy hunting Lorraine and hope your Ok, same to you Trisha, I'm heading over to the FindMyPast website to loose a few hours, I mean do some research. Sarah x

Leicestershire Lookup Requests / Re: Ann Neal - Newbold Verdon b 1834
« on: Monday 22 August 16 23:08 BST (UK)  »
I've had another look at the census image and can see why they went for Helan and yes if she couldn't spell her name it was reliant on the census numerator to put down their version of what they heard. When I first came across her I thought great an unusual name she'll be easy to find! How wrong I was! I don't think I've got her name spelt the same way twice!
Re: the layout of census, experience of other ones tell me they are generally laid out geographically so you can often identify locations of houses might help with this. It would be great to find a death record, goodness knows what name to look under! Keep hunting!
S x

Leicestershire Lookup Requests / Re: Ann Neal - Newbold Verdon b 1834
« on: Sunday 21 August 16 20:47 BST (UK)  »
She's living on her own - no address noted and is listed as a pauper

Leicestershire Lookup Requests / Re: Ann Neal - Newbold Verdon b 1834
« on: Sunday 21 August 16 16:11 BST (UK)  »
Hi Trisha and Lorraine
I think I've found Theophilia Neal on the 1851 census!!
I'd got her on the 1841 census as Theodica Crosher living with son William Neal in Newbold Verdon and on the 1861 census as Theophia Chrashaw living with her daughter Ann Spencer but had given up looking on the 1851 census.
Anyway went back to basics and searched for anyone living in Leic born in Desford around 1769 and amongst the results was a Felos Evoshew living in Newbold Verdon. That cannot even be a name I thought! When I look at the record I think it's Felas Croshaw so could Felas be a spelling for philia? And Croshaw a spelling for Crosher? I'm thinking yes, based on an ancestry course I've completed which covered spelling names as they sounded and based on different accents etc. Anyway I had to tell someone who might be interested as I'm struggling to get my lot to grasp how exciting it is having a break through when you've hit a brick wall! Hope you're both well

Leicestershire Lookup Requests / Re: Ann Neal - Newbold Verdon b 1834
« on: Monday 16 May 16 20:41 BST (UK)  »
Hi Lorraine and Ted

Lorraine I think you are right about Rebecca Meadows, my mum remembers willoughby's daughters, they used to visit my Nan with their mother after willoughby died. I think Rebbecca died in Dec 1917, there is a death in Ashby for an Ann Rebecca Neal b1849, but I need to send for the death cert to check (I know she was baby used as Ann Rebbecca Coley). The John Lea d1927 aged 7 was the son of John Lea 1885-1967 and my Nan's brother he was known as Jack, all this calling children after parents in some ways helps you confirm things but in others is confusing. The Lea in John Lea is the maiden name of Ann Rebecca Coley's mother Catherine Coley nee Lea. John Lea had another child Vera who also died in childhood in 1922 aged 5. Thanks for all the baptism info. Keep digging 🙂

Ted I've got Ann and Benjamin Neal living as Kennys with a James Kenny in the 1891 census but nothing after that, though I will check again with fresh eyes.

My Nan used to tell us "Mrs Bird stories" when we were little in the 60's she said Mrs Bird was a relative but I'm not sure of the actual connection. My Nan, Mary Rebbeca and her father John Lea Neal both had red hair and Mrs Bird would tease my Nan that her mother had left her out I the rain and she'd gone rusty! Both my mum, my sister and I have red hair do found these stories funny, my daughter also has red hair, do either of you have red hair in the family? My Nan always said it came down the Coley side.

I'm off to do more hunting, I envy you Lorraine being so local to it all, I'm not far away in Birmingham but somehow there's never time for me to spend a day trawling round grave yards/record offices.
Take care both

Leicestershire Lookup Requests / Re: Ann Neal - Newbold Verdon b 1834
« on: Wednesday 11 May 16 16:27 BST (UK)  »
Hi Lorraine
Thanks for the info about the pub. My great aunt George Neal's grand daughter is still alive and lives over nr ashby and a lot of the family are still over that way so I might drag my mum over to the pub for a look. I know what you mean about Theo and her name spelling! I'd given up on her and was going down and along so looked at all her children and followed them through on the census and there she was living with her daughter Ann. I've been on a mission since to find a death cert but no luck grrrr! It seems both her names can be spelt a zillion ways!
I've got details on Smith and Bevin for the father of Ann Neal's children from newspaper articles and Kenny? (Not sure about him, tho Benjamin does use his name) but no death details for Ann, not sure if I'm looking for Neal or Kenny? Also do you have death details for George Neal b1851? I went to WDYTYA live at the NEC last month but apart from inspiration and sore feet I didn't get any further on. I'm descended down through John Lee Neal, you?
S 🙂

Thanks for that, I'll check it out 😊

Leicestershire Lookup Requests / Re: Ann Neal - Newbold Verdon b 1834
« on: Tuesday 10 May 16 17:47 BST (UK)  »
Hi both
Wow photos that's fantastic. Which pub are they in? We go over quite a bit I wouldn't mind having a look.

My Nan, Mary Rebecca Neal George's granddaughter always talked about George as someone who had made good and she spoke a lot about the farm, I think most of the rest of the family were down the pit so George was definitely a cut above. It's interesting what you say about identifying with some ancestors, I identify with Ann Neal and use her as an inspiration, she really had to fight to keep her family together and did everything she could to support them with little help from the men in her life! It's interesting what you say about her educating her children, I've got quite a few newspaper articles about her getting charged in the petty sessions with not sending the children to school, instead sending them out to work. I don't know how she managed really, these men seem to go off and marry other girls after having a couple of children with her. Her older sister also had a child out of marriage but she goes on to marry and have a stable life, it must have seemed very unfair to Ann.

I'd be interested to hear if you find out more about Theo I've found her on the 1861 census as Theophia Chrashaw aged 92 but no death cert also I can't find her on the 1851 census and I've tried spelling both names every which way! She certainly lived a long life!
Sarah63 :)

Thanks Larkspur for all the info, I had a bit of it but not most, it's not been helped by the mix of Hannah and Anna. I've also had confusion over whether she was a Wilson or not (family tradition tells me she is) the 1851 census has a William Waddington living with the family in Newark and described as brother I can't find any other record for him other than a Chelsea Pensioner record. It's becoming a real brick wall for me!
Thanks again for your help :)

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