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Messages - asterix57

Pages: [1] 2
Yorkshire (West Riding) Lookup Requests / Re: 1851 - Christopher Slinger's marriage
« on: Monday 10 October 16 12:57 BST (UK)  »
No worries, Gerry. Thanks for getting back to me.

Yorkshire (West Riding) Lookup Requests / Re: 1851 - Christopher Slinger's marriage
« on: Tuesday 04 October 16 16:42 BST (UK)  »
Hi Gerry,

I know it's years since you posted this, but I've only just come across it. I'm not quite sure what your main interest is, but Elizabeth Slinger (nee Fletcher) was my 2xgreatgrandmother's younger sister, so if you are interested I can provide you with some information about the Fletchers.

best regards


Pembrokeshire / Re: John Owen(s), born around 1827 in Haverfordwest
« on: Sunday 17 April 16 12:20 BST (UK)  »
Of course, Deirdre: he died Oct 11 (buried 15th). Cause of death "old age"! If you give me your e-mail address I can send you a scanned copy.

By the way, just looking through the earlier messages here, I was reminded that your John - although not himself a shoe maker - was the son of James, shoe maker. So to my mind it seems logical that James would himself have come from a family of shoe makers - which would seem to support the view that James came from the family in Prendergast, wouldn't it?

Pembrokeshire / Re: John Owen(s), born around 1827 in Haverfordwest
« on: Saturday 16 April 16 14:34 BST (UK)  »
In case it is of interest, I ordered the death certificate of Joseph Owens of Prendergast. It confirms that he was 93 when he died, and also that he was a shoemaker, which ties him in to my later Owen ancestors.

Armed Forces / Sir James Wilson (1780-1847)
« on: Friday 11 March 16 13:46 GMT (UK)  »
Despite the fact that the above was well-known (fought in the Peninsular Wars, etc.), and is in the Dictionary of National Biography, there seems to be no information about where and when he was born. Can anyone help?

Derbyshire / Re: Derby Cantrills
« on: Sunday 14 February 16 13:15 GMT (UK)  »
Just an afterthought on the Cantrills. You mention the Manchester connection, and perhaps the following is relevant?

The only likely marriage I came across for Henry Cantrill's parents took place between Henry Cantrill and Mary Rainey in Manchester Dec 16 1805, which was not long before his birth in 1807 - albeit in Derby. However, I then found that that couple had several children born in Manchester (I don't have the names or dates here), which rather put me off the scent. However, I suppose it is conceivable that they were living in Derby at the time of Henry's birth, but then moved back to Manchester?

Derbyshire / Re: Derby Cantrills
« on: Sunday 14 February 16 12:34 GMT (UK)  »
Hi Emms,

I see, I got the wrong end of the stick. I live in England, but am currently working abroad. However, if (in order to preserve privacy) you text me your e-mail address on 07710 376555 I can send you a summary of the Sale family tree, going back to Rev Richard Sale (1545-1625). The line goes back a lot further than that, but it gets a bit vague in the Middle Ages, i.e. isn't exactly unbroken. However, some of the families the Sales married into go back a lot further.

best regards


Derbyshire / Re: Derby Cantrills
« on: Friday 12 February 16 11:03 GMT (UK)  »
Hi Emms,

Thanks for your prompt reply.

The problem with the Cantrillls is that although I know Henry's parents were called Henry and Mary, the only marriage I can find which might fit took place in Manchester - and the family in question seems to have stayed in Manchester, i.e. rather than moved to Derby. So no progress there.

However, as for Henry's wife Elizabeth Sale (1805-1893): I don't know if you know much about the Sales, but if you don't, how much time do you have, and how far back would you like to go?!

I'm not quite sure where to begin: it might almost be easier to Skype, if you're on Skype?

Where are you in Australia?



Derbyshire / Re: Derby Cantrills
« on: Friday 12 February 16 09:50 GMT (UK)  »
Hi, I've just picked up this thread after typing in Henry Cantrill.

First, I am delighted to see Gary's post which confirms a hunch I have long had that Coventry Patmore might be Gurney's brother (they both just seemed unusual first names which sort of went together).

Emms, you mention in your earlier post the double wedding of Sarah and her sister Caroline. I didn't know they were married on the same day in, I think, 1859. Caroline's husband was indeed Thomas Cox, a wine merchant of Derby. They lived at 93 Friar Gate, which is still there, and looks large enough for their family of 11 (surviving) children. Their daughter Mary Louisa was my greatgrandmother, and I am also in touch with several descendants of her sister Frances ("Fanny") in places as diverse as Cape Town, Montreal and Detroit. I can fill you in a bit with the Cantrills - but not very far, as I can't get back beyond Henry's baptism in Derby in 1807. If you are interested in the ancestors of Sarah and Caroline, however, that is a whole different story...

best wishes


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