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Messages - Liverpool Lou

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Down / Re: Mahood in Portaferry, County Down
« on: Friday 12 January 07 08:32 GMT (UK)  »
Hello Chris

I have taken your advice and posted an email to the Portaferry site.  I had visited their site before and, like you, I was disappointed that there was no genealogy section.

Good luck with your researches


London & Middlesex Completed Lookup Requests / Re: Stemp family
« on: Monday 06 March 06 11:14 GMT (UK)  »
Hello Marlene

I am not aware of any Stemps from my line making the move to New Zealand, but it is always a possibility because I am a long way from tracing everyone yet.  I have tried Google searches, but nothing has come of them as yet.  My Stemp line seem to have been an illiterate bunch who moved from Surrey to London round about 1840 or 1850, and then moved around a lot in London.  I have been concentrating on other family lines recently, but I am just about ready to make a serious effort to find more about the Stemp family.

PS - do you know anyone out there called Pennington?  I have some interesting information, left behind by my grandfather, about a Herbert Pennington who emigrated to NZ in 1908 - I would love to pass it on to any descendants of his.

Best wishes

Linda (aka Liverpool Lou)

Lancashire / Re: Liverpool McDougall family
« on: Tuesday 24 January 06 23:44 GMT (UK)  »
Hi Celia,

My nearest library is a village one, and even the nearest town library is rather small - plus I am disabled and can't leave the house on my own :(

The name McDougall is rather too common I think to be able to follow up on the off chance that a person might be a relative.  I think I am going to have to hold out for someone contacting me who has already traced their family back that far.

Oh, and yes I have added the name to my list of names, but I shall take your advice and have a look for the McDougall interest board.

Thank you, Lou

London & Middlesex Completed Lookup Requests / Re: Stemp family
« on: Monday 23 January 06 17:38 GMT (UK)  »
Hello Meliora,

I have got that census information thanks, and like you I was rather puzzled by the two George Stemps, the same age and with the same jobs.  At first I thought he had moved out due to lack of space at home and had been mistakenly recorded twice - but now I think that they may have actually been two different people as I have found another George getting married.  What I am hoping to do is trace 'my' George's siblings as I have no idea what happened to them and never heard him or my father talk about them.
Best wishes

Lancashire / Liverpool McDougall family
« on: Monday 23 January 06 11:58 GMT (UK)  »
I am looking for descendants of Ronald McDougall, born 1838 in Glasgow, who moved to Liverpool in about 1852 and set up an undertakers which is still operating today.  He had 14 children that survived from two marriages (Emma Rice, then Isabella Howe Oliphant).  The children were born between 1860 and 1884 are were born in this order: Harriett, Ronald, Richard, Mabel,  Emma, Margaret, Jessie, William, Allan, Kenneth and Rona (twins), Nellie, Alister.

I have a few details of some of them, and I know that a few emigrated, but there must be descendants out there somewhere!

London & Middlesex Completed Lookup Requests / Stemp family
« on: Monday 23 January 06 11:44 GMT (UK)  »
I am looking for any information on the Stemp family in London.  My grandfather (George Thomas Stemp born 1884) lived in thornhill Islington, Edmonton, Hendon and eventually moved to Yorkshire.

I would really like to trace his 4 sisters: Alice born 1879, Florence born 1881, Charlottte born 1887 and Lilian born 1889; also his brothers: Albert born 1895 and Frank born 1898.  I had no idea all these people existed until I started researching!

Down / Mahood in Portaferry, County Down
« on: Monday 23 January 06 11:27 GMT (UK)  »
Has anyone any links to this family?  The furthest back that I can get is James Mahood who married Rose.  They had three surviving children that I know of - Hugh, William born c1817 and James born 1823.  The three children emigrated to Liverpool.

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