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Messages - EdinKath

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Family History Beginners Board / Re: Merchant Navy records CR1 CR2 CR10
« on: Wednesday 29 May 24 22:09 BST (UK)  »
Thanks Hugh. I've sent you a PM.

Family History Beginners Board / Re: Merchant Navy records CR1 CR2 CR10
« on: Wednesday 29 May 24 17:40 BST (UK)  »
I also have questions about CR1 and CR2 records and thought I'd post here instead of starting a new thread.
The service record I'm looking at has a CR2 dated 11 March 1924, ship 143058, Port Nicholson.
On the back is a list of ship numbers and one date. Is this likely to be the date of joining the ship or date of discharge? The first ship on the list is also 143058, date 1 Aug 1925.

The CR1 is stamped 8 Sept 1924. Does this mean that he joined the ship in March 1924, left in Sept 1924 and then rejoined 11 months later in Aug 1925? Or did men sign up for a set period, like one year?

From newspaper reports, the Port Nicholson made a trip to Australia between March and Aug 1924 so he would have been back in the UK to be discharged in September. The ship then left for Australia again in October but hit a rock off Gran Canaria and passengers and crew had to be rescued, the cargo (including dynamite) transferred to another ship and the ship repaired. I'm trying to work out whether or not my grandfather was on this second voyage.
Thank you!

Armed Forces / Re: Identifying WW1 item
« on: Friday 10 May 24 22:30 BST (UK)  »
Thanks Ashtone and Andy.

Armed Forces / Identifying WW1 item
« on: Friday 10 May 24 18:35 BST (UK)  »
Hello all, A friend of my father's has had this WW1 related wrist band for some time. I think he got it during the time he worked in antiques, probably from a house clearance in Glasgow. He's keen to know what it is, who it belonged to, and if possible, to pass it on to any interested descendants of the owner. I know Rootschat can't look for living people, but perhaps the military experts on here can help with the first two parts of the question? I assume HLI is the Highland Light Infantry and the number could be a service number but my google searches haven't turned up anything so far.
Thank you!


Hi Ivy,
Welcome to Rootschat. I see you've not had any replies yet. I'm afraid I can't help with information about their journey, but do you have Donald and Catherine's marriage details and Henrietta's birth in Scotland?

From Scotland's People there is this baptism record:
13/07/1834 044 20 / 51 ASSYNT

And there are two marriage entries probably relating to dates of the banns:

So if this is the right family, they must have travelled sometime after July 1834.

Can you post any other information you have from NZ records, such as Donald and Catherine's ages or Donald's occupation? Those details might help someone else find them on a passenger list.

Lanarkshire / Re: carnwath graveyard
« on: Wednesday 21 February 24 17:44 GMT (UK)  »
Thank you so much Lodger! I am hoping to go sometime so this is really helpful for locating the stone.

The Lighter Side / Re: The railway revolution and its impact on our ancestors.
« on: Tuesday 20 February 24 21:07 GMT (UK)  »
I found Bradshaw's timetable for 1850 on this site:
On p.96 it says London to Carlisle was 11.5 hours or 9.5 express and another 4 to Glasgow or Edinburgh.
I can't find the fares from London but (if I'm reading it right) Carlisle to Glasgow was 13s 2d in second class. Would there have been children's fares then? It's a long journey to be in the baggage car if the kids were posted!

The Lighter Side / Re: The railway revolution and its impact on our ancestors.
« on: Friday 16 February 24 21:02 GMT (UK)  »
Hi, Does anyone know how long the train journey from London to Scotland would have been in the mid 1850s? How much it cost? And what the trip would have been like?

There are two children living in London (Soho) with their father and step mother on the 1851 census. Their father died in 1853 when they would have been 8 and 10. In 1861 the youngest is living with her Aunt (my ancestor) in rural Lanarkshire, Scotland. (The eldest also went to Scotland but I haven't yet found him in 1861.)

I assume that train would be how they got to Scotland but would two children have been sent alone? They had another aunt in London but she had 6 kids of her own so unlikely to have been able to take them.

Lanarkshire / Re: carnwath graveyard
« on: Wednesday 14 February 24 20:20 GMT (UK)  »
Thanks Sancti.

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