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Messages - Pete Crunkhurn

Pages: [1]
Suffolk / Re: BMDs for several wind & watermillers
« on: Wednesday 03 January 18 19:56 GMT (UK)  »
Thanks Edward.

World War Two / Re: Identify a cap badge
« on: Wednesday 03 January 18 19:42 GMT (UK)  »
It looks like a Churchill I tank to me, if any help.  :)

Suffolk / Re: BMDs for several wind & watermillers
« on: Wednesday 03 January 18 17:52 GMT (UK)  »
Abraham Needham was the miller of a post mill on Nab Hill at Fulletby, Lincolnshire during the Napoleonic Wars. He was transported to Van Diemens Land at some point, for some misdemeanor, but managed to make it back home to Blighty. He was known by Henry Winn, of Fulletby, who wrote, that Abe had "a mania for building windmills" . Winns diaries are kept at the archives at Lincoln. I believe Abraham Needham is most likely my ancestor on my Mothers side. My G.Grandfather was also called Abraham Needham .b 1851 at Fulletby, son of George Needham (& Elizabeth Blades). I would be most interested if anyone could make the link between the miller Abe and George Needham, in fact, I would be over the moon to find I have milers on both sides of my family.  Fingers crossed. 

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