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Messages - jlewis57

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Yes I remember seeing these “travellers” but didn’t follow it up. At present I have a Charlotte in the 1851 census living in Balderton with her grandparents William and Mary Smith. Her mother is Sarah, unmarried and living at the same address. Charlotte’s dob is 25th May, 1849.

Just to let you know that the marriage certificate for Charlotte and Joseph Corah shows her father to be Francis Smith, so hopefully this rules her out as Annie’s mother.
I think the Balderton-born Charlotte is the most likely as there seems to be several coincidences, including moving to Mansfield where the married Annie is living.  She is Charlotte Parkin at this stage after a short marriage to a neighbour in Normanton.
I haven’t got very far investigating the movements of the other Annie Smith who lives with Francis and Ann as their daughter in 1881 or her possible mother Emily in the hope that I can be nearer 100% certain

Jun 1872   
BOWN    Charles                       Sheffield    9c   362     
Corah    Joseph                Sheffield    9c   362     
Downey    William Wentworth        Sheffield    9c   362   
IBBETT    Elizabeth Matilda        Sheffield    9c   362     
Smith    Charlotte                Sheffield    9c   362

Thanks. Found the reference this afternoon and will follow it up in the hope
of eliminating this Charlotte

Charlotte is Sarah’s daughter. The other granddaughter belongs to a sibling. Not got access to this evidence at mo

Funny. Just looking at this Charlotte on the 1851 census and thinking this sounds a good possibility.  Balderton is very near Claypole. Wondering whether her mother is Sarah or if there are any older daughters in the family

Just been reminding myself of all the information we have discussed over the last few days alongside my earlier research. Lady hawk mentions Charlotte Parkin changed to Smith in reply #9. I have a reference to a Charlotte Parkin with the same family of Smiths in the 1911 census. I think they were in Mansfield which is where Annie and her husband were now living.

Also reply #11 about Charlotte Corah - I had found her previously but did anyone find when she married Joseph Corah?

Still trying to find more about Emily. 

That’s right. I got this far and then wasn’t sure what to do next. The GRO didn’t have an Annie Smith with 19 November 1871 as a dob (I realise this may not necessarily be exact).
The Smith family I had originally thought were her parents(Francis and Ann in Newark) have both Charlotte and Emily for daughters who would be old enough to be mothers. My feelings were that perhaps the Marnham Smiths were relations.

I have looked at Emily briefly in the past but maybe need to take another look at her. I have concentrated on Charlotte more because of the links that came up in the Marnham area where my great grandfather was working.

As a newcomer to Rootschat I have been impressed and delighted in how helpful people are. Thank you.

Most of the findings have given me confidence in my own research skills as most info has duplicated my own research and it seemed like I had come to a standstill with the two Newark and the E.Retford Annies who all seem to be illegitimate.
Following other people's train of thought has however opened up ideas for other pathways that could be investigated e.g. looking at possible family links in a broader way, trying to find out if any of the families we are focusing on are related....  I have not really travelled back along the Smith line in the Newark area as there seemed to be such a lot of them!

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