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Messages - themetalchicken

Pages: [1] 2 3 4 ... 19
Surrey / Re: St Saviours Southwark parish register legibility?
« on: Thursday 04 February 10 22:27 GMT (UK)  »
Thank you  :)

The Common Room / Debtors prison query
« on: Wednesday 20 January 10 17:12 GMT (UK)  »
I have found a record of an 1819 burial that that states that the deceased gentleman was "late a prisoner within the rules of Kings Bench". I know this means that he had been able to purchase 'Liberty of the Rules', allowing him to live within three square miles of the Kings Bench prison, Southwark. What I don't know is how I would find the pertinent prison records, assuming that they still exist. All help gratefully received :)

Surrey / St Saviours Southwark parish register legibility?
« on: Wednesday 20 January 10 11:44 GMT (UK)  »
Looking at the scans of the 18thC parish registers (births) of St. Saviours Southwark on Ancestry a lot of the entries are illegible ... can anyone please tell me if the scans are the problem or if the registers themselves have deteriorated as badly as it appears. Also, does anyone know if access to the actual registers (as opposed to microfiches) is ever possible?

Thank you

Other Countries / Zambia: birth records
« on: Monday 05 October 09 21:31 BST (UK)  »
Not roots, more side shoots, but I'm trying to find details of a 1974 birth in Zambia to British parents and hoping someone could point me in the direction of where the relevant birth records might be found.



Family History Beginners Board / Which online database?
« on: Wednesday 24 September 08 20:07 BST (UK)  »
I'm a bit confused by all the different subscription websites that offer BMD's, census returns etc. online. Can anyone advise which might be the best to sign up to.

Thank you.


The Common Room / 1825 Sick Certificate ??
« on: Wednesday 24 September 08 00:18 BST (UK)  »
I've encountered the following in a will

"… by accounts lately received from Jamaica it appears that my son John is coming home from there on a sick certificate so that he is not likely to live …"

Apart from the obvious re. John's health can anyone tell me please what I can learn from the above, e.g. what might it tell me about John's employment in Jamaica? I'm thinking it maybe means he was an army officer.

Thank you


London & Middlesex Completed Lookup Requests / Re: Mary Ann Corfield
« on: Tuesday 23 September 08 18:00 BST (UK)  »
The full entry would be great, if that's ok.

Thank you  ;D


London & Middlesex Completed Lookup Requests / Mary Ann Corfield
« on: Tuesday 23 September 08 17:42 BST (UK)  »
I'm trying to find an address etc. for a Mary Ann Corfield, born 1778, died 1856/57. She was at 23 Nassan or Nassau Street, Middlesex Hospital, at the time of her death but I believe may have been elsewhere in the 1840's and early 50's. Any info gratefully received.


Family History Beginners Board / Was he a freemason?
« on: Tuesday 06 May 08 09:31 BST (UK)  »
I'm hoping to find out if an ancestor - alive late 1700s early 1800s - was a freemason. Any suggestions as to how to go about this would be most welcome.


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