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Messages - Foreversearchingforanswer

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Selkirkshire / Re: William Brunton, b. 1831, Yarrow - Completed
« on: Friday 08 September 23 19:07 BST (UK)  »
Just in case anyone is still reading this,  Robert Ballantyne Bruntons name...

William Scott Bruntons uncle was William Tait(e), who had married Joan Brunton

William Taits father was Thomas Tait, his mother was Christian Ballantyne.

Scotland / Finding name of illigitimate child in the late 1700s
« on: Sunday 11 December 22 17:14 GMT (UK)  »
Selkirk Parish, 1770. Illigitimate child,  I can see the record (attached), I can see the 10 shilling fine being paid (not attached), and the record that hes satisified the kirk, but how do I find out the childs name. I can find no record in the BMDs for Selkirk, Yarrow, or Ettrick, no sign of a death for the child, and have absolutely no idea who it was. None of the family illigitimates for the late 1700s had names, and there were at least 5.
Any clues gratefully received.

Peeblesshire / Re: 1831--Upper Fallow, Hutchenfield,Peebles
« on: Friday 09 September 22 10:11 BST (UK)  »
That name is not in my direct line.

My line were based in Caberstone (whats now Walkerburn) in the 1620s. There were Bruntons in Stow in the mid 1600s and Caberstone and Grains (between Stow and Walkerburn) in the same period. Your William was married in Peebles and born 23/03/1767 to James, with John and Elisabeth as siblings.
ELIZBATH MAIR is a possible mother as she married a James at Peebles in 09/07/1764
There were, however, lots of Bruntons around the Peebles area at this time, as well as around Traquair (my lot in the late 1600s), Innerleithen, the Yarrow valley (my lot by the 1750s) and Selkirk.

Peeblesshire / Re: 1831--Upper Fallow, Hutchenfield,Peebles
« on: Thursday 08 September 22 17:30 BST (UK)  »
The Horburgh family farmed at Hutchinfield back in the mid 1600s. Part of the farm building is still embedded in the drystane dyke.
What Brunton family in Selkirk ? There were a few, including a lot of mine back in the late 1700s to the present day.

Selkirkshire / Re: William Brunton, b. 1831, Yarrow - Completed
« on: Saturday 02 July 22 11:38 BST (UK)  »
This was found by a metal detectorist up in Selkirk a few years back. One if William Taits buttons he would have used as a tailor. The shop closed in Seilirk around 1903 if memory serves.

The Common Room / Re: Getting very irritated with Ancestry UK
« on: Monday 06 June 22 12:24 BST (UK)  »
Ancestry seems to have been taken over by people who don't understand how research works.

Seemingly my 4th great grandfather was someone who died aged 2 years old, according to someone on ancestry at least. They found a birth record with the same name, then failed to check for deaths.

1697 document. John Brunton moved to Grieston around 1692 from Bold, James Tait was his servant. John was born 1650 and died 1736, buried at Traquair

Selkirk 12th May 1799 session met and constituted by prayer conpeared Joan Brunton indweller in Selkirk voluntarily who confessed she was with child by fornication and being exhorted to glorify god in declaring the truth as to the man with whom the guilt was contracted gave John Anderson present DG (Dean of Guild) of the Burgh of Selkirk for the father of her child adding further that the guilt was contracted sometime on the month of July last, the session taking this declaration to their most serious consideration delay further any  ? in this matter until the said John Anderson appeared before them

Session met and constitute by prayer compeared John Andison present Dean of Guild who being rebuked for the sin of fornication with Joan Brunton of which he had been guilty was in consequence of his paying 2 pounds 2 shillings ?? of the poor exorted to a suitable behaviour in time coming and respond to church ? session closed with prayer

Yes, a lot if the bmds in Yarrow have it as Andison. Act was commited in July 1798 (doesn't say where exactly, some of them do).  Her brother, my 4th great grandfather,  married a woman with a "bastard" child as the kirk called the kid, and was paid by Traquair Kirk to look after the child. Who financed this one I don't know, as she moved back to Yarrowford by 1811 and was married there. Don't know if this one survived.
I saw another for this womans aunt whos illigitmate child was baptised under the fathers name at Yarrow the year it was born. Most weren't baptised, or I can't find records for them.

If I remember correctly John Anderson became a magistrate.

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