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Messages - PatsyAnnKelly

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Thank you very much Carole that is much appreciated
Best wishes

Thank you very much Carole
I may have not got the correct address but know it was in Highgate, and the head of the household was male. Is it possible for you to send me the four if that is not too much to ask, please.
Best wishes

Dear All
I wonder if it is possible for some kind person to do a look up for me in either a London Telephone directory or the Electoral roll for the period of around 1956-1959 please. It is for a Feldman or Feldmann and the family lived in Highgate, north London.I believe the address was Shepherds Hill, Highgate. I do not know  the first name of the householder but really need to find that out if at all possible. I do not think there is any possibility that he is still alive.
Many thanks
Patsy Ann

Tanks very much Alan

I have received the Registration printout of the birth of Edwin William Ryan Reg No 1914/21908
Registration dater 22nd September 1914 Date of birth 30th June 1914 at New North Road, Eden Terrace
Mother Violet Sweet Turner ( NB the decree absolute of her divorce from Frank Turner was 1912)
Nee Harvie Born Auckland Age 27
Father Sydney Rowe
Born Thames
Aged 25 Occupation Tailors Presser
Parents relationship; Not in a legal relationship
First Informant Sydney Rowe. Father Glen Terrace
Second informant Violet Sweet Turner. Mother . Glen Terrace

I believe Rowetown has sent for birth certificate for his brother Winton Herbert Ryan currently awaited.

Hello Alan
I was just about to ask you privately if I had your permission to share with her all the fantastic stuff you have provided me with following a marathon stint at the archives . I will send the info to her by email as we have been in touch for a few weeks now.
Rowetown I will forward Alan's stuff.
Thanks very much

Perhaps Daniel Ryan was the landlord of Violet and Sydney to begin with...?

That's how I read it too Alan. Assumed the Redvers was a not too veiled reference/code name for an expected child of Sydney's, then sadly miscarried. Would certainly add to my view that Winton Herbert Ryan/Turner born June 1911 was Sydney's child as was his younger brother Edwin 1914 according to the birth registration.
The houses above look very nice!

 Marvellous to know so much about this family now, and their many trials and tribulations. Thanks so much Alan for digging deep into the archives with such energy and generosity and thanks to everyone for their great contributions. I am very grateful Patsy

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