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Messages - Pommyrose

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Other Countries / Re: Dziki Family from Poland
« on: Sunday 10 December 23 20:47 GMT (UK)  »
OK Arolsen is up again.

There is a record "Iwan DIKI" and "Iwan DZIKI" which look from birthplace and birthdate to match other records for  "Jan Dziki"

It is the one for Iwan Dziki that lists parents:
Father Andrej , mother Marie Trufinowa
Born Tamanowice, Lwow, Poland, Last residence Radynice, Lwow, Poland. (but direct links seem to be struggling so try searching directly for it).

Thank you so much!  i will keep looking,  still trying to get my head around this particular website lol

Other Countries / Dziki Family from Poland
« on: Wednesday 29 November 23 06:09 GMT (UK)  »
Hi everyone,
I'm currently researching my partner's family while I'm taking a break from mine.
I have hit a brick wall with his grandfather Jan Dziki born 3 Jan 1926 in Tamanowie, Poland.  He married Eleanora Kwapisz at a displacement camp in Germany and had a son * Dziki (my partner's dad), born * 1947 in Koeln, Germany.  They later immigrated to Australia.

I am struggling to find anything and I can only assume that the reason could be that records were destroyed during the war.

I am hoping that's not the case and I could be looking in the wrong direction.  If anyone is able to help I would be extremely grateful and appreciative.

Europe / Re: Herta Martha Hecht - Wittemburg, Germany
« on: Friday 13 January 23 10:27 GMT (UK)  »
glad to help.
Frau Klemke does not do any further going archive research, she only has a parttime job
so i´ll keep looking

Thank you!  Im grateful for any information.  Apart from my Irish line, Herta has been one of my major brickwalls for a long time and its nice to finally have proof of  her birth and her parents and grandfathers name!

Europe / Re: Herta Martha Hecht - Wittemburg, Germany
« on: Friday 13 January 23 10:09 GMT (UK)  »
i called the.
Pfarrsprengel Karstädt-Land
Rosemarie Klemke
038797 / 52389

They confirmed the birth of Herta.
They have the fathers name as Carl Johann Joachim Hecht

You are amazing! I cannot thank you enough! You have gone above and beyond in searching.  My Opa was thrilled with the news when my mum told him.  (My german is not as good as it used to be im afraid)

Europe / Re: Herta Martha Hecht - Wittemburg, Germany
« on: Tuesday 10 January 23 21:03 GMT (UK)  »
Just for the books, who emmigrated to Australia and when

My parents emigrated here around 2007, i followed a year later

Europe / Re: Herta Martha Hecht - Wittemburg, Germany
« on: Tuesday 10 January 23 11:56 GMT (UK)  »
Yes. They are only on micro film in the Parish archives Pfarrsprengel Karstädt-Land

Office: Frau Rosemarie Klemke
Str. des Friedens 39A
19357 Karstädt
Telefon: 038797 / 52389

The person who helped is a contact from a German forum. He has access to the films

Thats a shame. Fingers crossed one day they will be digitised in the near future.  Please thank your contact, he has been most helpful aswell.  At least i know know the names of my 3x great grandparents and 4x great grandfather 😊 which i didnt have before

Europe / Re: Herta Martha Hecht - Wittemburg, Germany
« on: Tuesday 10 January 23 11:45 GMT (UK)  »
Witness nr 1 is stated as being Johann Hecht Großvater (Grandfather)

Again thank you!  Am i right in thinking that these records are not digitised yet, hence not being able to find anything online?  Just had a quick look on Ancestry etc for Carl and Marie and nothing.  Will look more closely in the morning (1045pm here in Australia).

Europe / Re: Herta Martha Hecht - Wittemburg, Germany
« on: Tuesday 10 January 23 11:07 GMT (UK)  »
According to my opa, Herta was born 26 Oct 1905, Premslin, Wittemburg, Germany.

Opa was right.
I found someone who kindly checked the church records from Premslin.

Hertha Marie Martha Hecht born 26. Oktober 1905 in Premslin. Baptized 22. November by the
Priest Hörnlein.
Father: Carl Hecht (Maurer) Bricklayer
Mother: Marie nee Mauer

She had a brother Wilhelm born 1904

Oh my god!!!!  Thank you!  😊  you have broken down a brick wall that has been bugging me years! Thank you so much you have no idea happy this makes me!

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