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Messages - Kelger123

Pages: [1] 2 3 4 5
Cork / Re; Daniel Hurley (Hurly)
« on: Friday 20 October 23 21:30 BST (UK)  »
I have hit a wall, please help.  I have a Daniel Hurley born c. 1781 in Cork, exact location unknown.  He married Margaret M Dorgan, born c. 1784.  There is an issue here as the name of Ellen Slyne/Ryan has been forwarded on some trees as his wife. 
His father was Daniel Hurley also, born c. 1750.  He married Ellen Hennessey (Various variants of name).  This Daniel's father was known as Timothy, born c. 1707.  The issues I have are:  Where did all of this take place?  I have seen the name Laragh, Bandon, or Laragh, Kanturk, as well as St Mutto, Cork in different Ancestry trees, however, what R.C. parishes are involved here in order for me to start searching.  The one area that comes up with more frequencies, esp. in the younger Daniel's generation is Laragh, Kilbrogan, up on the border with Limerick.  Can someone bring some clarity to the situation, please?

Handwriting Deciphering & Recognition / Re: Notes on May Duff's Baptismal registration
« on: Friday 22 September 23 21:21 BST (UK)  »
Sorry guys,
I have just seen your messages now.  I can confirm that all the information you gathered is correct.  I do not know the circumstances of her moving to Larne, except for the fact she got married there.
Thank you all for your efforts,

Handwriting Deciphering & Recognition / Re: Notes on May Duff's Baptismal registration
« on: Thursday 14 September 23 23:06 BST (UK)  »
Wow, it took you guys about 20 minutes, what kept you?  Seriously, I am impressed with you folks, a job well done.

Thank You

Handwriting Deciphering & Recognition / Notes on May Duff's Baptismal registration
« on: Thursday 14 September 23 22:23 BST (UK)  »
Can anyone decipher the handwritten note attached.


United States of America / Re: Lindo/Peters
« on: Sunday 14 May 23 23:44 BST (UK)  »
Hi oldohiohome,
My you were quick off the blocks, thanks a lot. You hit the same brick wall I hit.  I do know the son's name so some of the ideas you suggest seem very plausible, I will give it a try.

United States of America / Lindo/Peters
« on: Sunday 14 May 23 22:51 BST (UK)  »
Looking for any info on Karen Peters and ? Lindo who were resident in Mass. around 1970.  They had a son born 2 July 1971 in Hyannis Port, Barnstable, Massachusetts.  I did not name him as I believe he is still alive.  The Lindo family came from somewhere in the Azores and that is the extent of my knowledge.  Not much to go on but I have been astonished with results before, so here goes.
Just to be clear, I am looking for any info on the parents or ancestors of the man born in 1971.

Westmeath / Re: Area of Faughalstown
« on: Wednesday 08 March 23 19:42 GMT (UK)  »
The records I have found, mainly mid 19th century, were from Mayne parish records.  I have seen references in earlier searches that say the parish was Delvin.  I assumed, rightly or wrongly, there was a shift in the boundaries at some point however, I have yet to find anything in the Delvin records.  I was asking if anyone might have an insight into this.  The strange thing is Pakenham Hall is in Castlepollard but the tenants were in Mayne.  Perhaps it was a status thing in that Castlepollard was the main market town of the area?

Westmeath / Area of Faughalstown
« on: Tuesday 07 March 23 03:19 GMT (UK)  »
Hi,  My family, Connor, Lee, Reil, and Duff, originated on the Pakenham Estate and lived in the Kiltoom area which is part of the townland of Faughalstown.  The more recent baptisms and marriages were held in Mayne parish church in Coole however, some of the earlier ones were said to be in the Delvin parish.  I have never found any records of my family in Delvin.  I would have thought Castlepollard would have covered the area but no.  Can anyone shed light on when the changes were made and am I right to continue to search Delvin?

Handwriting Deciphering & Recognition / Re: Mariage of Margaret Wright 1858
« on: Friday 27 January 23 20:58 GMT (UK)  »
Thank you, I just this minute found a Robert Wright record attached to Margaret Wright.   :)

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