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Messages - terryc

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Sussex Lookup Requests / Re: Errey marriage
« on: Thursday 05 February 09 07:43 GMT (UK)  »
Does anyone have info for 3 Errey marriages in Sussex:
Edward Errey in 1809 - Warbleton?
Jabez Errey in 1843 - Warbleton/Heathfield
Joseph in 1866 - Hailsham district - Barcombe or Warbleton.

The Errey book has a  in a chart on page 8

1) Edward ERREY (1776-186?) mar 20-11-1809 m Rhoda KEMP (1788-1841)
Issue Ann, Rebecca, Mary, Sarah and Jabez

2) Jabez ERREY born 1822  m Mary ???
Issue Joseph, Mary, Ann and Cariline

Any help or do you already have the book?
My apologies if you have been hanging out for this, but I completely missed it in previous searches.

Sussex / Re: Heathfield non conformists
« on: Sunday 22 April 07 13:37 BST (UK)  »

If this was the Cade Street Independent, then they were not anything in particular. It was apparently set up by George Gilbert (28-4-1741 to 23-3-1827).

"A wild, reckless and  immoral soldier he was converted to 'Methodism' in 1766 and soon after became overseer of the workmen on the estate of his commanding officer, by now Lord Heathfield, at Heathfield Park. "

That was taken from Errey: Roots Branches and Leaves by Neil Errey, ISBN 0 9592787, Adelaide, Australia, 1982. I believe it is attributed to "Whe Worthies of Sussex" by M.A. Lower.

There is a lot more information in the book on George Gilbert and I guess the source, so I will not type it here. The HIC (Heathfield Independent Church) featuress heavily in the Errey Book and the author assumes/suggests it is the same one set up by George Gilbert. Some Errey women married Gilberts (unsure if related to George Gilbert).  There are lots of mentions of the role of the HIC in Neil's book. It also mentions that the Errey's that came to Australia were not opposed to establishing their own, unconnected chapels.

Sussex / Re: look-up new south wales imigration from uk
« on: Saturday 24 February 07 00:26 GMT (UK)  »
Looking for William  Lelliott born in Sussex England 1841 onthe cenus in 1851
living in Itchener with his Mother harriett and second hauband Samuel Hochin
but is not on the 1861 cenus.Married in Australia in 1866 to Mary Turley.
But we don't know how or when he got here
 Hope someone can help.
Which state in Australia was the marriage?
That might give you an idea of where he came in.
Do you know his occupation ?
Wedding cert?

Both NSW & Vic are patchy, although Vic seems better (at least for my lots)
SA you have a bit of a hope as people are putting stuff up all the time. QLD = good luck {:-( (swmbo keeps telling me).

Sussex / Re: Baker family - Ewhurst, Sussex
« on: Thursday 01 February 07 03:37 GMT (UK)  »

 Aaron states no relatives were living here but both Samuel and Mary Ann had already arrived, a strange family.
Mary Ann Roser[nee Baker] said the same thing but Samuel had arrrived a few months earlier maybe with her first husband being a convict they did not want to associate with her?


Aaron may have had to say that no family was living here to get cheaper rates, if he came assisted.

He may not have know where Samuel & Mary Ann were. At the time, 1857, they were working on Hamilton Hume's first property at Appin.

Umm, I thought Mary Ann Roser(nee baker) came out a few years after Samuel, Mary Ann & Alice Baker (Pamyra in Sept 1838).

Sussex / Re: ROSE in Sussex
« on: Saturday 20 January 07 00:12 GMT (UK)  »
That A2A is very interesting.
as far as I know nothing like it in australia.

And there is a John Errey, probably wheelwright, in Sussex, mentioned for late 19th Century. No known relation.

Sussex / Re: ROSE in Sussex
« on: Saturday 20 January 07 00:04 GMT (UK)  »
Hi Terry,
I know you want to chase your loose women  ;D (couldn't resist that) but you might like to put these findings on the back-burner for later concerning your ROSE family!

A good joke hangs around {:-).
I actually said it to my mother when she telephoned yesterday to say that "shock" Dad had decided (against persistant practice) that he wanted a party for his 75th birthday. I'll wait and see if Dad is in a really good mood for his 75th and asks where they are.

Actually, Mary Rose is one of them and now  is looking like the easiest to find.
" Death certificate gave Fr Jno ROSE and Mr Unknown UNKNOWN."
I take that to read, father John Rose & MRS. Unknown?
The only marriage on the SMI for the right time-frame is;
Waldron being adjacent to Heathfield & Mayfield.

I lack the geographical knowledgecurrently to do this. That is why the interest in maps. looked interesting until it started insisting that Mayfield was in Kentucky. {:-(

I think I looked at a wider time range. given that I do no know where in the range of children Mary was, first, last, middle. Given good tucker(food) my ancestors popped out and raised anything up to 10-13 children per generation. Arrivals were from 18 months to 3 years.

I also looked at a wider area as Thomas Errey was described as a traveller in the Errey book, including going to London and I have Collins in middle somerset where dad married someone from east side and son from west side. Markets, Family connection?, religious interest (he built a chapel in Vic, Australia and was associated with Highfield Independent church [HIC]).

So there was Philadelphia, Elizabeth, Francis, An and Sarah. Only Francis appears in the grandchildren and the family definitely had a naming pattern (not that I full understand it yet).

OTOH John does not appear anywhere in the direct descendants, so that also causes strong doubt in my mind. If the death certificate informant did not know her mothers name, did he really know her fathers name. Forgot to ask Neil Errey (book author) this last night.

The lack of information in the IGI and the large number of "missing" (not yet transcribed* parish registers online (e.g HIC marriages and all of All Saints Heathfield) makes me think that I really need to go back and search parish registers.

The Access to Archives (A2A) site has a lot to offer under the name ERREY & when searching the name Rose.
Thanks. I've learnt a bit more jargon.

I am interested in all the comments and suggestions. My comments are just my expressing my thoughts. I am very cautious in adding people to the tree because as many people have found, it is so easy to graft on the wrong limb.

For example, someone recently sent me a whole Gurnett limb (Thomas Errey's mother was a Gurnett from Surrey) that goes way back. Well a couple of generations further than the Errey part. Even though it is all supported in the IGI  (must have been a consistently church going family) there is no proof it is the correct Gurnett line. I received a chart, and looked in the IGI, but until some sources come through, it will always be doubtful in my mind. It also has the problem that the male line names Bryan, Brian, George, John, John also do not appear in any of the descendants of this couple.

To illustrate why. I have a problem with a Mary Crouch in the  same locality. There are multiple Mary Crouchs all born around the period in the same location. It would be so easy just to pick one family and erroneously add them. Similarly, fathers names do not appear in descendants.

OTOH, I understand the early parts of the Errey book is based on a One Name detailed study of Errey carried out by Gordon Hope. It did a good job of listing all the Erreys they could find in 1970/80s.

This family history is really an on-going who dunnit with some very intriguing twists. I've been pottering with it for about 30 years, so I don't mind taking my time.

Thank you for your comments.

Sussex / Re: ROSE in Sussex
« on: Friday 19 January 07 09:40 GMT (UK)  »
Terry, when did they go to Oz?
In 1957. It was thought that their (Peter & Benjamin) horse dealing business failed with the end of the Crimean War. Benjamin actually came out later.
Mary states that she was born Mayfield Ssx on the 1851 census (nextdoor to Heathfield)  nothing of any note is on the IGI for her baptism  :(
If you can't find anymore information from her death certificate, you'll need to check the pr's for Mayfield.  I've checked online for these & can't find a source except I need to try the Sussex Look-up Exchange (it's not opening at the moment) someone might have the registers.  Failing that you could contact the SFHG to see if they can do a look-up in the Mayfield baptism's.

Death certificate gave Fr Jno ROSE and Mr Unknown UNKNOWN.
Yes, I think it comes down to going through all the parish registers, which as you say are not all online or in the IGI.

ATM, I have a couple of other loose women to chase to bring my fathers tree up to 5 complete generations in time for his 75th birthday. So I'll do those first, then look at getting access to parish registers. Given that I seem to have Errey, Rose, Gurnett, Baker, Crouch and all coming from the close area, I am going to be spending a fair bit of time researching East Sussex.

Thank you for your assistance.

Sussex / Re: ROSE in Sussex
« on: Thursday 18 January 07 13:32 GMT (UK)  »
Thank You Jane.

1841 census is spot on.
1851 is their family.

Thank you for map link. book marked.
Especially since it help me understnad my problem {:-). I still have a bit to learn as do not know which are parishes and which are locations {:-(

About Rose family. I am dubious about making a connection. I would virtually have to build up the families for all ROSE families in East Sussex+. I am just not finding adequate Rose birth lists atm, but will perserve.

<Woop, woop, brain alert, go look at death certificate and hope someone listed parents there, that might solve it.> 

Sussex / Re: Baker family - Ewhurst, Sussex
« on: Thursday 18 January 07 06:47 GMT (UK)  »
Hi Terry
I have a little info on a Ellen Baker who was buried Ewhurst 24th May 1878 aged 49 there is a small possibility it could be our missing Ellen Augusta but two things are against it the first one is she should have been 54 not 49 but knowing death information it is usually wrong and the other thing is she would have had to been single.
She is the only Ellen Baker that I have come across may be something to work on as you have nothing else.


I'll consider it, but the cons are very high.
1) Ellen would had had to have been left behind as a young child (age 10) when the family left and I know of no reason for this atm.
2) High probability that this is a cousin. Some families have strong (very strong) naming patterns.
3) The IGI has 8 Ellen Bakers born in Sussex. within 2 years of 1829, when this 49 year old person could have been born. Plus Ewhurst is close to Kent and Surrey, so there could easily have been more contenders.

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