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Messages - Yeardelye

Pages: [1]
Lancashire / Migration to Manchester ca. 1850
« on: Tuesday 17 October 06 17:28 BST (UK)  »
Hello Lancs Rootschatters,

Does anyone else have Mancunian ancestors who were originally from other parts of England?

My 3xG grandparents, Thomas and Sarah Newman, moved to Manchester some time between 1847, when they were married somewhere in the Bristol registration district, and the time of the census in 1851. Thomas seems to have been born somewhere near Bristol and Sarah in Bradford-on-Avon, but I don't have any exact information on this yet. (Sarah's maiden name was Jones, which makes things rather difficult!) In the 1851 census, Thomas and Sarah were sharing a house in Beswick with another family from Bristol - perhaps they had come together?

I heard that there was one episode of 'Who Do You Think You Are' in which Jeremy Paxman traced some ancestors who had migrated from one part of England to another at about the same time as my Newmans. (Unfortunately I couldn't watch the programme myself because I live abroad at the moment.) It said that people from towns in the south of England were recruited by agents from large industrial towns in the north, that their travel was organised for them, and that records were kept of who went where. It seems that these records are still available, but I've no idea how I might get to see them. Does anyone else know?

Staffordshire / Re: Burton Upon Trent=Staff. or Derby. pls?
« on: Monday 21 August 06 18:30 BST (UK)  »

Just to back up what Trish said (sorry it's ages later, but I have only just joined RC!)

Burton itself is definitely in Staffs. However, the River Trent, which Burton is 'on', forms the Staffs-Derbys county boundary, so some towns and villages that are very close to Burton are in Derbyshire, e.g. Swadlincote and Repton.

There is some info which might be useful to you on the Wikipedia page
Look especially under the 'Local Government' section on this page for an explanation of the current and historic local organisation.

If you are interested in the history of Burton, this page looks interesting

I hope this info is useful.

Staffordshire / Re: Still searching PADDISON
« on: Monday 21 August 06 17:01 BST (UK)  »

I have some Pattysons (also written as Patterson in some places) in my tree, from the Milwich area near Stafford, so there might be some connection.

My 4xG-grandmother's name was Mary Pattyson (ca. 1798-1860), and her father was James, a wheelwright. She seems to have had at least three brothers, James, Samuel and Thomas.

However, I also did a quick search on the 1841 census and found a Paddison household in the parish of St Mary and St Chad, Stafford, so it may be that these, rather than the Pattysons, were the ancestors of your Paddisons.

(all born in Staffs)    
Ann Paddison    abt 1816 Binder   
Elizabeth Paddison    abt 1826 Dress maker
Jane Paddison    abt 1796 Ind[ependent means?]
John Paddison    abt 1821 Shoe m[aker?]

I would guess that Jane was the widowed mother of Ann, Elizabeth and John although the 1841 census doesn't specify family relationships so it's not possible to know for certain from this info.

There were also quite a lot of PaTTisons in the Stafford area in 1841. Of course, all this is a bit before the time you're researching at the present, but perhaps you might be able to make a connection when you get further back.

Best wishes

Staffordshire / Re: Do can I find out about an ordained family member?
« on: Monday 21 August 06 15:56 BST (UK)  »
Hi Gareth,

I just had a look at without realising that it was actually part of the same site mentioned in an earlier posting on this thread (

In any case, I did a quick search for a John Storr and it mentions one who was a curate in Horsley (Derbys, but in the same diocese as Stoke on Trent) in 1821. Could this be the person you are looking for? I have no idea whether clergy would have moved about much between different appointments back in those days.

I hope this might be of some help.


Census and Resource Discussion / Re: ANCESTRY BLOOPERS
« on: Sunday 20 August 06 18:45 BST (UK)  »
Another one to watch out for is 'Y' being transcribed as 'G'. I have had several instances of my Yardleys being listed as Gardleys.

Happy hunting!

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