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Messages - Sfance

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Yorkshire (West Riding) Lookup Requests / Re: Nathan Atkinson Aldersley
« on: Wednesday 29 May 19 15:44 BST (UK)  »
Thanks Rob - yes, I have quite a bit of information on Nathan Atkinson, but I did not know about this particular composition. Just listened to a version on Youtube!

Completed Census Requests / Re: 1901 census look up please
« on: Tuesday 08 November 16 02:52 GMT (UK)  »
Hi Dianer - long time no hear . . .  if you are still into this stuff, I thought you might like to hear that for the first time in a long time, I discovered something yesterday about Squire William's mother, Margaret Dowson, that I did not previously know . . .  namely that she married a second time when her first husband James A. died. The second husband was Ogden Binns from the Haworth area. They were married on 9/21/59 in Bradford Parish Church. There were no children although Ogden already had 8. I found out because I found a piece of paper in Squire William's pocket watch that I have that mentioned an Ogden Binns. There's also a photograph that doesn't look like an Aldersley so it maybe Ogden. I'm now thinking the watch was also Ogdens.


New Zealand Completed Requests / Re: New Zealand Calverts
« on: Friday 16 October 09 13:48 BST (UK)  »
Hi Steve, congrats on suddenly becoming royalty! After I wrote yesterday I was afraid that my reference to Nathan Atkinson would be confusing. Atkinson was his middle name, his full name being Nathan Atkinson Aldersley. Of course, I didn't know that you would be an Atkinson, too! One of the best things people can do for genealogists in subsequent generations is leave a nice big paper trail and Nathan did that more than most. Nathan Atkinson did marry twice, his first wife being Sarah Green (d. 10/8/64), and his second Faith Taylor. The family was staunchly Methodist, though how that happened I haven't yet discovered since earlier & later Aldersleys tend to be CofE. Nathan was a Methodist minister by age 17. He married Faith Taylor on 9/20/66 at a Wesleyan Methodist chapel in Tadcaster. Faith died on 12/11/00, so a little less than a year after Nathan. Laura Lavinia was the couple's first child. Where Nathan got the middle name Atkinson I have not been able to discover for sure. Previous to his generation there is only one other Atkinson in the family, one Alice Atkinson from Colne, Lancashire who married a William Aldersley in 1796. William was from a different branch, but my sense is that the family was quite tight and it is conceivable that Nathan's father who was the same generation as William knew William and his wife. In any case, Nathan's eldest son Alpheus named his own son Philip Atkinson. I haven't followed Philip's history and don't know whether he ended up in NZ. His father did and all his siblings were born there (Rangiora), but Philip was born in Croydon in 1882. If you come across him in your researches, please let me know. Nathan's son, David James, the photographer, also followed the "Atkinson" tradition: his second son was Eric Atkinson Aldersley who probably lived most of his life in NZ. Eric never married. Eric's brother, William Arthur played cricket for NZ. I think he was a bowler. He lived to age 93 and died at Diamond, NZ in 1981. I believe there is currently a Bruce Aldersley, David James' great grandson, still going strong in NZ (or Australia) carrying on Nathan's tradition by being in the Salvation Army, but I haven't been in touch with him, my interests lying more in the 18th and 19th centuries. In the meantime, thank you for your tree - I will study it later today.


New Zealand Completed Requests / Re: New Zealand Calverts
« on: Friday 16 October 09 02:27 BST (UK)  »
Hi Mr.Bloggins. You've made good progress! Laura Lavinia was an ancestor of mine. She was the daughter of Nathan Atkinson who amongst other things, wrote hyms for the Salvation Army. He emigrated to NZ with his family on 9/26/84 on the SS Ruahepu and died at Wellington on 10/19/99. As I remember the story, the Aldersleys met the Calverts on the boat. Laura married Arthur on 8/5/86 at Durham St. Methodist, Christchurch. The Wellington Photo Studio you mentioned in your original post probably belonged to David James Aldersley, Laura's brother, who became quite a famous photographer in NZ. His postcards can sometimes be found selling on Ebay. Nathan Atkinson's family were very close and they had family reunions until quite recently, maybe still do. A Kathleen Kelly was the main mover and shaker as far as I can tell. She died a few years ago, but she deposited various family documents in the Wellington library, including a long poem that NA wrote about their voyage to NZ, that you may be able to find if you dig about (I did). Nathan Atkinson had a bunch of children, the 2nd eldest of whom, Jane Anne never married but kept house for Arthur and Laura until she died in 1924.
Stephen Aldersley (Rochester, New York)

New Zealand Completed Requests / Re: New Zealand Calverts
« on: Thursday 15 October 09 23:42 BST (UK)  »
Hi - I think I know who Arthur Calvert was. If you're still interested MrBloggins, get back on and I'll and I'll expand.

London & Middlesex Completed Lookup Requests / Re: 1851 Kent census look up
« on: Thursday 14 May 09 22:28 BST (UK)  »
Hello - like Dianer, I am interested in the Aldersley tree. Am I correct in thinking your great grandmother was Louisa Sophia Durban? Assuming she was, I have 3 children for them, Alfred Chares, jr., Hilda, aka Judy, and Louisa Kathleen Henrietta.

Yorkshire (West Riding) / Re: margaret tattersall
« on: Tuesday 14 November 06 21:51 GMT (UK)  »

    I have got more information on the Aldersleys than would readily fit on RootsChat - including a short monograph on Jeremiah and his descendants. If you would like to send me your e-mail address, I'll send it to you.

Stephen Email address removed by moderator to prevent spam - please contact by personal message

Yorkshire (West Riding) / Re: margaret tattersall
« on: Monday 13 November 06 20:16 GMT (UK)  »
Hi Artemis, I was very interested in your most recent post in particular because I had no dates for Anne Stott. If she was born in 1764, that would make it reasonably likely that she was the Anne Stott baptized at Askrigg in that year (from LDS). Do you agree? The George Aldersley in the 1841 Census married Mary or Margaret Laycock in 1808. She apparently died young, but I have no information as to whether they had any children. Do you? Last, but not least, I have not been able to track down the birthdate of the Peter Aldersley who married Sarah (Pickles), possibly in 1836. The census data you give suggests he was born in either 1808 or 1811. I assume he would have been born in Lothersdale with his siblings (he was the last of many), but I would love to know for sure. Can you offer any help on that one?

In hopes of further information,

Stephen (Aldersley)

Lancashire / William Aldersley
« on: Thursday 09 November 06 21:07 GMT (UK)  »
I am trying to track down the marriage of William Aldersley & Mary ?, or Margaret ?. It occurred in around 1737, probably in Colne. Anyone have access to the Parish Register for that era?


Stephen Aldersley

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