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Messages - 2dogs

Pages: [1] 2
Warwickshire Lookup Requests / Re: 1861/71 lookup Pleez
« on: Friday 22 September 06 09:26 BST (UK)  »
I do now !! - tho it seems their records are far from complete.


Warwickshire Lookup Requests / Re: 1861/71 lookup Pleez
« on: Wednesday 20 September 06 13:43 BST (UK)  »
Thanks Mary.
I don't have any census info apart from what you have provided. I got the original info from a tree on GenesReunited and am trying to confirm the link to my tree. Haven't been able to check the 1881 census yet

Warwickshire Lookup Requests / Re: 1861/71 lookup Pleez
« on: Wednesday 20 September 06 12:39 BST (UK)  »
wow Mary, so quick :) Thanks

Just going on info supplied. looks like the 1861 census info is the family. Ages match the info I have and occupations are in line with further down (up?) the tree.

Do they re appear on the 1871 census?

Warwickshire Lookup Requests / 1861/71 lookup Pleez
« on: Wednesday 20 September 06 12:16 BST (UK)  »
Trying to find children of william Ashford (1827) and Emma (1828) both born birmingham.


Warwickshire Lookup Requests / Re: census lookup 1881/91 please
« on: Tuesday 19 September 06 19:28 BST (UK)  »
Q4 1911. Where did that info (mothers name) come from?

Warwickshire Lookup Requests / Re: census lookup 1881/91 please
« on: Tuesday 19 September 06 19:25 BST (UK)  »
I'm getting confused.
I've only been "at it" for 3 days and my head is swimming. I don't know if I am Arthur or Martha, let alone who my rellies are. Please tell me this gets easier.

Warwickshire Lookup Requests / Re: census lookup 1881/91 please
« on: Tuesday 19 September 06 17:17 BST (UK)  »
....which raises another question.
How do I go about finding out the Maiden name of Anne (Ann?) Maria Hicks - 1874 (or 1875), married to George William Hicks (B'ham 1871).
I don't know when they were married but they had their first child, ethel, in 1899.

Warwickshire Lookup Requests / Re: census lookup 1881/91 please
« on: Tuesday 19 September 06 16:15 BST (UK)  »
Close enuf Ricky.

Hey, speaking of close, this could be getting ugly...based on what i have learnt from you guys it appears quite likely that my Dad's auntie Anne Maria (1875) was in fact my Mom's paternal grandmother Ann Maria (1874)........ ::) ::) ::) :-[
This bears further investigation methinks.....or not !!

Warwickshire Lookup Requests / Re: census lookup 1881/91 please
« on: Tuesday 19 September 06 12:44 BST (UK)  »
Yes. That's it. thanks

...Lathe Burnisher (polisher?)

Pages: [1] 2