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Messages - vihar2203

Pages: [1] 2 3
Armed Forces / Re: Army Catering Corps
« on: Tuesday 06 November 07 20:37 GMT (UK)  »
You could try going through The Veterans Agency.

Try this link....

best wishes


Wexford / Notes on Wexford marriage records
« on: Wednesday 28 February 07 20:29 GMT (UK)  »
Hello all

I have received a scan of a marriage record. At the end of the record it says " by dispensation in time " or something like that as the end of the scan is quite dark. Could anyone be able to tell me what this means and if Latin was used on marriage records ?
Many thanks


Wexford / Re: Wexford Seamen...
« on: Saturday 10 February 07 15:48 GMT (UK)  »
Hi Christopher

Many thanks for your reply. I never thought of contacting them.  Do you know if the Library charge for their services ? Hopefully they will be able to help.
Many thanks again


Lancashire / Anyone else looking for.........
« on: Thursday 01 February 07 16:43 GMT (UK)  »
Hi all.
I am wondering if any of you Quinns out there have a Martin Quinn in your family....not any Martin Quinn but this one

Martin Quinn who was born in Ireland, Place not known yet. He moved to Liverpool where he married a Catherine Toole in 1876 at St Bridgets Church and had a son named Thomas in 1880, who married a Bridget Parle in 1906, Liverpool. They had a son called Martin in 1906, who joined the Merchant Navy in 1915. He married Mary Reigh in 1932. After her death in the late 30's he then married Josephine Elsie Bristow in 1940. He then married Ada Alice Purslow in 1960 after the death of Josephine in 1956-ish. Martin Quinn, my Grandad, then died in 1968.
If anyone has any of the above in there Family Tree please get in touch, maybe we can help eachother get further in our searches.
I know its a long shot but in this game you just never know..............................

Thanks all and best wishes

Tony Quinn

Lancashire Lookup Requests / Re: Liverpool Records Office.....
« on: Wednesday 31 January 07 20:39 GMT (UK)  »
Hi Donna

Never mind. Many thanks for having a look for me I really appreciate it.
Need to regroup and try and find out what part of Ireland he was from some other way.
Many thanks again


Lancashire Lookup Requests / Re: Liverpool Records Office.....
« on: Monday 29 January 07 16:24 GMT (UK)  »
Hi Donna,

Thank you so much. The details are;

The date was 13th August 1876, St Bridget's Church. Martins fathers name was Michael Quinn (Deceased). Catherine's father was Luke Toole.
I am hoping it will have details of where in Ireland he was born, but any details you can get would be a great help.
Again many many thanks


Lancashire Lookup Requests / Liverpool Records Office.....
« on: Sunday 28 January 07 14:03 GMT (UK)  »
Hello all,
I am wondering if anyone will be going to the Liverpool Records Office at any time in the near future ?
If so would that kind soul possibly look something up for me.

My GG Grandad, Martin Quinn, was married to Catherine Toole in 1876 at St Bridget's Church Liverpool.
He was aged 24 years and I know was born in Ireland. The marriage cert does not state where he was born.
I know that the records office hold the parish register for this church, which was demolished in 1967 I believe.
I am hoping that the register will also state where Martin Quinn was born, which county in Ireland, which would clear the "brickwall" that I am facing.

Many many thanks and best wishes to you all

Tony Quinn

Wales / Re: Caerphilly burials....
« on: Friday 26 January 07 16:48 GMT (UK)  »
Hi Hugh

Thanks for what you have done I will pass on the info to Eddie.
He phoned me a short while ago and has found out that the German is not at that church, sorry.
He was told that it is somewhere in Caerphilly and the Gents name is "Glashardt" sounds like that not sure of the spelling though.
Many thanks for your help


World War Two / Re: fathers army records ww2
« on: Wednesday 24 January 07 14:50 GMT (UK)  »
Hi Diamond lady

Discharge between 1921 and 1997:

Army Personnel Centre
HQ Secretariat
Historical Disclosures
Mail Point 400
Kentigern House
65 Brown Street
Glasgow G2 8EX
United Kingdom
Email disc4.civsec[at]
 Discharge after 1997:

Army Personnel Centre
HQ Secretariat
Disclosures Section 1
Mail Point 520
Kentigern House
65 Brown Street
Glasgow G2 8EX
United Kingdom
Email discl1eojs2.civsec[at]
Help Desk : 0845 600 9663
Fax : 0141 224 2144
 Help Desk : 0845 600 9663
Fax : 0141 224 3422
The above addresses are ideal if you want to get a copy of service records. I am in the process of getting several of my families records.

Hope it helps. Email them and ask for help and they will direct you.

Tony Quinn

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