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Messages - Patzy_C

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Mayo / Re: Herward or Hereward of the Hollymount/Roundfort area
« on: Tuesday 30 October 18 13:54 GMT (UK)  »
Hi all. It's a while since this thread was stared but we live in hope ...
I'm researching my Herward/Hereward Galway ancestors and wondered if anyone has had a DNA test?
My kit# A401145 please feel free to contact me.
Regards Patzy

Tipperary / Re: Fennor graveyard listings booklet
« on: Tuesday 05 April 16 15:20 BST (UK)  »
Wow thanks for that info.
I always thought my ancestor buried there was RC!
Much appreciated 😃

Tipperary / Re: Fennor graveyard listings booklet
« on: Tuesday 05 April 16 14:54 BST (UK)  »
Oh my word so I was wrong to presume that Fennor was a COI graveyard mawhtton37?
Regards Patzy.

Lancashire Lookup Requests / Re: Census look up please- Hughes
« on: Tuesday 01 March 16 19:09 GMT (UK)  »
Opps sorry in my haste I hadn't read your reply properly and now realise you are no further with Thomas & Ellen. My apologies.

Also Jo has emailed me, I had got the Mary's mixed up and of course your Mary was born c1869. After all these years I still haven't learnt to contain the excitement. 

Lancashire Lookup Requests / Re: Census look up please- Hughes
« on: Tuesday 01 March 16 19:00 GMT (UK)  »
Hi again Rachael, Blimey this is fab news for me & a cousin out in France called Jo - she will be very happy to hear of you! Our Grandparents were siblings meaning we are cousins  ;D
My Mother Molly was 3yrs old when her Dad John died, the family ALSO moved to Yorkshire and John was injured in a pit fall at South Kirby. He later died of his injuries in Clayton hospital.
Can I ask if you have had any luck with Thomas? I've searched the recently released records for both his birth and a possible marriage but with no results .. all I know is he was born in Clifden Galway and Ellen was born Fairhill Galway.

Lovely to meet you  ;)

Lancashire Lookup Requests / Re: Census look up please- Hughes
« on: Tuesday 01 March 16 12:41 GMT (UK)  »
Hope someone can help. I'm looking for Thomas Hughes c1841 in Ireland. I have found him in 1891 at 6 Prospect Road, Parr, Lancs.

He is living with his wife, Ellen c1839, 2 children Mary, c1869, and John c1871, and his grandson, Peter 1889.

I'd like to know where the family were previous to1891.


Hi Rachael  :) this post was a few years ago so this is a long shot but I'm looking for the same family!!!
My GGGrandfather was Thomas Hughes b1841 Clifden Galway married to Ellen.
His son Patrick b1866 was my GGrandfather and his youngest son John b1903 my Grandfather.
I'm thinking I've found a relative???
Hope to hear from you soon Patzy.

Ireland / Re: Help! Have you heard of this name?
« on: Friday 08 May 15 20:26 BST (UK)  »
Hey China  :)
I think you may have something there.... My family who vaguely remember him tell me its a nickname and his real name could have been PATRICK CALLAGHAN but I cant find a birth for Patrick so I thought Id post.
When I first found out about Sarcy c1918 I sensed resentment as he was born while out of wedlock. Im told Sarcy ran away as a young boy and no-one has heard or seen of him since.
Thanks Patzy

Ireland / Help! Have you heard of this name?
« on: Friday 08 May 15 19:55 BST (UK)  »
Hi everyone.
Ive found a ancestor who`s real name I don't know. Within his family & locals he was known as Sarcy/Sarsy ,,, pronounced Sar-see.
Has anyone heard of this name, is it a nickname or short for something else?
Many thanks Patzy.

Hi dathai and thank you for your help & reply, I really am hoping to unravel this mess.

Also leaving the conflict with the fathers name out of it how did you come across the mother's name as Bridget Armstrong.
When I first started my search some years back my family over in Ireland (Im in the UK) told me that my GGGrandmother was Bridget Armstrong.
I presume you have his marriage cert to Margaret Nolan 1900
if you have this does it give his father as John.
He seems to differ by 9 years as to age on the census

i dont see any point in getting John or Catherine's birth cert as you can see their parents names on the above Birth's and Baptism's,the only extra info would be their address.
So today I dug out my paperwork and yes I have the marriage of James Callaghan & Margaret Nolan.
James`s parents are named as John Callaghan & Bridget Armstrong.

As for James on the 1901/11 census I cant help thinking what looks like a 1 is actually 7 making his year of birth again c1873, what do you think?

If Bridget was genuinely in her eighties in 1901

she would have been in her fifties in the 1870s not impossible to have given birth to James at that age but highly unlikely.
Bridgets age is a pain in the butt, I doubt I`ll ever get to the bottom of it lol.

Kate Callaghan married Michael Taylor in 1893
have you got this marriage cert to compare fathers names.
Unfortunately I dont have the marriage cert for Katy`s marriage but according to the ifhf her father is Michael not John! Im beginning to wonder if Bridget was married to Michael who may have passed away then took up with John.

last but not least when did he join up could there have been any sort of age restrictions involved causing him to say he was a lot younger so he could join up.
I have James`s records printed off and when he rejoined the British Army in August 1914 it states he was 41yrs and 60 days old. His previous records I cant find as yet but I have his prison records from 1896 when he was jailed, states he was 23. And of course his headstone which gives his age at death as 74 in 1947.

Maybe I will have to wait like many others until 8th July before I get some if any answers when the NLI make parish records digital!!!

Regards Patzy

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