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Messages - Bridget x

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Dublin / Re: Would you care to solve a Dublin mystery???
« on: Saturday 29 August 09 10:26 BST (UK)  »
Dara, Yes, that’s correct, if you turn right you are going towards Bolton St. (Good old Brereton’s)

Quaxer, Parnell St. is a very long street running from Capel St to as far as Summer Hill.  The shops shown by both Marc and D. W. (same shops, different angles) are only four shops from the corner of Capel St. so, the very end or the very beginning of Parnell St depending what way you look at it!  Regarding your question on post no 68. The whole purpose of this thread is to identify where the shop was, I have no idea. The chemist (on the corner in new photos) had two windows, one in Parnell St and one in Capel St. I see by your post the address was 60 Capel St. I wish it had been the other way around as that would have given us the number for the mystery shop either 57 or 63.
I wonder if you could have a look at this. Just a thought. If my memory serves me right next door to Timothy’s chemist on the Parnell St side was a newsagent/sweet shop named Finlaters. (sp)  Could you find a listing and number for that and we could perhaps work back three shops and have the name of the mystery shop?  Thank you.

D.W. I knew little Brittan St well. My mother’s sister lived there. Again I passed through it every day going to school. I seem to recall there were only about two shops there but I can find out that for sure as my cousin now in his 70s was born and brought up there.
The corner of your photo shown the single storied grey building was once a little place named “The Nip Inn” where one could buy the most delicious soup with a great chunk of bread! It was very popular with men coming from the local beamish! The laneway where it stands was Jervis Lane. The street after that was Wolfe Tone St, once names Stafford St where my G. Grandparents lived. It will give you an idea of how close they were to the shops pictured.   Bridget

Dublin / Re: Would you care to solve a Dublin mystery???
« on: Saturday 29 August 09 00:30 BST (UK)  »
If that is where I think it is I passed that shop every day some sixty years ago on my way to school!!  It is just around the corner from where my Great grandparents and grandparents lived. The shop on the corner was Timothy’s Chemist where we bought liquorice bark. When you reach the corner and turn left you are in Capel St. If you stand facing the corner you can see Bretons (sp) Pawnshop and Capel St. library. Is that correct! What a turn up for the books! Hey guys, things are hotting up here, Lol

Dublin / Re: Would you care to solve a Dublin mystery???
« on: Friday 28 August 09 23:16 BST (UK)  »
Trish, I have applied to join the forum and will post the photo there as you mentioned, they may be able to give a little more information on it. Thanks again.

Dara, My! Well spotted.  When I first posted this old photo, a Rootchatter said every time you look at this picture you find something new.  That has been the case.  Now I fear if Great Gran lifts her apron to wipe the sweat from her brow a few more children will pop out, Lol

Magicaled, I came across those names early in my research and thought, “Yippee, I’ve hit the jackpot. When the certs arrived they were not my Lawlor’s. Kind of you to notice and mention it, thank you.

Quaxer, Again some good points, thank you.


Dublin / Re: Would you care to solve a Dublin mystery???
« on: Friday 28 August 09 17:53 BST (UK)  »
Having looked at both of these pictures until I am blue in the face I have come to the conclusion that by now, if you will pardon my saying so, we are all clutching at straws!  For all the suggestions re alterations, (mine included) I honestly do not think this old building would have withstood alterations to the extent suggested, it would have surely collapsed?  So, although the new picture is very like the old I do not think they are one and the same.  Quaxer, I now see the writing but, alas, can’t make it out.
My hubby has put forward the suggestion the square outside the shop is in fact a rubber mat despite my pointing out, if that was the case it would be more central to the doorway. We are now glaring at each other across the dinner table! Lol
I had forgotton all about those thick glass squares one would see on the pavement outside some shops.  Onwards! Bridget

Dublin / Re: Would you care to solve a Dublin mystery???
« on: Thursday 27 August 09 22:53 BST (UK)  »
Wow, A lot of very interesting theories put forward in the last few posts.  The only thing I can add is the following. I know my G. Grandparents would have been too poor to have been able to rent the rooms above the shop as a store room; they would not have carried that much stock! I also know they were living in Stafford St at that time so they were not the tenants of the above rooms. I wonder if Marc’s friend could get hold of the number of the look alike shop in Parnell St and we could maybe back track from there. From the first day I set eyes on this old photo I always said I felt the shop was in Parnell or Capel St.

Dublin / Re: Would you care to solve a Dublin mystery???
« on: Wednesday 26 August 09 21:35 BST (UK)  »
Although not seen in the old photo  I think, as does Quaxer there were  two floors above the shop. A lot of the shops in parnell St. had these type of windows when I was a youngster growing up there.

Dublin / Re: Would you care to solve a Dublin mystery???
« on: Wednesday 26 August 09 21:14 BST (UK)  »
Marc,  If I did not think it was already long gone due to ite condition and age I would say it sure looks like it with the addition of new windows!!  Where did you find that? Its weird!

Dublin / Re: Would you care to solve a Dublin mystery???
« on: Wednesday 26 August 09 00:02 BST (UK)  »
Hi Dara,  Thank's for that.    Bridget

Dublin / Re: Would you care to solve a Dublin mystery???
« on: Tuesday 25 August 09 23:19 BST (UK)  »
Hi Carol, I hope you are well. Yes, I do have that information from the 1911 census on William and Mary Lawlor but nevertheless thank you so much for looking that up. I still have not found the shoemakers shop and, to be honest had given up on it. The latest inquiry from Quaxer has reawakened my interest so, here we go again!! Lol

Trish, As ever, such sound advice! I shall follow up your suggestion regarding getting in touch with Irish Architectural Archive.  Looking at the photo (yet again) I am drawn to the Wood Milne advert in the window for “Revolving heels” The mind bobbles!   Thank you.

Hello Quaxer,   I have to say, “Not Guilty” regarding any scribbles on this very old photo. It is as I found it in my late mum’s belongings. Sadly, I am no expert on computers and am not familiar with your suggestion of magnifying with a “loup” I have used the magnifier on Photoshop and, even then can’t make out or see any writing that is, apart from that in the adverts in the window. This photo has become a long running serial giving us a few laughs along the way.  If you have read the thread from the start you will have read how amazed I was when a Rootschat member pointed out the face in the window. I still feel it would not have been far from their tenement home in Stafford St. So, perhaps somewhere in Gt. Britain, Mary, or Capel St. Oh dear, will I ever find the answer?  Many thanks’.

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