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Messages - easy12

Pages: [1] 2 3 4
Hi Jim 1, many thanks for that, something for me to work on.
All of the best

Hi, I have two photos from different time periods that I am trying to link. The first is, I think, Mary Helena Lawson (nee Christiansen) with her family of 3 girls, a boy and possibly a second young boy on her lap. The girls were born 1882, 1884, 1887, the boy 1891 and the next born was a boy born 1896. According to the 1911 census there was a child who died but I have no info at all on that child. The ones listed all survived past 1911. The second attachment is an image of the back of this photo. The 3rd attachment is, hopefully, the same family(ladies only) later in life and this photo has no backing to it. If anybody could kindly date these for me it would greatly help.
Many thanks in advance

Other Countries / Phillips death in Indonesia?
« on: Monday 17 October 11 17:35 BST (UK)  »
Looking for help with the following;
Arthur Albert Phillips b 24/11/1859 in Paddington, Middlesex, is shown on a few family trees that I have seen as having died in November 1882, Sulawesi Tengah, Indonesia but with no source. I have tried to find out where this info came from originally but to no avail. Oral family history has him dying at sea but no details. I have looked at the Maritime records around that period but no luck (some years missing). If anybody could help with any info or a way forward with my search I would be very grateful. Many thanks.
Dave ???

Hi Libby,
             sorry for the delay in getting back to you. Well here goes. My Mary Ann Nation b c1826 in or around Bridgewater married my 3xgreatgrandfather George Phillips in London where I believe they were both in Domestic service. Later George was in domestic service whilst Mary Ann ran a lodging house and at that time they had a son Arthur Albert Phillips. It would appear that Mary died ( I do not know the circumstances ) as George and Arthur travel to Brighton and George remarries ( marriage Cert shows him as a widower) and he and the new wife set up a Lodging House. Mary Ann's mother, Mary Ann Skinner, is really a calculated guess on my part and not based on any fact. The copy of the mothers christian names led me to think that this was a possibility and John Nation followed on from that. Mary Ann Nation and her fate are still a mystery to me as is her history and also Arthur Alberts fate who is thought to have died at sea. I am descended from the son of George Phillips and his second wife. My interest here is that the name Arthur Albert was taken up by his half brother Walter ( my great grandfather ) who named a son after him, who was subsequently killed on the Somme, and by my grandfather who named my father Arthur Albert. He must have been highly thought of for the name to follow through the generations.
 Any info that you may dig up on this line would be greatly appreciated.

All of the very best

Hi David,
             many thanks for your post. I have yet to get anywhere significant with this line although I did look at Mary Ann Skinner as Mary Ann Nation's mother. I am actually descended from George Phillips's second marriage but the name Arthur Albert , son of George Phillips and Mary Ann Nation, has passed down through the families with theirs being the first, lost at sea I believe, then my great uncle ( killed on the Somme ) and then my late father.
   Thanks again for your attention on this topic and if you find out anything else I would be grateful to hear.
Many thanks

Yorkshire (North Riding) Lookup Requests / Re: Marriage Looup Please
« on: Monday 07 July 08 20:04 BST (UK)  »
Was this a marriage of convenience ? I am sorry about this but I just couldn't resist this reply bearing in mind the typo error in the heading. ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D

World War One / Re: Please!! Need Help
« on: Wednesday 11 June 08 10:34 BST (UK)  »
Hi Children,
                 I didn't think that the Royal Tank Corp was formed until at least a year later, either 1915 or 1916.

Armed Forces / Re: help with Navy Record
« on: Wednesday 14 May 08 20:51 BST (UK)  »
Hi maplea,
                   I think that HMCS stands for Her/His  Majesty's  Canadian Ship and thus I guess that he was transferred/lent to the Canadian Armed Forces. The CS I would think would be Canadian Service or Ship. I know that at least in the 70/80's they were a Canadian armed force sub divided into the various specialisations rather than a definite Navy, Airforce and Army as our Services are.
I hope that this has been of some assistance.

The Common Room / Re: GRO Index
« on: Friday 21 March 08 20:08 GMT (UK)  »
Hi Ecneps,
                   yes thanks for that. I was actually trying to give the GRO Index number as it was a GRO Index that I picked up the info on. I thought it strange that I couldn't get the number needed from the GRO Index itself as I thought that's what it was for and perhaps I was missing something. I have the name "Phillips" with no initial or age and so I do not hold out a great deal of hope but you never know. Thanks again for your reply.
easy12  :)

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