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Messages - YvonneP

Pages: [1]
Lincolnshire / Re: Grantham Cemetery, Lincolnshire
« on: Monday 02 March 15 10:00 GMT (UK)  »
I was about to post the information that Jane's name was Ramshaw, but see that it has already been pointed out.

Norfolk / Re: VANHAM - North Lopham
« on: Tuesday 15 November 11 17:35 GMT (UK)  »
Hello Jonathan,

I posted this original message so long ago I had forgotten about it, thanks for the reply.  Since posing my question I have found out quite a bit about Isaac John Cole Vanham and his ancestors, as it seems so have you.   His father John Cole was born in November 1801 the son of Mary Cole, at his baptism on 7th December in the village of Fersfield, Norfolk he was recorded as "John the son of Mary Cole by  John Venom the reputed father"  A later baptism for a Mary Cole in 1806 has the same annotation.  On 17th July 1808 the parish records show the marriage of Mary Cole and John Venham - widower.   So it would appear that John Cole Vanham was entitle to use the name after his parents actually married and it would seem that John Venham/Vanham was a married man when he fathered John and Mary.   John Cole was recorded as marrying Esther Jessup and she used the name Cole when she married her second husband but when John was buried in 1830 he was recorded as Vanham, I do wish they would chose one name and stick to it, it would make life less interesting but easier!

The baptism of Isaac John Cole Vanham took place in the village of Banham and he was recorded as Isaac Banham, which is why you could not spot him.

By the way, my husband's Great Grandmother was Hannah Maria Cole Vanham, daughter of Isaac John Cole Vanham she married Joseph Henry Birch in Cullingworth so I guess we have a connection

Thanks again, Yvonne 

Norfolk / Re: VANHAM - North Lopham
« on: Friday 23 March 07 14:09 GMT (UK)  »
Hello Alison, thanks for that.

I expect shoemakers/menders travelled around and this guy is the right age to be Isaac's father.  I have a feeling that his mother was not married to his father, which is why  Cole appears in his name. 

I have a chap in my tree who was christened with his father's name as his second name and  the two were switched around when his parents later married.

Norfolk / VANHAM - North Lopham
« on: Friday 23 March 07 12:40 GMT (UK)  »
Isaac John Cole Vanham was born, according to the 1851 census, in North Lopham c1825.  On this census he was 26 years old and living with his mother Esther Cowles, a widow of 51, and three younger stepbrothers - Frederick 24, George 16, and Robert 9 - the family were in Kenninghall.  All these facts would seem to indicate that his mother was married to a Mr Vanham, or her maiden name was Vanham prior to her marriage to Mr Cowles.  My investigations do not seem to prove this.  Benjamin Cowles married (H)esther Cole in 1831, this was his second marriage and (H)esther too was described as a widow, her maiden name being Jessop.  John Cole married Esther Jessop in 1822.  I have not yet established a death for him.
In the Bishops Transcripts for North Lopham is a baptism for Isaac Banham on 27th February 1827 - son of John Banham, a shoemaker and Esther - Isaac's marriage certificate states that his father was John Vanham, Shoemaker.
Until 1875 an informant could name anyone as the father of an illegitimate child.  If this is one such case then Isaac could have been born between Esther's two marriages when her legal name was Esther Cole.  The evidence appears to be in the name he used for the rest of his life - the Cole even being passed on to his daughter, my husbands great grandmother Hannah Maria Cole Vanham.

I have searched for the elusive Mr John Vanham for some years now and he has eluded me.  As this is not a common surname I wonder if there are any folk out there who could shed some light on this mystery?

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