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Messages - buckaroo

Pages: [1] 2 3 4 ... 15
Pembrokeshire Lookup Requests / Re: michael barnett
« on: Wednesday 10 August 11 22:26 BST (UK)  »
Hi Peppajack,
Sounds like we have a relative in common.  It's been a while since I did any research on this, I'll try and dig out some info and I'll send on to you soon.

Wales / Re: Translation Please!
« on: Monday 30 May 11 21:05 BST (UK)  »
 :) :) :)

Wales / Re: Translation Please!
« on: Monday 30 May 11 13:41 BST (UK)  »
'Carys byw i mi yw Crist a marw sydd elw'

For to me, to live is Christ and to die is gain - Phillipians 1,21

Wales / Re: Translation Please!
« on: Monday 30 May 11 11:42 BST (UK)  »
The first one is a verse from a Welsh hymn by David Charles 18th century hymn writer.

From the hills of Jerusalem can be seen
  The entire journey all through the desert,
This time come turns of the course
  Sweetly to fill our mind;
We can look at the storms and fears
  And horrendous death and the grave,
And we have escaped from their reach
  Swimming in love and peace.

not quite the same feeling when translated, but still...

Wales / Re: Translation Please!
« on: Monday 30 May 11 11:36 BST (UK)  »
Can't make it all out but...

Gwyl briod Richard Roberts
Modest wife of Richard Roberts

yr hon a hunod yn yr Iesu
she who died in Jesus

Mawrth 26 ain 1894 ??
March 26th 1894 ??

yn 29 mlwydd oed
29 years old

Armed Forces / Re: What's this medal?
« on: Friday 02 January 09 17:34 GMT (UK)  »
I'm not aware of any photos of him, but there are some relatives that might have some.  I'll have to make some enquiries!

Thanks for your help,

Armed Forces / Re: What's this medal?
« on: Friday 02 January 09 13:55 GMT (UK)  »
Hi Ady,

We believe he was born approx 1900, near Keighley, Yorkshire.  I was told by my grandfather that his father (Thomas Uttley) joined the army and stayed in the army thrghout his life until he died and was buried out in Utenhage, South Africa.  He did marry (obviously), his wife'd name was Phyllis Anne Hall (not too sure of the spellings).

That's pretty much all I've got, so far, so as you'll see I'm glad of any information I can find.

It's possible that he played a part in both WW's

Kindest Regards,

Armed Forces / Re: What's this medal?
« on: Friday 02 January 09 12:44 GMT (UK)  »
That's great... thank you hepburn & Ady.

I had a suspicion it might be connected to a sporting event.

So if Thomas Uttley was part of the Pontefract Garrison can anyone tell me where do I begin finding out more about him?

Thanks again,

Armed Forces / What's this medal?
« on: Friday 02 January 09 12:34 GMT (UK)  »
Can anybody tell me some more about this medal?

We believe it belonged to our great grandfather Thomas Uttley.  He was born in Yorkshire, and was in the army throughout his life, he eventualy died approx 1966 in Utenhage South Africa.

The medal reads;

W & D H.H.A.F.L

and some hallmarks I believe...
(JWT) ???????

I'm hoping this will give us a starting point for some further research into his military career.  Any help would be fantastic!

Here's hoping...

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