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Messages - billy56

Pages: [1] 2 3 4 ... 17
The Common Room / Re: What name could "Pem" be short for?
« on: Friday 06 January 12 07:33 GMT (UK)  »
many thanks but your message. Continuing to research I found her name was Emily so problem solved.

Mayo / Re: TRAYNOR family, Ballina
« on: Friday 06 May 11 07:15 BST (UK)  »
Sorry, I have been away and only caught up on emails this morning. My interest in the Traynor family was via a neighbour who I helped trace her family roots and included the Traynors I posted an enquiry about. She has since moved away and I have lost contact so many thsnka for thinking of us but I wont be pursuing this research any further.
Thank you again and good luck with your research

Devon / All Hallows,Honiton
« on: Monday 27 September 10 17:43 BST (UK)  »
Anyone know anything about All Hallows school and school house in Honiton, Devon?


Oxfordshire Lookup Requests / Re: 1841/1851 census for MUMFORD
« on: Sunday 28 March 10 16:29 BST (UK)  »
this is a very old message so you have probably solved your problem - or given up ! However I have recently started tracing my Mumford family and producing a tree so would be able to help. We have a match for ancestor connections so I would be glad to hear from you and exchange info.

Australia / Emmigration
« on: Sunday 24 January 10 18:11 GMT (UK)  »
may sound a bit simple but could someone tell me how to find details on family who seem to have vanished from UK but rumour has it they went to Western Australia. Family name Button and Im thinking after ww1.

The Common Room / Re: Death 1940s
« on: Sunday 24 January 10 17:34 GMT (UK)  »
thought I would post an update for my ancient request. The 1911 census confirmed my great grandmother had 11 children but only 4 survived. 3 of the 4, including my grandmother were listed, along with a grandchild who was from the elder daughter ( therefore accounting for all the surviving 4 children)
I have now traced the deaths of all 7 children so the Beverley letter could not have been regarding my grandmother's sibling. I have widened the search to her cousins from both sides.
Thanks for all the interest

Northamptonshire Lookup Requests / Re: BENJAMIN BUTTON and SUSANNA ROBINS
« on: Sunday 24 January 10 17:26 GMT (UK)  »
Iam tracing my Button family which originated in Lois Weedon, Benjamin and Rachel nee Mumford. I know my Benjamin's father was also named Benjamin and believe his mother to be Emma. Is your Benjamin and Susanna the parents of my original Benjamin ? do we have a match?


One Name Studies: H to M / Re: HINETT/Inett
« on: Saturday 03 October 09 17:39 BST (UK)  »
just browsing and found your message. My husband has Hinett on his family tree, from Birmingham but originating from Worcs. Would be happy to share


Anglesey / Re: Ann Eames and Thomas Goodman Jones
« on: Monday 20 October 08 20:20 BST (UK)  »
Thank you, I havent done any research on this family for at least a year, so I need to refresh myself and come back to you. All avenues worth exploring

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