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The Stay Safe Board / Re: Diary summary week ending 26th May 2024
« on: Thursday 23 May 24 07:05 BST (UK)  »
Yes do look after yourself RTL.

I empathise with those of you who have lost their taste
I didn't catch COVID

Ditto both points, though perhaps a matter of time for second one and a time off matter for first!

Stopping by early to send best wishes for you day on Friday Viktoria, our eldest great niece will be 18 that day, young adult already! Another great niece joined her older sisters as a teenager a couple of weeks ago, still my eldest granddaughter about to turn 10 and her little sister just turned 2 and an most 5 year old ready for school in a few months keeping me "young'  :D Celebrating this weekend with granddaughter, 2nd son in law and sister, another sister wedding anni this weekend too as well as one b-i-l and s-i-l having just had theirs, cousins b'days etc. Know not only ones with May being so popular ;-)  ..also just had someone else tell me same last week

Cheers all ... off to rescue dinner from overcooking! 

The Stay Safe Board / Re: Diary summary week ending 12thMay 2024
« on: Thursday 09 May 24 06:01 BST (UK)  »
Well done on condensing all the research and archiving Rena, massive job!

Thoughts with you Jeff with those years of memories and reminders as each significant date comes around, particularly so the first time, hug ..

The Stay Safe Board / Re: Diary summary week ending 12thMay 2024
« on: Tuesday 07 May 24 11:12 BST (UK)  »
Same with a bunch of family birthdays in May Viktoria, youngest granddaughter and a niece today. Little miss 2 had her requested green jelly with cream and sprinkles shared with family up there yesterday and a fun playground day with mummy and daddy today and favourite pizza.  We're going north to celebrate with them at weekend as bigger sister went to a 4 day school camp today, another trip for her birthday too later in month and their daddy has a birthday in between, as does other son- in-law and my sister and remembering mother-in-law and a dear aunt as well no longer with us. It is also mothers day for us this coming Sunday.

The Dash poem is very appropriate LM, have heard it at quite a few funerals now over recent years, condolences on losing a friend. Sounds like having visitors for the weekend went well  8)

Cheers all for the week

The Stay Safe Board / Re: Diary summary week ending 28th April 2024
« on: Monday 29 April 24 05:25 BST (UK)  »
Such a punishing schedule you have RTL as we've all mentioned through these threads, if only we could support you further in a more practical or helpful way to get your entitlements and hours more acceptable. I don't ever recall having carried a banner in a protest, can understand why others do when it comes to work and pay conditions of nurses, teachers etc etc etc. Happy for you and your family that there is a bit of light re health matters.

Good to hear your previous dentistry episode is now more comfortable too Viktoria, and hopefully much better on visit tomorrow.

Also see many beautiful glasses on shelves in op shops, our local Hospice one has a large area of a range of unwanted crystal but I know they have quite a good turnover generally, just ongoing donations mainly from seniors downsizing I think.

Getting on to late afternoon Monday NZ, new diary week really but just adding to this one while looking in, Cheers all x

The Stay Safe Board / Re: Diary summary week ending 21st April 2024
« on: Wednesday 17 April 24 14:49 BST (UK)  »
Busy as always Viktoria and always interesting snippets with this and that. ANZAC Day next week, 25th and 2nd week of school holidays. Miss nearly 10 granddaughter had to be up so early last year to make the dawn parade with her Sea Scout group, preparing for same but as they're coming down here Saturday and staying for a few days leader is flexible of where she attends if not back in time as long as a photographic record as part of her badge as well.

Well done with persevering with that consumer issue with rewarding result RTL  :)

You'll be pleased to have both eyes attended to now BB and seemingly successful ... I won't put up the 'cool' emoticon as it might look inappropriate and even the 'wink' one now might! ...

Getting adjusted to the days drawing in with seasonal change and clocks back but some lovely mild days so far, plenty to keep us occupied with comings and goings etc, flu jabs done at start of week.

Cheers all ...

The Stay Safe Board / Re: Diary summary week ending 31st March 2024
« on: Thursday 28 March 24 12:23 GMT (UK)  »

Do hope your 'up over' weather pays attention to clocks jumping forward ... though perhaps I won't be saying that when our clocks go back an hour in NZ next weekend! Roads always busy with those making most of getting out and about over the holiday and tail end of summer.

Notification from our new medical centre with reminder that covid booster jabs and flu vaccinations available, we're not eligible for booster yet as had one mid December. It's usually April for getting the flu one done so we're both booked in for that in a couple of weeks, only just started having them myself 2 years ago but husband has for many years now. He had his first appointment with new doctor this week as had to get new script made,  quite happy with the visit and thorough and pleasant. Has been a bit of a rigmarole with all the initial requirements of details with registering both of us though rather lucky that he was accepting new patients and can book in with same doctor, which is getting harder to do everywhere!.

Cheers for a Happy Easter all  :)

The Stay Safe Board / Re: Diary week ending 25th February
« on: Wednesday 21 February 24 12:34 GMT (UK)  »
Re the topic of the diary thread, as in 'stay safe' .. Covid is quite active about and we are well aware with various family having had it this year already. Schools went back in NZ end of January/ early February after the long summer break. It was a public holiday here on 6th Feb, Waitangi Day, which was a Tuesday, know of one school in South Island had an extended long weekend closing the Monday as well as not enough teachers as so many had Covid! They suspect contracted with a teacher only day the previous week all together  :-\
Our older daughter had her teacher only day Monday this week but she was only just out of isolation herself having had it and also her two younger girls home sick with covid all the previous week. The kindy her 4 year old attends had a notice up on the board that daughter noticed after she had stayed a while with 21 month old having a little play on the Friday before. Miss 4 wasn't quite her usual self so was tested that evening and a clear positive, By the Sunday daughter tested positive and wee one as well. 9 year old didn't get it, she was the only one who had had it previously just over a year ago, daddy didn't get it but he stayed at his parents place and they had previously had it as well but they were good with dropping off necessities and meals etc. The little ones had high temps and sleepy mostly and daughter quite chesty and loss of smell, couldn't smell Vicks vaporub  but a bonus for nappy changing! While she was visiting us for her her dad's birthday late last month she had a booster jab as didn't want to start the school term without some form of protection. Also avoided going to a camp with some friends as possibly a bit of a risk with school due back, then missed birthday party of one of the friends who went to the camp and came home safe and well because of this isolation herself. So she reckons she's no longer a 'unicorn' but we know quite a few  like her who hadn't had Covid previously and we haven't yet either ... touch wood and up to date with booster vacs, out and about as usual so fingers crossed as well. Younger daughter and her husband also had it at New Year ...

Stay safe and well ...

The Stay Safe Board / Re: Diary week ending 25th February
« on: Wednesday 21 February 24 12:03 GMT (UK)  »
You don't need the medical worries Viktoria, especially with difficulties getting through to get attention in first place with appointments etc, similar issues re doctors surgeries and appointment delays NZ too in some places with shortage of doctors. We were quite well served where we were and thankfully not too bad here having registered with a doctor nearby who was taking new patients, also we've both had very quick referrals from our previous doctor for hospital followups. We're a bit further away from a hospital now though and my appointment was at a different one than husband had his one, but all good while we're mobile enough!

Following threads along the way while weeks go by, don't usually log into RC to post while using phone but can keep up with a read here and there. We no longer have a landline and our mobile phones are much more in use, though I don't always have my sound on but check the screen periodically. A video call came through at 6.40 am this morning ... and do you think I could find the phone! It rang for some time and so thinking perhaps an urgent family call. We were both barely awake, I didn't go to bed until 2am, but just as I tracked the phone down call ended. Neither of us had our phones on charge, husband had forgotten and left it on top of a display cabinet and mine fully charged. Anyway call was from a friend in North America re another friend, he's excused re time of call ... but just as well we didn't take the video call in our state of undress!

Very warm nights though as days start to shorten a bit less so, daytime temps very summery and a good run of lovely days, unlike the devastating cyclones we had last summer!

The Stay Safe Board / Re: Diary week ending 21st January
« on: Wednesday 17 January 24 12:51 GMT (UK)  »
Hello again
Beautiful sunny day so far  but we are predicted  a bad day tomorrow, shame that as I was going  to go out, weather permitting .

Lots of areas have snow, hope everyone keeps safe and warm.

Must admit to being a bit if an ostrich regarding  news,  I don't read or watch much of it on TV,   very depressing .

Take care everyone.

Less of the warm for me thanks, nearly 2 am and still in low 20's C and humid though coping reasonably well, do hope all good for you and others getting about though with winter weather disruptions.

I do try to follow news to a degree and less so with certain subjects, like others sometimes just headlines or just in brevity.

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