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Messages - dipsys dad

Pages: [1] 2
Lanarkshire / Re: Cathcart, Cathcart Old Parish and Linn
« on: Monday 01 June 15 21:19 BST (UK)  »
As a teenager in the early 70's, we used the kirkyard as our meeting place, and, looking at the place on Saturday after a 30 odd year absence, I am shocked. A great many markers have simply disappeared, and others are so defaced it is a disgrace. However, in the 70's, there was a survey of the place by the local history group. It was very amateurish but it did uncover quite a few flat stones in the old section which are completely covered by turf. These were recorded and covered up again. To answer another question, I remember one being uncovered in fantastic condition, dedicated to the Urie family, with two or three souls underneath it. I do recall a great many of the names of people buried there who are no longer marked, so if anybody needs help, I'll try.

Armed Forces / Re: Waterloo ancestors
« on: Wednesday 22 August 12 17:34 BST (UK)  »
I know I'm a bit late in replying, but I've only just found your request. For what it's worth, my gggf served in the 91st Regiment 2nd. Battalion, in Flanders and was wounded at the siege of Bergen op Zoom. When the 2nd Battalion was disbanded in 1814, he was promoted to the first battalion and served in the Waterloo campaign. He was Thomas Cockburn from Calton in the Barony Parish of Lanarkshire, and he joined up in 1811, being discharged honourably in 1818. He received the Waterloo Medal, and was granted 2 years bonus on top of his pension. He died in 1866, at Cambuslang in Lanarkshire.

Lanarkshire / Re: Cathcart, Cathcart Old Parish and Linn
« on: Saturday 17 April 10 12:40 BST (UK)  »
Hi again! By 1968, I was at King's Park, but I was at Simshill before that under the great Miss Adams. I was pretty well known under the name of Nippy. That name, however, is long dead and buried and I don't want to resurrect it, so consider this the last mention of it! I was also an officer in the 95th. BB (Junior Section), and was on the committee at the Cathcart Kirk youth club in the church hall.
Enough of the cv here, though! If it rings any bells you can let me know.
Cheers, John C.

Loons for promotion!

Lanarkshire / Re: Cathcart, Cathcart Old Parish and Linn
« on: Friday 16 April 10 19:17 BST (UK)  »
Elmore Avenue, eh? My granny lived there for years. We lived across the road in Carna Drive from the 60's until I saw saw sense and cleared off in the 70's.
There's none of the family left in Glasgow now, with me being in Forfar and the rest in Australia.
Best wishes,
John C.

Away the Loons!

Lanarkshire / Re: Stark Family
« on: Friday 16 April 10 18:27 BST (UK)  »
With reference to Ann Stark who married Thomas Cockburn, she was the youngest daughter of John Stark and Ann Todd, who were married in 1764 in Calton, Lanarkshire. The family was : Elizabeth and William (twins) christened by the Barony church, 1790, James, ch. 1793 Glasgow (cathedral), Margaret, ch. 1795 (Barony), John, ch. 1798 (Barony), and Ann, who was born 1802 in Calton, and christened into the Barony church in July, 1802. She died in 1854 and is buried in Cambuslang Churchyard. Out of interest, the twins gene has only resurfaced in the Cockburn family once, in 1928, with a boy and a girl.
I'm not sure that this is your Starks, but I hope it's of interest anyway.

Cheers, JC.

Travelling People / Re: Logan Lee
« on: Monday 02 November 09 13:32 GMT (UK)  »
Puzzler, isn't it? The inscription on the stone states clearly that he is under it.
The other side gives his grandmother's (Elizabeth Smith) details, but no reference to her burial site.
 There is, however, another Gipsy buried in the kirkyard namely one Joseph Cooper. Might it be a relative or similar?
Thanks again,
John C.

Travelling People / Re: Logan Lee
« on: Sunday 01 November 09 16:18 GMT (UK)  »
Thanks for finding this out. I am absolutely delighted to finally find out what happened to Logan. Only thing is, if he died in Ireland, how on earth did he end up in Cathcart?
Again, many thanks.

Travelling People / Re: Logan Lee
« on: Friday 18 January 08 17:21 GMT (UK)  »

 Re the parish kirk records. Well, they used to live in the manse, but since that is now flats I inquired into the Church of Scotland in Edinburgh. They told me that all parish registers, burial records, etc, are lodged in Register House in Edinburgh. Unfortunately they are not on line (yet) so I'm afraid this means a somewhat expensive trip to the Capital to get a hold of them.

Travelling People / Re: Logan Lee
« on: Thursday 17 January 08 22:04 GMT (UK)  »

 Right, back again. As I was saying, over the past 20-30 years the churchyard has been vandalised to the ground. Most of the remaining upright markers have been taken away for safety reasons, and the horizontal ones are a mess of broken glass and syringes.
 Enough, however of that. I am curious about the description of Logan's grave as a book. That is the last thing it look's like!
  You also mention a John Cooper being buried nearby. I remember the stone being there, as it was pointed out to me by the minister many years ago, but, sadly, it is long gone. However, the name on it was definitely Robert Cooper.
 Have we got the same person? He was, along with Logan, frequently mentioned as a Gypsy, but nobody knew any more, until now.
 Well, that's about it. Thanks a million for your help, and I hope I have helped you a wee bit too.

 Cheers,   John.

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