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Messages - daz 2008

Pages: [1] 2 3 4 ... 6
Clare / Re: kearney's of ennistymon
« on: Wednesday 12 November 08 18:46 GMT (UK)  »
cheers mate sent you a mail

Clare / Re: kearney's of ennistymon
« on: Friday 29 August 08 15:42 BST (UK)  »
thanks for your help shane.  i will have a look into getting john and kates marriage cert .
its funny really as my nan norah was probably the person i was closest to out of all my relatives but she is the person whos branch on my tree i know the least about . i really must get over to ireland one day soon and have a look around , do you come from the clare area yourself?

Clare / Re: kearney's of ennistymon
« on: Friday 29 August 08 11:18 BST (UK)  »
thanks shane,
i dont know what slaters includes but john is listed as a ag lab on the census living with his brother in law michael o'halloran (also a aglab) they are listed on this page of the census living in kilfernora

unfortunately this is all i have on the family , ive been a bit wary of applying for my nans birth cert as although we all knew her as norah , i know when she applied for a passport she had some hassle as they didnt not have anyone of that name and said her name was something like honara? which she herself took great umbrage to . so i dont even know what her real registered name was.

Lincolnshire Lookup Requests / baptism lookup please , 1862 Welton By Lincoln
« on: Tuesday 19 August 08 19:45 BST (UK)  »
i dont know if anyone will be able to help me with this but i found a baptism on the igi that may or may not be my g grandfather , james william humphrey born 18 dec 1861 in saxilby.
james williams birth certificate gives no fathers name , but on the 1861 census his mother betsey humphrey is listed as a servant working for the gambles family in cammeringham , lincolnshire & on the igi there is a JAMES WILLIAM GAMBLES HUMPHREYS son of a BETSY HUMPHREYS christened  09 FEB 1862   Welton By Lincoln, Lincolnshire.
i know this is a long shot but my thinking is maybe that james was the illegitimate son of one of the gambles family and was wondering if someone could look at the baptism record as it might give me a bit more detail.

Kent Lookup Requests / Re: Eldridge - Goodwin Marriage - Broughton
« on: Thursday 14 August 08 18:34 BST (UK)  »
sorry cant help with the marriage query but on my tree i have a richard eldridge b1824 in blean . any idea if hes a relation to your james?

The Common Room / Re: Is this cheating?
« on: Thursday 14 August 08 14:55 BST (UK)  »
when its still living or recent relatives then of course accept their word , i would myself.
i didnt realise thats what you meant . i thought we was talking about going back generations

The Common Room / Re: Is this cheating?
« on: Thursday 14 August 08 14:26 BST (UK)  »
In other words I should refuse to accept the info that my Aussie cousins send me as true, unless they send me cert. of all the family. Where I come from thats called nitpicking.

no not at all , but they must have got the info from somewhere -if they are sharing their tree with you surely they would be happy to share their sources? if they cant tell you where they got they the info from then personally i wouldnt put it into my tree , but thats just me
its completely up to you

Technical Help / Re: Can You Shrink the Size of Attachments?
« on: Thursday 14 August 08 14:21 BST (UK)  »
or in future upload large items to

then you can send the link to whoever you want and they can download it straight from there.

Technical Help / Re: BitTorrent question
« on: Thursday 14 August 08 14:19 BST (UK)  »
if you just type  who do you think you are kensit torrent into google
you will find it has already been upped to many sites already

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