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Messages - ASA1

Pages: [1] 2 3 4
London & Middlesex Completed Lookup Requests / Re: Winifred Annie COOPER - Completed
« on: Wednesday 13 June 12 11:40 BST (UK)  »
Hi Lauren,

I came across your post about the Cooper's by chance - I am researching the men from Carshalton who were killed in WW1 and are commemorated on the memorial here (see my website I was just wondering if you had any further information about James Thomas Cooper or perhaps even a picture? If you are interested I am happy to share the information I have gathered about him.

Many thanks.

Kind Regards,

Glamorganshire / Re: MORGAN - Capel Y Babell, Cwmbwrla
« on: Saturday 24 September 11 11:46 BST (UK)  »
Hi Bevbee,

Sorry for the delayed reply, I've only just seen your message. Its certainly overgrown there!! Thanks for trying and for the pics.

Kind Regards,

Glamorganshire / Re: MORGAN - Capel Y Babell, Cwmbwrla
« on: Friday 16 September 11 07:32 BST (UK)  »
Thanks all for the replies - it looks like a pretty overgrown place!

Hi Bev - as Non says its a MORGAN grave apparently with a white open book. If you are able to get there and take a photo that would be much appreciated, no rush though.


Glamorganshire / MORGAN - Capel Y Babell, Cwmbwrla
« on: Wednesday 14 September 11 20:59 BST (UK)  »
I understand this was a chapel that was demolished. I am following up some very old notes scribbled on a family tree for the MORGAN side of my tree; it makes reference to a Morgan grave in Babell Cemetery; can anyone tell me if the cemetery has gone too?

If its still there I am looking for any Morgan graves; the notes mention a Lilian Morgan b.1912, d.1915 who is apparently on the headstone.

Many thanks,

Family History Beginners Board / Re: Robert Worthington Johnson
« on: Sunday 27 February 11 17:42 GMT (UK)  »
Robert Worthington Johnson was killed in WW1, on 21/10/1916, aged 34. He is commemorated on Carshalton war memorial.

If you have any further information about him please get in touch.

Surrey / Croydon Corporation WW1 memorials
« on: Monday 11 January 10 19:58 GMT (UK)  »

Does anyone have a picture of either the Croydon Corporation WW1 memorial plaque at Croydon town hall, or the Croydon Corporation Tramways WW1 memorial plaque situated at Thornton Heath bus depot?


World War One / Croydon Corporation memorial plaques
« on: Monday 11 January 10 19:56 GMT (UK)  »

Does anyone have a picture of either the Croydon Corporation memorial plaque at Croydon town hall, or the Croydon Corporation Tramways memorial plaque situated at Thornton Heath bus depot?


World War One / Murphy's Register CD - lookup request
« on: Monday 05 October 09 20:55 BST (UK)  »
Does anyone have access to the Murphy's Register CD index of WW1 photographs who would be willing to do a couple of look ups for me?


Westmorland Lookup Requests / Kendal Record Office lookup
« on: Sunday 04 October 09 16:59 BST (UK)  »
Hi there,

I am currently researching the men of Carshalton in Surrey who died during WW1 and have come across a chap named Robert Leonard Powys ADAMS who died in 1919 during the Third Afghan War, having served for the entire war in France without incident.

A quick search on access to archives has revealed a solicitor's box at the Cumbria Record Office in Kendal containing letters from a Robert Leonard Powys Adams of the same address in Carshalton. Only discrepancy is that the record has a date of 3rd July 1939, when obviously he had been deceased for 20 years. I am reluctant to pay the archive's admin, photocopying, postage charges etc if it is the wrong man, however the fact that it is exactly the same name and address leaves too many questions unanswered!

If anyone is going to the archive, would you possibly be able to have a quick look at the contents of the box and let me know if I am barking up the wrong tree....?

The reference is WD AF/Box 156/2 1939.

Many thanks,

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