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Messages - bones5

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Census and Resource Discussion / Re: Lost Cousins - Customer service at it's worst?
« on: Thursday 01 September 22 09:02 BST (UK)  »
Another aspect of the article was that it came across as judgemental. This is a family of now, not a genealogy project.

That was my thought too, that his parents would hopefully not read it.

Census and Resource Discussion / Re: Lost Cousins - Customer service at it's worst?
« on: Tuesday 30 August 22 21:46 BST (UK)  »
Thank you for your replies and thoughts.

I would say that the zoom meeting is likely a different case where manners and a certain protocol is observed, whereas the LC newsletters are entirely his choice of content, whether given consent by others to include information or just his own views. Rather like using a ' telephone voice' when answering a call, being polite and 'proper'. Or not.

No matter what the life and circumstances, a child has died and the family are grieving. Respect should have been observed and any tittle tattle and assumptions should have been unspoken.

I do apologise for hijacking this thread, I thought the best place was to add my comments on this topic.

Census and Resource Discussion / Re: Lost Cousins - Customer service at it's worst?
« on: Tuesday 30 August 22 17:39 BST (UK)  »
I did consider doing so. From experience,  the attitude that comes across when he's discussing members private messages and his response to them, written about in the newsletters is something that makes uncomfortable reading. I am considering this. It is likely that any message posted would be struck off as it would go against his views....or at least disparaged completely.

Census and Resource Discussion / Re: Lost Cousins - Customer service at it's worst?
« on: Tuesday 30 August 22 16:25 BST (UK)  »
I was impressed with lost cousins at first but I have seen it's decline, unfortunately. At first I thought that when I read about current subjects written about, such as covid, that it was me, and that I was being somewhat sensitive to how it came across. But it does come across as preaching and it you don't agree then you are reckless and stupid.

Recently, there were some very hard words concerning the story of the poor youngster A***** B********e. Disparaging assumptions and judgements were made that were shocking and upsetting to read, with no thought at all of the family. Further information of the family had been researched and included, which is totally inappropriate. The owner of the site is entitled to his opinion, but in this instance it went too far and should not have been subject of a family history newsletter. One premise that we abide by when asking for help is to NOT post living peoples names.  This family is not his family. I found it wholly unsuitable material for discussing about in a newsletter.

Cardiganshire Lookup Requests / Re: Census for the Lloyds please
« on: Tuesday 22 March 11 12:49 GMT (UK)  »
 ;D Thanks very much again for your advice and help. I will contact the RO and see what they have.

Cardiganshire Lookup Requests / Re: Census for the Lloyds please
« on: Monday 21 March 11 14:06 GMT (UK)  »
 :oThank you so much, Shropshire Lass. You have looked for and found a wealth of information that I can work with; fantastic! It is greatly appreciated, all your hard work, providing me with clues and help. ;D

Thanks again, just absolutely fantastic!

I will see if I can find anything more about the schools records, great advice!

Cardiganshire Lookup Requests / Re: Census for the Lloyds please
« on: Sunday 20 March 11 09:35 GMT (UK)  »
Thanks for your reply. Elizabeth just said she was born Aberystwyth, but Thomas, her brother, said on the 1881 that he was born  Alltgochfach. So maybe this can help pinpoint where they were from?

Cardiganshire Lookup Requests / Re: Census for the Lloyds please
« on: Friday 18 March 11 13:41 GMT (UK)  »
Sorry I haven't any more information :(

Unless they are not all together, and Elizabeth is with her father and not Thomas, or vica versa. Or ELizabeth and Thomas are together, and no father, as he is seperate. The only other thing I have is that the mother may be Catherine or Elizabeth, but this is not confirmed.

Many thanks for looking.

Cardiganshire Lookup Requests / Census for the Lloyds please
« on: Saturday 12 March 11 12:27 GMT (UK)  »
Is anyone able to lookup on 41,51 census, please, Elizabeth Lloyd bc 1827, Aberystwyth, father David, labourer? There is also a brother Thomas bc 1829.

Any help much appreciated, as I am unable to get any further and I am hoping the census will help.

Thank you for reading.

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