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Messages - grah72a

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Warwickshire / marston family
« on: Thursday 24 October 19 15:04 BST (UK)  »
Hi its been a long time since i posred, i am a bit out of touch with my Marston family, mainly going  back to the 1700 s, Nuneaton. any info would be great.

Warwickshire / Re: Passmore Family
« on: Friday 25 January 19 13:32 GMT (UK)  »
Sorry Graham, no mention of his name but i will try a few more searches, all the best Graham.

Warwickshire / Re: Passmore Family
« on: Tuesday 22 January 19 20:57 GMT (UK)  »
Hi Graham,thanks for the message, yes i am still trying to follow the Passsmores but not a lot more succsess, the eyes are giving me trouble so i find it difficuult, thanks for any help.

Yorkshire (West Riding) Resources & Offers / howell family
« on: Sunday 29 July 18 19:27 BST (UK)  »
It would be good to hear if anyone has information on the Howell families from this area.Thomas Howell was a coach proprieter in the 1800s

Staffordshire / Re: Moses Coppick
« on: Sunday 19 March 17 19:07 GMT (UK)  »
                 Hi Maggie,
                                     I have posted a personel message to you today, let me know if it arrived,


Devon Lookup Requests / Shore/Shore-Marston.
« on: Sunday 13 November 16 19:35 GMT (UK)  »
Hi, is anyone researching or have members of Shore or Shore-Marston in their tree.

                                                           Graham Marston

Staffordshire / Re: Moses Coppick
« on: Tuesday 13 September 16 13:13 BST (UK)  »
Thanks JJ,
               I did contact Kate some time ago and she sent me a picture of the mug,Moses was my late mother in laws grandfather, I anm hoping to confirm it was the same Moses ,so far the dates fit in.
                                                             Thanks Graham.

Staffordshire / Moses Coppick
« on: Tuesday 13 September 16 12:48 BST (UK)  »
I am looking for connections between Moses Coppick (Coppock) ,b 1838, he was a potterand produced a cider mug for a cider company in Taunton,it had his name on it and the date 1877.,i beleive he worked in the potteries. he was  married twice and his second wife was Susan Carmen. any information would help.

Warwickshire Lookup Requests / Wormleighton Hall.
« on: Sunday 23 August 15 15:41 BST (UK)  »
My wife (doreen reed) was evacuated to wormleighton hall in WW2, we payed several visits to wormleighton, but no longer driving, we have missed our trips. The hall is now a country hotel. Some years ago a lady advertised a reunion for evacuees, we replied but nothing came of it.The Sunday Mirror,some years ago did an article on the evacuees at the hall. My wife also had copies of photos taken while she was there. Over the years the photos have been mislaid.We have tried to contact evacuees from Wormleighton, but have had no contact.Maybe some one will be able to help.
                                                  Regards Graham.

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