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Messages - theenglishman1

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London and Middlesex / Re: Bath Street School
« on: Saturday 03 November 18 17:56 GMT (UK)  »
I was born in Ironmonger st which leads onto Lever Street, I attended Bath street/Moorfields school twice! I was born 1947 not sure if I was 3 or 4 when I started there. The class was run by a very old silver haired lady who gave out malt tablets to the children, we listen to a children's programme on the radio in the ground floor hall. In the nursery was a wooden rocking horse which seem to have a life of its own.

Then the girls from Old Street school use to attend an out building for cooking and sewing classes and ask the little kids to buy large cigarettes from the shop in Bath Street.

The Caretaker did in fact live in a house in the playground, where the toilets were.

Teachers I remember are Comey, wexler and a welsh lady teacher.

The school had a fire at the top of the building I believe, not sure of the year.

There is another school now built on the site.

Classes were mixed when I was there and we all mixed at beak times.

There was a canteen type of thing where we went for lunch I remember some of the faces more than others.

Sure others can elucidate more if I have jogged any memories.


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