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Messages - franka

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Yorkshire (North Riding) / Re: Alfred Cockerill
« on: Saturday 26 September 09 09:06 BST (UK)  »
Dear Masia,
Thank you for your kind offer.It would be nice to solve the problem o the last resting place of Alfred Cockrill.His mother was Mary Wheldon so was he buried with the Wheldons.
so any information would be most useful.As you will have read Alfred is now officially registered on the roll of the War
Thank You for any help you can bring to this sad story
Regards Franka.

Yorkshire (North Riding) / Re: Alfred Cockerill
« on: Wednesday 02 September 09 09:33 BST (UK)  »
Dear Barbara,
Thank you very much for all that.It was very kind of you to make the effort on my behalf. I really appreciate it.
I had written to the vicar at his Danby address and sent him a draft of the story so he could use it in the church magazine
and no reply, so not much point in wasting more time there.
I would be pleased to have contact with the gentelman looking after the graveyard. You have my email address.
Again thank you and if some thing turns up I will pass the information on for reference.
Warmest regards Franka.

Yorkshire (North Riding) / Re: Alfred Cockerill
« on: Monday 31 August 09 10:23 BST (UK)  »
Hi Babara,
Thank you for your message. It was very kind of you to offer and there is no time scale but it would be nice to get a Ya or Na regarding Commondale.

The Grenadier Gazette will soon be put together for this year and details about the case were published last year so a few words of progress would be welcome. The real motive is to complete the CWGC records. Of coures I am prepared for a negative at Commondale and having exploited Bucks I will have no where to go.
Thank you for your kind offer of help. Say Hello to the Vicar.
Kindest regards

Yorkshire (North Riding) / Re: Alfred Cockerill
« on: Thursday 13 August 09 15:40 BST (UK)  »
Dear Babara
Have you been able to visit Commondale yet?
I still have had no reply from the Vicar even though I gave him a copy of my article in case he found it interesting for the Church mag.
Best Wishest Franka.

Yorkshire (North Riding) / Re: Alfred Cockerill
« on: Tuesday 21 July 09 09:23 BST (UK)  »
Dear Babara,
Thank you for your very kind offer. Yes please if you don't mind.
I have tried ringing but get no reply. I have written a letter enclosing the research article about the two Commondale Sheppard boys, asking for help with Alfred resting place. That is about three weeks ago or more ago and no reply.

Alfred's mother was Mary Wheldon. Remarried or born out of wedlock Alfred's logocal resting place is Commondale. If it can be found it will go on the CWGC register.
Again,thank you for any help you can give me in this matter.

Yorkshire (North Riding) / Re: Alfred Cockerill - lost war grave
« on: Friday 26 June 09 10:38 BST (UK)  »
The search for the grave of Alfred Cockerill still continues.The only place not searched for this WWI casualty is Commondale Church Yard. The records for this church are not held in any County Archives.I have the name of the Vicar  but not an address to write too. Does anyone live near Commondale who would be willing to see if this poor man was buried there or give me an address to write to. My email is .
I am doing this work on behalf of the CWGC.

Moderator Comment: email address removed to prevent spam and other abuses. Please use secure PM (personal message) system to share email addresses and other personal information. Thank you.

Yorkshire (North Riding) / Re: Alfred Cockerill
« on: Monday 06 October 08 09:58 BST (UK)  »
Yes, Alf was my man. He came from Commondale and his mothe's name was on the certificate. I would think that the body was taken back to Commondale as it was not unusual
to carry coffins in the guardsvan on trains. There is not a central register of burials so I don't know where his grave is.

The CWGC do take a time to answer and sometimes never.
I will see if the Grenadier Guards will take up the case if I am not successful.
Thank You again for your help.
frank (a)

Yorkshire (North Riding) / Re: Alfred Cockerill
« on: Sunday 28 September 08 17:38 BST (UK)  »
Thank you for your help. The following extract is the result of research

In July 1916 the 4th Battalion Grenadier Guards were holding trenches near Ypres. They were attacks on both sides of their position resulting in close quarter fighting and shelling. There was also sniper activity. In these actions Alfred Cockerill was wounded in the head. Alf was sent home.  Back in UK, he was declare unfit for any futher duty.

And what of poor Alf Cockrill who had joined the Regiment a healthy young man? His head wound had serious damaged him. He now had epilepsy and  would never  return to the moors. He was one of the many head injuries and shellshock cases  places in mental hospitals.
I traced Alf to Buckinghamshire where he died and applied for his death certificate. It revealed that he had been examined by doctors from the National Hospital for the Paralysed and Epileptic in London. He had been sent to the Chalfont Colony opened 1894  by The National Society for the Employment of Epileptics, Chalfont St Peter, Buckinghamshire. He spent four years there, dying  at the  Epilepsia Colony on 11th August 1920 of Epilepsy and Meningitis . He had clearly died of war wounds as the Commondale stone stated.

Yorkshire (North Riding) / Re: Alfred Cockerill
« on: Sunday 31 August 08 09:37 BST (UK)  »
Barbara Thank you again. Once the final piece of the jig saw is in place I will contact the Commonwealth War Grave Commission. I will publish the results here. Thanks again

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