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Messages - rene oliver

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Oxfordshire / Tanner Family of Bampton
« on: Thursday 20 September 12 15:11 BST (UK)  »

I am researching the Famly Tanner from Bampton for my sister-in-law.  She is a decendant from
Benjamin  bn. 1731 - Thomas 1771 - Charles Henry 1816 - Thomas William 1861 - Joseph William 1886 - Stanley Thomas 1922.

I think I have come to grips with most of the `line` but would like to add some photos or text about the family to give it some extra umph.

Would anyone out there mind sharing with me their photos.

The only thing my sister-in-law knew about her famly was that her Father was Stanley Thomas (1922).

Any help appreciated.

Armed Forces / Re: 67th Regiment of Foot, Hampshires
« on: Thursday 14 June 12 15:31 BST (UK)  »
Frederick William Wood.

His Timeline - as we know it.

1854 - Born 11th February,  Kensington, London.
1861 - Census.  At home with parents and siblings.
1871 - Census.  At home with parents and siblings - ocupation - Clerk. (9 Charles Street, Kensington)
1874 - First Marriage to Frances Jane Hobbs.  6th December 1874.
1875 - Birth of daughter 24th September 1875. (5, Ovington Square, Brompton)
1876 - Death of Wife.
1876 - At Baptism of daughter - occupation Clerk.
 No date - Joined 67th Regiment of Foot, South Hampshires - 40/1149
1879 - Afghanistan.  Charasia Clasp. Kabul.
1880 - Muster Rolls, Rawalpindi (1/5 - 30/9).
1881 - `Our Chronical`, the 67th Foots Journal. Shows Good Conduct Badge for Lce.Corpl. F.W. Wood
           granted 1d.23rd Sept. 1880.
1887 - 2nd Marriage - M.E. Taylor in Taunton. Ocupation - Clerk.
1891 - Census.Residing with 2nd Wife at 7, Weymouth Street, New Swindon, Wilts. Occ. Storekeeper.
1893 - Frederick and his 2nd Wife entered Belgium.
1900 - On Belgian Census. (mechanical engineer working in Antwerp Harbour).
1904 - 2nd Wife dies in  Antwerp.
1905 - 3rd Marriage to Adolphina Josephina Pendville.
1906 - 1907 - 1911 - 3 children born.
1914 - 24th October (age 60).  Died in Hospital in Antwerp.
1914 - 10th November,  3rd Wife and 3 children recorded still in Antwerp.
1915 - January 1915.  Records show 3rd wife and children as Belgian Refugees,living in Oxford.

I agree the medals could be miniatures (of what).  Would he have had a portrait painted in uniform of the 67th showing medals, if he had not earned them with the 67th. If the portrait was painted at the end of his Army days, and just prior to his marriage he could be 33 years old in it.  (They looked older in those days).

Very confused. I guess it is one of those things we will never find out.


Armed Forces / Re: 67th Regiment of Foot, Hampshires
« on: Saturday 09 June 12 15:17 BST (UK)  »
Hello Ken and Trevor,

Thanks for information and taking an interest in this.  Sorry I have been unable to attach the photo.  Maybe it is too large in KB (whatever that is).  Or I am not doing things correctly!!!

When he married in 1887 he was a `Clerk`, according to his marriage certificate.

The photo shows a Crown and 3 chevrons on one arm.  Five medals on chest.  Carrying white glove and `silver`topped batton.

In 1891 he was a Storekeeper (GWR).
In 1903 he entered Antwerp with his wife. On aliens papers he is a mechanical engineer. He worked in the harbour at Antwerp.  Widowed and then remarried. He had a stroke and died whilst preparing to leave Anwerp and escape into Holland in October 1914.  On his Hospital and death Certificate he was a mechanical engineer.

I will give the photo another try if someone could give me step by step instructions.



Armed Forces / Re: 67th Regiment of Foot, Hampshires
« on: Friday 08 June 12 16:58 BST (UK)  »
Hi there.  That was quick.  Too quick as I am just going off to cook a meal.  The photo I have `somewhere` is a photo taken off a portrait.  It is a dull brown and cream in  colour and does not show clearly the medals or their ribbons.

I am thick where technology is concerned but I will try and post it to morrow.

Armed Forces / 67th Regiment of Foot, Hampshires
« on: Friday 08 June 12 15:57 BST (UK)  »
Brickwall!!  Having trouble tracking down army information regarding Grandfather`s Army Records. Unable to get to Kew and person who did do the journey for me was not very successful at all.
Frederick William Wood born 1854 in Kensington.  He joined the 67th Regiment of Foot (Hampshires) around 1876.  Royal Hampshire Museum confirmed that he appears  as 40/1149  L/Cpl. Frederick Wood on Medal Roll for Afghanistan War with two clasps - Charaisa and Kabul. This information covers him for year 1879.  He also appears on Muster Rolls for Rawalpindi 1/5-30/9 1880.  There is also a record of a Good Conduct Badge `Lce.Cpl. Wood F.W. granted 23rd September 1880.
We did have a portrait of him in  uniform and he was wearing 5  medals.  Any ideas as to what the other medals were for?
67th are being recorded as being in Bangalore, Cannanore, Burmah and Secunderbad between 1881-1888.  He was married in England in 1887 and definitely in `civvy street` in  1891 as per 1891 census - living in New Swindon, Wilts. Occ. Storekeeper (New Swindon was built for GWR employees).  So he went from being a Clerk in 1875 to Railways in 1891.  BUT where was he between  1881/1891?? AND what were the medals for. 

Any ideas at all would be greatly appreciated.

Irene Cooke

Suffolk Lookup Requests / Burial Look up - Sudbury, All Saints
« on: Saturday 02 June 12 16:10 BST (UK)  »
Trying to find the parents of -  GEORGE COOK - born about 1809/1810.

GEORGE COOK was buried at Sudbury All Saints 18th July 1839.  Does the record show his parents?   He did marry  Mary Ann  Bell in Jan. 1836 at All Saints.  No parents mentioned.

This brick wall is getting bigger and bigger so any facts would be greatly appreciated.

Suffolk / BELL Dynasty of Little Cornard
« on: Tuesday 30 August 11 10:07 BST (UK)  »
Good morning Jon,

Thank you for that.   Have a nice day!


Suffolk / Re: BELL - Boxford or Little Cornard
« on: Monday 29 August 11 10:57 BST (UK)  »

Here I am again.

Just found an entry - Allegations for marriage licence...........Little Cornard

John Bell/SusannahTown - 1st November 1756

This is most likely the marriage of the Parents of Abraham Bell born in  1758 (the first Bell in the Bell Dynasty).

Would there be any chance of verifying this fact?


Suffolk / Re: BELL LOOKUP for Boxford or Little Cornard
« on: Tuesday 23 August 11 11:34 BST (UK)  »
Hi  Jonathan,

Thank you once again.  Now it looks as though I have a big typing session ahead of me to get all this information down and safe.

I have sympathy for all those future generations who have to plough through cremation records.  Just think of all the pleasure you had yesterday evening - getting hot and sticky, walking through damp grass, tripping over molehills or twisting your ankle in rabbit holes, getting stung with mossies or nettles. (with tongue in cheek)!!!  Wish I could have done it.

Thank you once again.


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