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Messages - LochAwe33

Pages: [1]
Oxfordshire Lookup Requests / Re: William Mewburn-Wykham Park
« on: Friday 30 April 10 00:33 BST (UK)  »
Hi Sara,
Thanks for the update, look forward to hearing from you, and in the meantime I will collate what I know. I have a lot of information on the Mewburns, most of it are articles that I would need to scan and send as attachments. The problem for me is not that I have too little information, but rather that I have so much its a case of where to start.
Kind regards

Oxfordshire Lookup Requests / Re: William Mewburn-Wykham Park
« on: Tuesday 27 April 10 17:38 BST (UK)  »
Hi Sarah,

Thanks for replying to my message.

I have read the string of messages and understand you are related to William Mewburn Seniors' wife, Maria Mewburn nee Maria Tew.

I'm not sure what you know and were you'd like me to start, but I'd be more than happy to share with you what I know and perhaps you'd indulge me a little by allowing me to explain what it is I am looking for myself.

I have some information and images that relate to my interest in the Mewburns and have have found out quite a lot about them over the last 12 months following my purchase of a former Mewburn holiday home built on the shores of Loch Awe near Kilchrenan in Scotland which was known as "Achnacarron House". It was actually built after the death of William Mewburn Senior (husband of Maria) by his eldest child, William Mewburn (I shall refer to him as Wm Junior), which throws up an anomaly as I noticed one of the messages in your string states: "William Tew Mewburn, born 1845 (he died shortly afterwards)". If this was the case, I am a little confised as to who the William Mewburn was who succeeded his father death in 1900 inheriting his fortune and building Achnacarron House in 1908? In any event perhaps you can throw some light on this issue and share some of your information on the Family?

In the 20's and 30's Wm Jnr's grandchildren used to attend Achnacarron for holidays and Desmond Williams and Meg Mewburn, the daughter of Wm Jnr's son "Guy Mewburn" are referred to in some historical notes in my possession written by Desmond as a way to retain an accurate record of what was what back then.

From my angle I am keen to establish a record of the family dating from William Mewburn Senior onwards, recollections and facts relating to the family, images and details of the house and Scottish estate in particular as I would like to re-establish the mansion house and ornamental gardens at Achnacarron over the next few years.

I look forward to hearing from you and to sharing further information that I hope we will both find useful in our respective quests.

Kind regards

Oxfordshire Lookup Requests / Re: William Mewburn-Wykham Park
« on: Tuesday 27 April 10 00:30 BST (UK)  »
Hi There,
I have just found your post in the Roots forum. I know something about William Mewburn. He had a house in Scotland for holidays. It was called Achnacarron on the shores of Loch Awe in Argyll & Bute. I would like to correspond with you as I too am trying to trace information on his grandchildren Meg and Guy.
Please get in touch if you can.

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