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Messages - ccmmgr

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This is instant Streetview's shot

It is the pale pink painted house and it looks as if it might be the original building. 


Thank you so much, it's lovely to see.

I found her on this excellent website!

If anyone knows about modern Carisbrooke numbering in relation to 1911 I would love to know which building Alexandra House and #74 are today - I think 74 must have always been in the ownership of the Wesleyans as there is a Wesleyan minister Rev George there in 1904.

Hello everyone,

I am trying to locate where my X3 grandmother, Esther Jutsum, may be buried. She was originally from Broadwoodkelly in Devon but moved to West Sussex with her husband to farm. She went to live with her daughter in her widowhood and resided in Newport on the Isle of Wight at the time of her death. She is not buried with her husband at their farm back in Sussex.

In widowhood she went to live with her daughter Harriet Ann (Passmore) Mathews and her husband Basil in Reigate where they lived at 1 Furzefield Crescent in 1911. Her death is registered at Newport in the Isle of Wight in Q3 1919. She died at 74 The Mall, Newport on 10 August 1919.

I would dearly love to find her gravestone so that I can tend to it as I doubt it has been visited in quite some time.

Her daughter and son in law moved around a lot as they were a missionary family. By 1921 after Esther's death they'd moved to Folkestone in Kent so nowhere nearby.

Any leads appreciated for likely graveyards worth looking at.

Australia / Re: Death lookup request: David Simkin b.1825
« on: Saturday 29 July 23 08:14 BST (UK)  »
In one of the Ancestry links from Cass T, some information as well as I can make  it out.

David SIMPKINS. Age 70. C of E Single labourer . Born Warwick (maybe?) EDIT It looks more like Yarmouth England.
Came out 50 years ago in the Rosaline to Sydney.  In Sydney all the time.

 No friends. No means

No issue


In one of the Ancestry links from Cass T, some information as well as I can make  it out.

David SIMPKINS. Age 70. C of E Single labourer . Born Warwick (maybe?) EDIT It looks more like Yarmouth England.
Came out 50 years ago in the Rosaline to Sydney.  In Sydney all the time.

 No friends. No means

No issue


Have had a look at this now - this man is a couple of years younger than the David I'm looking for and I think you're right about it being Yarmouth etc (gosh it's a tough scan!). Doubt this one is our man.

Australia / Re: Death lookup request: David Simkin b.1825
« on: Saturday 29 July 23 08:04 BST (UK)  »
In one of the Ancestry links from Cass T, some information as well as I can make  it out.

David SIMPKINS. Age 70. C of E Single labourer . Born Warwick (maybe?) EDIT It looks more like Yarmouth England.
Came out 50 years ago in the Rosaline to Sydney.  In Sydney all the time.

 No friends. No means

No issue


Will take a look at this - Yarmouth would definitely not be him but could be an error and some of these records are in variable script with understandably odd transcriptions - e.g. Birmingham given as Bamingham etc.

The family are definitely from Birmingham, all of the sons worked in the gun making quarter.

Good lead, thank you so much.

Australia / Re: Death lookup request: David Simkin b.1825
« on: Saturday 29 July 23 08:01 BST (UK)  »
His name was SIMKINS on the records I have seen.

  1895 he is arrested aged 70 for vagrancy in Marulan, taken to Goulburn Prison where he is remanded for a week before being assessed by Dr McKillop at the lunatic asylum (I'm assuming Kenmore, but no name given) 


He was remanded to Liverpool Asylum.

Thank you so much for this - I thought the L.A. notation was just "lunatic asylum" as there was no key to it.

Australia / Re: Death lookup request: David Simkin b.1825
« on: Saturday 29 July 23 07:59 BST (UK)  »
Hi All,

Thank you so much for these leads - really glad to know it's Liverpool Asylum!

Just a quick note that, yes, Simpkin is enumerated as Simpkins, Sinkin etc multiple times for this family even back in England - no consistent spelling and this generation weren't able to write their names on documents so that complicates things further! Makes it a bit tricky!

Australia / Death lookup request: David Simkin b.1825
« on: Friday 28 July 23 22:31 BST (UK)  »
Hello everyone,

Greetings from the other side of the vast pond.

I'm hoping someone might be able to help; I've been tracing a rather sad story of a young man named David Simkin b.1825 in Birmingham, Warwickshire. He was convicted for stealing a pair of bellows aged 18 when he had already been sentenced for stealing pigeons. At 5"2 and 6st11lbs he was quite a wisp of a thing.

He was transported on the Sir George Seymour out to Van Dieman's Land on the first ship from Pentonville prison in the 1840s and eventually ended up on the dreaded Norfolk Island as part of his 7 year sentence. He gained his freedom in 1851 and I'm not sure what he did in the interim but in 1895 he is arrested aged 70 for vagrancy in Marulan, taken to Goulburn Prison where he is remanded for a week before being assessed by Dr McKillop at the lunatic asylum (I'm assuming Kenmore, but no name given) who determines that he is suffering from 'senile decay'.

I don't think David ever married but I would like to know where he is buried or at least when he died and I'm not coming up trumps.

Any advice or ideas gratefully received.

Stirlingshire / Re: Limerigg / Slamannan burials
« on: Thursday 13 April 23 08:05 BST (UK)  »

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