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Messages - AMBLY

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Frederick John Patching of 77 Freshfield Road Brighton, died 12 Oct 1949. Admin London to Martha Helen Patching, widow.


Edward was deceased before 1921.
Martha remarried in 1912
Frederick J Patching
Martha H Williams
Sep Qtr Brighton

1931 Roll:  12 White Street, Brighton
Frederick John Patching & Helen Patching

Martha died 1960
Martha Helen Patching of 77 Freshfield Road Brighton, widow, died 29 Jul 1960 at The New Sussex Hospital for Women, Brighton. Admin London 29 Sept to Adrian Arthur Owen Williams, oil and colour chemist and Evelyn Gladys Williams, spinster.


The Common Room / Re: W.N.Thomas & Sons Ltd Slough
« on: Monday 28 October 24 08:00 GMT (UK)  »

Try looking at this, to see if it matches what you're looking for:


Cambridgeshire / Re: Sarah Moore 1824
« on: Sunday 27 October 24 15:12 GMT (UK)  »
Good find - that matches  ;D

BIRTH GRO: Chesterton
? Clara Elizabeth Moore , Dec Qtr 1852, mms not recorded
Lubin Moore (sic), Sep Qtr 1854, mms not recorded
Tom Moore Dec Qtr 1856, mms not recorded
Sarah Moore Dec Qtr 1859, mms not recorded


Cambridgeshire / Re: Sarah Moore 1824
« on: Sunday 27 October 24 14:38 GMT (UK)  »
Hi Bob,

Comparing 1851 to this in 1861 ? I'd be thinking Henry Morgan/Margan is not her brother...

1851: High Street, Chesterton
Head: Sarah Moore married 27, Inkeeper's wife, b Chesterton
Son: Henry Margan Moore 5, b Clare, Suffolk
Dau: Emily Margan Moore, 3, b Chesterton
Visitor: Henry Margan, unmarried, 36, Contractor in navigation, b London
Definitely looks like "Margan" to me

1861: High St, Chesterton
Head, Sarah Moor 40, married, Charwoman,
Son: Harry Moor 15
Dau: Elizabeth 10
Son: Reuben 6
Son: Tom 4
Dau: Sally 16m
Boarder: Harry Morgan 42, Cabinet Maker
All enumerated born Chesterton

Henry Morgan Moore, bachelor, engineer, of 70 Burleigh St,  father Henry, coprolite merchant
Married 12 Jun 1872, Cambridge, St Andrew the Less
Mary Ann Crane , spinster, of 70 Burleigh St,  father Thomas White, Shoemaker.

Interesting occupation on the father on the marriage - one wonders...... ;)

Do you have a birth registration of either of the 2 children on the 1851?


United States of America / Re: Jacobs Family before 1900 - NYC
« on: Sunday 27 October 24 12:55 GMT (UK)  »
Great to have the timeline, Littleliz02!

I've been reading your other chats re: Alexander Williams, b Banff abt 1868/1869 and had a bit of a look around. On his 1913 marriage to Catherine Rafferty, Tynemouth the two witness' were :
George Pearson Nicol and Eliza Nicol

As witness' can often be relatives - worth a look to see if a Williams family connection came out - didn't find any but this is what I got:
George Pearson Nicol / Nichol
Born Mar Qtr 1875 Newcastle
Baptised 18 Feb 1875 - George Nicol & Grace Ann Rose (b 1855)
M 1896 Gateshead to Eliza Jane Coomb
Census 1881, age 6 - can't find. His parents are in Newcastle, with another son, William Rose Nicol age 1
Census 1891, age 16, as Drain, with mother & stepfather Joseph Drain
Census 1901, age 26, with wife  & daughter Eliza Jane Nichol age 1
Census 1911, age 36, with wife  & daughter Eliza Jane Nichol age 11

Grace Ann Rose, father William Rose, mother Jane Ann
M1) George Nichol, 23 Feb 1874 Newcastle
M2) Joseph Drain, 24 Jul 1888, Newcastle

Then I decided, that James Edward Jacobs deserved to be found  ;D and had another look for him
And this is where it gets real interesting......

He was b June 1857 New Jersey according to the 1900 Census.

There is a James Edward Jacobs born 20 June 1859 New Jersey. His mother was Sarah E Williams

He was baptised St Pauls Rahway, NJ on 29 Sep 1863, along with 3 of his siblings:
  Joseph Henry Jacobs, b 22 Mar 1856
  James Edward Jacobs, b 20 Jun 1859
  Mary Elizabeth Jacobs, b 1 Nov 1860
  David Ross Jacobs, b 29 Nov 1862

His parents are:
Joseph Jacobs, b abt 1815-1818, France
Sarah E Williams, b abt 1834 New York

They married 20 May 1854 , Woodbridge, Middlesex, New Jersey
Joseph Jacobs 39, Widower, b abt 1815
Sarah E Williams 20, Single, b abt 1834

CENSUS 1860: Rahway, Union, New Jersey

Joseph Jacobs 42, Farm Labourer, b France
Sarah E Jacobs 25, b NY
Joseph Henry Jacobs, b NY
James E Jacobs 11 mths, b NJ

CENSUS 1870: Elizabeth Ward 5, Union, New Jersey
Joseph Jacobs 56, Gasman, b France
Sarah E Jacobs 36, b NY
Joseph H 14, b NY
James E 11, b NJ
Mary E 10, b NJ
David R 8, b NJ
Sarah A 5
Laura 3

CENSUS 1880 - Clinton, Essex, NJ
Joseph Jacobs 60, works at Gardening, b France, parents b France
Sarah E Williams 42, Nurse, b NY, parent b (not listed)
dau: Sarah Ann 14
dau: Laura H 12
dau: Esther M 4

The bits I find interesting - besides the Willams  ;D are:
He has a brother David. Your man had David as part of 2 of his children's names.
His brother David's middle name "Ross".  Could it be "Rose"?
Your man's daughter Sadie - is a pet name for "Sarah"

Been trying to tie up deaths Sarah E Jacobs (Williams) &  who are her parents,  finding the son Joseph Henry born NY, and establishing son David's middle name - but starting to go round in circles now!


United States of America / Re: Jacobs Family before 1900 - NYC
« on: Sunday 27 October 24 02:20 GMT (UK)  »
Just found this!

This brings Wilhelmina into New York with the 3 Norwegian born LARSEN children, 3 years earlier in 1883.   In time for Fred to then be born in New York in 1884....

Arrived New York 8 Jun 1883 - Ship: State of Nevada
Departed Glasgow, Scotland & Larne Irelqand
381: Wilhimine Larsen 27 wife Norway
382: Rosemine Larsen 6, F
383: Vallorg.? Larsen  4, F
384: Ole Larsen 6 mth M

No sign of husband on same manifest - there are 2 x Ole Larsen's - but both travelling with a wife.

Still doesn't get Wilhelmina into USA in 1875/1878 - but closer...


United States of America / Re: Jacobs Family before 1900 - NYC
« on: Sunday 27 October 24 01:59 BST (UK)  »
On the 1900 & 1910 Census, Wilhelmina is enumerated as having borne 9 children - 8 living and 1 dead. From the combination of the names there, and on Norway Census  & the passenger list - there are 9 names:

Dau: Rosamine LARSEN b 1876 b Stavanger,
Dau: Alborg LARSEN b 1881, b Stavanger,
Son: Ole Villem (William) LARSEN , 18 b Jan 1882, Stavanger
Son: Alsing Freiderick (Fred LARSEN) (Frederick Alfred)  b , 6  Oct 1884 (not 1883), Tilly Foster, New York
Dau: Irene 13, b Mar 1887 NY (JACOBS?)
Son: James Edward 7, b Oct 1892 NY (JACOBS)
Dau: Sadie b 1893 New Jersey (JACOBS?)
Son: Charles Russell David 6, b Mar 1894 NY (JACOBS)
Son: Harold David  2, b Jul 1897 NY (JACOBS)

Wilhelmina's enumerated years marriage & of arrival in USA  - continue to puzzle
1900: Married 23 years  = 1877. In US 22 years, arrived in US 1878
1910: Married1  19 years = 1891. Arrived in US 1875


United States of America / Re: Jacobs Family before 1900 - NYC
« on: Sunday 27 October 24 01:37 BST (UK)  »
Here is Wilhelmine arriving in the USA 1886

Arrived 28 May 1886, Ship: Hekla
905: Wilhilmine Larsen 28, f, wife
906: Rosemine? Larsen 8, f child
907: Alborg Larsen 6, f, child
908: Ole V. Larsen 3, m, child
909: Alsing Larsen 1,m, child
All embarked Christainsen. Bound for New York

Line 904 is obliterated and is a male but I don't think is related = different embarkation and destination points

Her mother though,  is on the same ship.
964: Sille Rasmussen 56, f wife,  Embarked Christainsen. Bound for New York

Compare to the 1885 Stavanger Census which Ian found on the earlier chat ( which included Fred  = Alsing Freidi.  Enumerated  as  born in Tilly Foster, NYC 6/9/1884 (though the NYC Birth record says 6 Oct 1884)

Hi Ian  :) on that 1885 Stavanger Census, do you know what the word by Fred's name is, instead of Larsen like the other children?


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