Hi, I found the record on Family Search.
The citation on Family Search is:
Collection Information
Germany, Rhineland-Palatinate, Diocese of Mainz, Catholic Church Records, 1540-1952
Learn more about this collection through the FamilySearch Wiki.
Cite This Record
"Deutschland, Rheinland-Pfalz, Diözese Mainz, Katholische Kirchenbücher, 1540-1952", database, FamilySearch (
https://www.familysearch.org/ark:/61903/1:1:6CTY-GTY1 : 11 January 2021), Magdalenae Koebel in entry for Andream Raab, 1824.
There also appears to be a sister, Catherina Raab
I then wrote to the Mainz Archives who told me that the records for Ilbenstadt were still held at the Parish.
I looked up the Catholic Church on Google and wrote to the priest. He sent me the pictures from his records which I have posted here.