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Messages - penstemon5

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Thanks. Another avenue to investigate!

Thank you for all this information. It appears that after such extensive record searching, there is no record of a plane crashing on the 13/14 June, to account for the 3 RAF ORs whose bodies were brought to the field hospital in the evening of 14 June.
This may then mean that they were ground crew or there is no record of the crash.
It may be a naive question, but when things were so fraught as the Germans were advancing, were bodies always recovered quickly? Could the bodies have been from an earlier crash?
Thanks for the detailed pointers to records which I need some time to absorb.

Armed Forces / RAF crash 13 or 14 June 1940 near Le Grand Luce , Sarthe France.
« on: Monday 21 October 24 21:50 BST (UK)  »
Can anyone look up if there was a plane crash near Le Grand Luce? There are 4 unidentified graves in the cemetery at Le Grand Luce, 3 of whom were RAF ORs. Money was given to locals to bury them as the allied hospital was evacuating

Handwriting Deciphering & Recognition / Re: German baptism translation from 1875
« on: Wednesday 03 January 24 20:04 GMT (UK)  »
Hi, I found the record on Family Search.
The citation on Family Search is:
Collection Information

Germany, Rhineland-Palatinate, Diocese of Mainz, Catholic Church Records, 1540-1952

Learn more about this collection through the FamilySearch Wiki.

Cite This Record

"Deutschland, Rheinland-Pfalz, Diözese Mainz, Katholische Kirchenbücher, 1540-1952", database, FamilySearch ( : 11 January 2021), Magdalenae Koebel in entry for Andream Raab, 1824.

There also appears to be a sister, Catherina Raab

I then wrote to the Mainz Archives who told me that the records for Ilbenstadt were still held at the Parish.
I looked up the Catholic Church on Google and wrote to the priest. He sent me the pictures from his records which I have posted here.

Handwriting Deciphering & Recognition / Re: German baptism translation from 1875
« on: Wednesday 03 January 24 13:57 GMT (UK)  »
Oops, 3 years apart, not 43 years apart 🤦🏻‍♀️

Handwriting Deciphering & Recognition / Re: German baptism translation from 1875
« on: Wednesday 03 January 24 13:26 GMT (UK)  »
Thank you so much. I’ll attach both docs without markers. I don’t know any German so was guessing where the blanks in the English were in the  script!
Can you advise me…. These 2 baptisms were provided by the Catholic priest of Ilbenstadt. Same father, 43 years apart. I can’t find a marriage between the parents. Might it be that Valentin was baptised in the Lutheran church and so unable to marry a Catholic?
Thank you very much for your help

Handwriting Deciphering & Recognition / Re: German baptism translation from 1875
« on: Tuesday 02 January 24 21:40 GMT (UK)  »
And this. Baptism record of 1821:
I don’t have the day of baptism and the place name “ Ebersheim in Feld…..??”
Thank you for any help you can give.

Handwriting Deciphering & Recognition / Re: German baptism translation from 1875
« on: Tuesday 02 January 24 21:32 GMT (UK)  »
Hello, can someone help with a word in the 1824 Catholic baptism record?

Thank you

Photos below

Lanarkshire / Re: Old Dalbeth M.I.
« on: Tuesday 28 November 23 19:42 GMT (UK)  »;topic=352095.0;attach=552489;image
I believe ( thank you Gerry Farrell) that the bottom part of this monument still exists . Better picture on previous page. If anyone is going to Old Dalbeth and could take a pic of how it looks now I should be very very grateful.

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