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Messages - fixit9660

Pages: [1] 2 3
Thank for your comment Andy. It made me realise I hadn't read and recorded all the information on that Registration.
Best regards,

OK Queen Street it is then. I was born and grew up in Bristol, and I know Queen Street well. It was my only guess too, but it just looked too incorrect to be right.
(I remember writing Qs like that at school).
? Interesting. Do you still write your Q's the same way?

Handwriting Deciphering & Recognition / 1851 Marriage Registration - Residence?
« on: Sunday 03 July 22 10:11 BST (UK)  »
Can anyone tell me what they think the "Residence at the Time of Marriage" says please?

Yep, got both of those Censuses. :-)

Pensioned it is then! :-)
Thank you all very much!!!

AH! Pensioned. Of course. Why didn't I think of that? He was 83 years old at that point. Barring any better suggestions I think I'll go for Pensioned.
Thank you all for your prompt help!!

Hi Annie. Thanks for the prompt response. The person completing the Register has been pretty consistent and specific with dotting his i's, and Full Stops. I wondered if it ended "...ied"? I still can't understand the word if it does.

Could someone please help me with the Personal Occupation entry in a 1939 Register?
The top line for Henry Draiseys Occupation is "Tobacco Operative ?????". I can't make out the last word. There is a strip of tape running the whole length of the page obscuring the last half of all the words.

Handwriting Deciphering & Recognition / Re: Printers??? Assistant
« on: Monday 27 June 22 08:20 BST (UK)  »
Thank you too! Very quick, much appreciated!

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