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Messages - Sallygenealogy

Pages: [1]
Canada Lookup Request / Re: Robert Lowe death
« on: Saturday 19 June 21 20:56 BST (UK)  »
Error above - Elizabeth married Philip Watters first, and they had a daughter, Elizabeth.  Then she married Thomas Craft who had a son by the same name from a previous marriage.

Canada Lookup Request / Re: Robert Lowe death
« on: Thursday 17 June 21 17:58 BST (UK)  »
Wow!!  Fantastic!  And thank you!!
So Mary is buried with Robert... I didn't have a date of death for him, but did for her.  The girls married. Margaret died in 1992 and is probably buried at Mount Pleasant, along with her husband William McIntosh.  Elizabeth married at least twice, to Philip Craft first - he is buried (1932) at St. John's Norway, and her name is on the stone, but she is not (understandably) buried there.  She remarried, a Thomas Craft, and he died in 1941.  She was still alive in 1992, but was known as Mrs. Henderson.  We have no information about a Mr. Henderson.
She could be buried as a McGregor or a Henderson. Probably between 1992 and 1996.

Canada Lookup Request / Re: Robert Lowe death
« on: Wednesday 16 June 21 14:52 BST (UK)  »
I don't know how long ago this conversation was, but I am currently (June, 2021) researching the family of Robert Lowe's death, and am also stumped on his death in Toronto.  Did you ever find it?  Mary did indeed remain in Toronto and died in 1953.  Her two daughters from a previous marriage did also.  I don't have anything more for him though, after their arrival in 1992 - all four together.

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