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Messages - waiteohman

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Wigtownshire / Re: Completed 1901 Census Rennie Lookup Please
« on: Tuesday 22 January 19 01:22 GMT (UK)  »
David & Eliza Jane were born in Ireland. Sarah was from what I know their first child born in Scotland and this is what I have for Sarah's birth:
1857 Births in the Parish of Kirkcolm in the County of Wigtown, page 1
Surname & Name: Rainey, Sarah
When & Where Born: 1856 December Fifteenth, 8 h pm Balquharrie, Kirkcolm
Sex: F
Name, Surname & Rank or Profession of Father: Samuel Rainey, labourer
Name & Maiden Surname of Mother: Mary Rainey maiden name Brown
Signature, Qualification & Residence of Informant if out of the house when Birth occured: Samuel Rainey his X mark father not present, Arch McKinney registrar witness
When & Where Registered & Signature: 1857 January 3 at Kirkcolm, Arch McKinney Registrar.

Canada / Re: John Russell, 78 Fusilier in Quebec
« on: Monday 19 June 17 07:51 BST (UK)  »
Hart's Annual Army List, Militia List, and Imperial Yeomanry Lists do include notes of deaths. There may be other lists those watching that board are aware of. Have you made an Army Board request?

If he died in service, the Army chaplain should register the death. Someone may already have checked. If not, could someone please search this on Ancestry and let us know if it does or does not have him recorded?:
<quote>UK Foreign and Overseas Registers of British Subjects, 1628-1969
RG 35: Miscellaneous Foreign Deaths, 1830-1921
  Pieces 20 – 21</quote>

Bridget is from Quebec City area, and would be about 25. If a marriage done by an army chaplain and registered in a Garrison register could give some details on John.
Could someone also please search this on Ancestry and let us know if it may have their marriage recorded?:
<quote>UK Foreign and Overseas Registers of British Subjects, 1628-1969
RG34. Miscellaneous Foreign Marriges 1826-1921:
   Piece 1: … Marriages 1826-1870
   Piece 2: … Marriages 1871-1896</quote>

I suspect you already know Bridget’s parents and if Thomas Ready, father of Bridget is a relation to Lt. Col. C. Ready, this is likely how Bridget meets John Russell. Besides being a good shot, a Lt. Colonel as a relation would certainly help in being promoted.

1861 District Name: Québec
Sub-District Name: Québec (Montcalm)
Thomas Ready 37 Ireland labourer
Mrs. Ready 34 Ireland
Bgt. Ready 15 Lower Canada
Mary? Ready 13  “
James Ready 9   “
Magt Ready 7   “
Ready 5  (female – Susan?)  “
Anne Ready 5 “
? Ready 25 servant
? Ready 1

War Services of Retired Lieutenant Colonels
Lt. Colonel Ready landed in the Crimea on 13th Feb. 1855, and commanded the 71st Highlanders at the siege of Sebastopol and expedition to Kertch : he held the rank of Brigadier in the Kertch district during its occupation by the Allies (Medal with Clasp, Knight of the Legion of Honor, and Turkish Medal), page 113
Hart's Annual Army List, Militia List, and Imperial Yeomanry List … 1871

1856 Lt. Col. C. Ready 71st foot
Bulletins and Other State Intelligence, Part 2

Berkshire Regiment – …
Lt. Col. Ready to command a battalion 14 Apr. 83

Lt. Col. Ready’s wife Ellen Ready born about 1834
Malvern Cemetery
Ready, Ellen Hicks, d. 17 Mar 1912, age: 78y's, w/o Lt. Col. Ready

1911 Canada census, Village of Lennoxville, QC
Vial Frank head
Vial Elizabeth S. Wife born Quebec May 1874
Ready Ellen mother-in-law 76 born Ontario February 1835

1901 Canada census, Village of Lennoxville, QC
Ready Ellen lodger 60 widowed born Ont u(rban) 4 Feb 1835 ethnic origin: Irish

1891 Canada census, St. Jean, QC
Ready Ellen widow 50 Q mother born Ireland father born Ireland
Ready Mary 20 Q mother born Ireland father born Quebec
Ready Susan 17 Q  “
Ready Henry 14 Q  “
Hinks Allas female (this could be Alice Hicks) born Qc father & mother born Quebec
Cotes Etta domestic

Canada / Re: John Russell, 78 Fusilier in Quebec
« on: Sunday 18 June 17 21:49 BST (UK)  »
Some good finds on his regiment.

The John Russell on the 1871 census was recorded as born in England. The age on the census could be off, would need his birth record or a marriage saying possibly a minor. This John is living in Quebec City where there is a garrison in 1871. The Saint Patrick Parish that Bridget Russell m.s. Ready was a sponsor was in Quebec City and the baptism was on May 22, 1872.  The article mentioned they were camped in N.S. in the summers for musket practice. I’ve looked for a marriage and births on the Nova Scotia vital statistics site for births for Robert & Margaret Russell in N.S. and didn’t find any. I would suggest a look at the Acadia birth records on Ancestry for a Robert or Margaret’s birth to find the name of the father. I don’t subscribe to Ancestry.

From the National Archives Canada site it also confirms the 1871 wrapping up of military service in Canada.
The British government stationed British Army regiments in Canada for its defense from the close of the Seven Years' War (1763) until 1871. Generally, these forces were garrisoned in fortifications such as those found in Quebec, Kingston and Halifax and could be augmented from time to time by reinforcements from Britain in response to war scares, rebellion and war itself. As well, a permanent fleet base was maintained in Halifax for the Royal Navy.
In the late 1860s, the British government decided that as colonial governments were now responsible for governing their own territory, they should also be responsible for their own defense.
By 1871, all British garrisons had been removed, either returning to Britain or sent to duty in other Imperial outposts. Their places were taken by a new Canadian Permanent Force, at first composed of only two batteries of artillery, and later expanded to include other elements such as cavalry and infantry. These were to be supplemented by militia units in emergencies.

I didn’t see an 1871 census for a Bridget Ready in Quebec. The N.S. one is a possibility for Bridget Russell if she is m.s. Ready and seems older with children born in NS. If not I was wondering if Ready may be Rodey. Literacy was a problem. Something to consider. Would need to find the marriage record.

Bridgitt Rodey Ireland 17 servant

John Russell’s marriage was most likely at the Quebec garrison. On ancestry, there are marriages indexed for Garnison de Quebec (registres) 1797-1826, should be Garrison de Quebec. I would look for where the garrison marriage records are for 1871  timeframe as if age 17 is correct. We don’t find a marriage in Saint Patrick in 1871 or 1872 and the other record for Bridget found by Jacquie had her in Quebec on May 22, 1872.

If the Garrison records were sent back  to England, the British arhives has foreign birth, marriage and death registers (RG 32-RG 36) and download records are available on The Genealogist and Ancestry websites or can  be browsed at The National Archives series (or class) and piece number or description. I don’t subscribe to Ancestry. If you do, these are the files I would suggest you search of browse:
UK Foreign and Overseas Registers of British Subjects, 1628-1969
RG34. Miscellaneous Foreign Marriges 1826-1921:
   Piece 1: … Marriages 1826-1870
   Piece 2: … Marriages 1871-1896
I would check for a birth of John Ready Russell in the Acadia records or possibly here:
RG32: Miscellaneous Foreign Returns
  Piece 1: … Returns 1831-1870
and if John died in Canada before his wife (a widow in 1880) you could check for a death here for him:
UK Foreign and Overseas Registers of British Subjects, 1628-1969
RG 35: Miscellaneous Foreign Deaths, 1830-1921
  Pieces 20 - 21

A corporal is basically the next step from a private. It isn’t of the status of an officer, so I could see a corporal of a young age.

Canada / Re: Canadian Army Records In 1828
« on: Monday 12 June 17 22:37 BST (UK)  »

Another that would fit for your timeframe; however, really is fishing when the occupation is uncertain.

D. McFarlane, May 19  37 [1837] Cornet.
2nd Reg. Lincoln
(pg. 51-52)
The Toronto almanac and royal calendar of Upper Canada, for the year 1839

I would suggest you try and find an obituary in a local paper if one exists. Maybe the son would be mentioned.

The Magistrate is a David, but not yours. Maybe it will help someone else

Not your David McFarlane
Name     David Mcfarlane   
 Spouse's Name    Mary Anne Hogg     
 Event Date     20 Jul 1829   
 Event Place     Edinburgh Parish, Edinburgh,Midlothian,Scotland   
 Spouse's Father's Name    Jona John Hogg

Name     David Mcfarlin   
 Spouse's Name    Mary Ann Hogg     
 Event Date     20 Jul 1829   
 Event Place     St Andrews And St Leonards,Fife,Scotland

Children born in India & Scotland

Name    Agnes Ann Mcfarlane     
 Gender     Female   
 Christening Date     31 Jan 1831   
 Christening Place     Calcutta, Bengal, India   
 Birth Date     14 Jun 1830   
 Father's Name     David Mcfarlane   
 Mother's Name    Mary Ann Hogg

Name    David Macfarlane     
 Gender     Male   
 Christening Date     23 Oct 1833   
 Christening Place     Calcutta, Bengal, India   
 Birth Date     30 Aug 1833   
 Father's Name     David Macfarlane   
 Mother's Name    Mary Ann Hogg

Name    John Mcfarlan     
 Gender     Male   
 Christening Date     06 Jan 1837   
 Christening Place     Calcutta, Bengal, India   
 Birth Date     10 Nov 1836   
 Father's Name     David Mcfarlan   
 Mother's Name    Mary Ann Hogg

Name    Frederick Macfarlan     
 Gender     Male   
 Birth Date     12 Dec 1844   
 Birthplace     Saint Cuthberts, Edinburgh, Midlothian, Scotland   
 Father's Name     David Macfarlan   
 Mother's Name    Mary Ann Hogg

Piece: SCT1851/685 Place: St Cuthbert's -Midlothian Enumeration District: 3
Civil Parish: Edinburgh Ecclesiastical Parish, Village or Island: St Cuthberts
Folio: 720 Page: 4 Schedule: 10
Address: 6 Randolph Crescent
MCFARLANE   David   Head   M   M   54   E I C Serv Late Chief Magistte    Midlothian - Edinburgh       
    MCFARLANE   Mary Anne   Wife   M   F   40       Overseas - British - East Indies       
    MCFARLANE   Agnes A   Dau   U   F   20       Overseas - British - East Indies       
    MCFARLANE   David   Son   U   M   17       Overseas - British - East Indies       
    MCFARLANE   John   Son   U   M   14   Scholar    Overseas - British - East Indies       
    MCFARLANE   Frederick   Son   U   M   6   Scholar    Midlothian - Edinburgh       
    MCPHERSON   Jane   Servnt   U   F   36   House Maid    Midlothian - Edinburgh       
    CRAIG   Jessie   Servnt   U   F   36   Cook    East Lothian - Prestonpans       
    CRAIG   Barbara   Servnt   U   F   24   House Maid    Morayshire - Elgin       
    KING   Elizabeth   Servnt   U   F   34   Laundress    Caithness - Reay

Canada / Re: Canadian Army Records In 1828
« on: Monday 12 June 17 17:45 BST (UK)  »
There is the McFarlane with military connections:

D. McFarlane is Joint Magistrate serving in Monghyr, India (letters dated 1820-1821)
West Bengal district records; new series. Murshidabad Nizamut: letters issued:pt.1 (1802/31).

D. McFarlane, Chief M. [Magistrate] & Mity B. [Military Board] at Fort William per letter dated 26 Feb 1839
(Fort William is a fort in Calcutta, India)
See pages 387 and 401
West Bengal district records; new series. Murshidabad Nizamut: letters receivd:pt.2 (1807/55).

Canada / Re: John Russell, 78 Fusilier in Quebec
« on: Monday 12 June 17 05:15 BST (UK)  »
There are publications such as Hart' Army list etc. I would recommend you post your request in the General - Army Forces board.

John Russell is found on the 1871 Canada census and is 17, born in England and listed as soldat, soldier.
Looks like he may have been promoted to corporal later in 1871 or 1872.

Canada / Re: Mr G? H Forbes - Canada
« on: Thursday 08 June 17 22:18 BST (UK)  »
That sounds good. I found there is a George Forbes on the 1916 census that immigrated in 1911, in March before Edith. George was born Scotland. Does this match the one that lived near Edith? Good to get the marriage record to be sure.

1916 Canada Census

1911 Immigration record, George Forbes immigrating to Edmonton

Canada / Re: Mr G? H Forbes - Canada
« on: Thursday 08 June 17 19:37 BST (UK)  »
There is a birth for Ernest William Forbes in Manitoba. Maybe the Foster for George is an error in the marriage registration record.

DATE OF BIRTH: 16/06/1912

Canada / Re: Mr G? H Forbes - Canada
« on: Thursday 08 June 17 19:18 BST (UK)  »
May be G.H. Foster

There is a marriage in Winnipeg, Manitoba for Ethel Stott and George H. Foster
DATE OF MARRIAGE: 31/05/1911

One article posted by bbart above mentions they recently moved from  Winnipeg and were married 2 years.
You can purchase a certificate:

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