Hart's Annual Army List, Militia List, and Imperial Yeomanry Lists do include notes of deaths. There may be other lists those watching that board are aware of. Have you made an Army Board request?
If he died in service, the Army chaplain should register the death. Someone may already have checked. If not, could someone please search this on Ancestry and let us know if it does or does not have him recorded?:
<quote>UK Foreign and Overseas Registers of British Subjects, 1628-1969
RG 35: Miscellaneous Foreign Deaths, 1830-1921
Pieces 20 – 21</quote>
Bridget is from Quebec City area, and would be about 25. If a marriage done by an army chaplain and registered in a Garrison register could give some details on John.
Could someone also please search this on Ancestry and let us know if it may have their marriage recorded?:
<quote>UK Foreign and Overseas Registers of British Subjects, 1628-1969
RG34. Miscellaneous Foreign Marriges 1826-1921:
Piece 1: … Marriages 1826-1870
Piece 2: … Marriages 1871-1896</quote>
I suspect you already know Bridget’s parents and if Thomas Ready, father of Bridget is a relation to Lt. Col. C. Ready, this is likely how Bridget meets John Russell. Besides being a good shot, a Lt. Colonel as a relation would certainly help in being promoted.
1861 District Name: Québec
Sub-District Name: Québec (Montcalm)
Thomas Ready 37 Ireland labourer
Mrs. Ready 34 Ireland
Bgt. Ready 15 Lower Canada
Mary? Ready 13 “
James Ready 9 “
Magt Ready 7 “
Ready 5 (female – Susan?) “
Anne Ready 5 “
? Ready 25 servant
? Ready 1
http://www.bac-lac.gc.ca/eng/census/1861/Pages/item.aspx?itemid=2145224War Services of Retired Lieutenant Colonels
Lt. Colonel Ready landed in the Crimea on 13th Feb. 1855, and commanded the 71st Highlanders at the siege of Sebastopol and expedition to Kertch : he held the rank of Brigadier in the Kertch district during its occupation by the Allies (Medal with Clasp, Knight of the Legion of Honor, and Turkish Medal), page 113
Hart's Annual Army List, Militia List, and Imperial Yeomanry List … 1871
http://bit.ly/2rGfi3E1856 Lt. Col. C. Ready 71st foot
Bulletins and Other State Intelligence, Part 2
http://bit.ly/2sFJBqmBerkshire Regiment – …
Lt. Col. Ready to command a battalion 14 Apr. 83
http://bit.ly/2ruQU0NLt. Col. Ready’s wife Ellen Ready born about 1834
Malvern Cemetery
Ready, Ellen Hicks, d. 17 Mar 1912, age: 78y's, w/o Lt. Col. Ready
http://bit.ly/2sqFQDe1911 Canada census, Village of Lennoxville, QC
Vial Frank head
Vial Elizabeth S. Wife born Quebec May 1874
Ready Ellen mother-in-law 76 born Ontario February 1835
http://bit.ly/2sFsOUr1901 Canada census, Village of Lennoxville, QC
Ready Ellen lodger 60 widowed born Ont u(rban) 4 Feb 1835 ethnic origin: Irish
http://bit.ly/2ruoNik1891 Canada census, St. Jean, QC
Ready Ellen widow 50 Q mother born Ireland father born Ireland
Ready Mary 20 Q mother born Ireland father born Quebec
Ready Susan 17 Q “
Ready Henry 14 Q “
Hinks Allas female (this could be Alice Hicks) born Qc father & mother born Quebec
Cotes Etta domestic