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Messages - janej

Pages: [1]
Ayrshire / Re: Help wanted/Dalrymple cemetery/Calbreath
« on: Wednesday 05 September 07 23:20 BST (UK)  »
Hi Jeanette
I wonder if this is the same stone as the 'Calbreath' was quite clearly visible.  Perhaps when the stone was transcribed earlier it was notas clearly visible.  Thank you for your help.
Jane J

Ayrshire / Help wanted/Dalrymple cemetery/Calbreath
« on: Wednesday 05 September 07 13:28 BST (UK)  »
On a recent trip to Scotland in search of links on my Galbraith family tree I visited the Dalrymple cemetery. I found several old graves in the cemetery which were connected to my family.

There was a stone in the cemetery leaning against the Right Hand wall in the churchard, inscribed

"David and William Calbreath erected this stone 17?7 "

followed by a verse.  Unfortunately, while I photographed it, I didn't transcribe it whilst I was there, and now find my photo is not clear enough to be legible. Even the date is unclear.  Is it 1707 or 1767?

 My son was in Glasgow briefly and photocopied some pages from a book entitled "Dalrymple Churchyard Monumental Inscriptions", but only copied pages relating to 'Galbraith', not Calbreath so I don't have the information relating to this stone.  He is now in Spain, so can longer  help  me in this regard.  I wondered if it would be possible for someone to find this book in the library and let me know if there is a transcription of this stone, and also if it mentions what was on the other side of it, or on whose grave it was originally located.
Jane J

Ayrshire / Re: Calbreath/Galbreath/Galbraith
« on: Tuesday 19 June 07 06:44 BST (UK)  »
Thanks for the information, Tom. It all gets a bit confusing at times, especially with the variation in spelling of the surnames.
Another correspondent who had volunteered to look stuff up in the library for me found an transcript of a tombstone inscription for what I think are my ancesters.  He said it was an MI transcription but didn't say if it was found in Dalrymple, just that it was only published in 2004.

It read "Here lies the corps of DAVID GALBRAITH d 22nd April 1739 age 60. And ELSPETH CRIGHTOUN his spouse d 6th march 1752 aged 55. Also CHARLES their son d.18th April1767 aged 35"

If he was 60 when he died, it certainly makes the 1693 birthdate incorrect!

David and Elspeth apparently had 4 children - David (3/4/1726), William 18/2/1731, Jean 31/10/1731, and Charles 23/9/1735

My family tree traces back up through the 2nd son, William.

I'm new to the online genealogy sources, so this is all new information for me, that such transcripts are now available, presumably on microfiche in Scottish libraries.
Thanks again

Ayrshire / Calbreath/Galbreath/Galbraith
« on: Monday 11 June 07 03:57 BST (UK)  »
Can any one help in providing information on the parents of David Calbreath, born about 1693, Dalrymple, Ayr, married to Elspeth Crichton?  I have followed my family tree (Galbraith) back to David Calbreath, but seem to have ground to a halt.  Plan to visit Scotland from Australia in a few weeks time and would be delighted if anyone can help with further information. Am willing to share what I have on his descendants.  Also, any suggestions as to finding where David Calbreath is buried?

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