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Messages - ktk8

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Ancestral Family Tree DNA Testing / Re: DNA matches - am I being illogical?
« on: Saturday 01 February 25 23:03 GMT (UK)  »
Also the possibility that someone in Barbara's tree may have been adopted?

Technical Help / Re: British Newspaper Archive downloads
« on: Saturday 25 January 25 19:34 GMT (UK)  »
Many thanks for all your replies!

I've been trying your suggestions, and have found the best results from viewing full screen, zooming in, then snipping in sections. I did try downloading the full page in pdf, then cropping in an online pdf editor, but actually the results weren't as good.

I find it extraordinary that there isn't a simpler way on their website to do the one thing that most users will want to do!

The Common Room / Re: Family Tree Printing
« on: Saturday 25 January 25 19:21 GMT (UK)  »
I've used My History, and would happily recommend them!

The Common Room / Re: William ROUNCE b 1793? Norfolk or Suffolk
« on: Saturday 25 January 25 19:18 GMT (UK)  »
Have you considered this baptism:

William Rouse, 13 Feb 1791, Gravesend St George, parents William & Sarah. (Previous entry looks like a brother, Robert.)  image 65

It might be worth having a look for any other family members in the brickmaking industry. I have a family line full of brickmakers, they also seem to migrate between brickfields, I have them in various locations including north-west Kent, south-east London, all the way to Ware in Hertfordshire.

Technical Help / British Newspaper Archive downloads
« on: Saturday 18 January 25 20:04 GMT (UK)  »
Hi, Just wondered if anyone has any suggestions of how to download single articles from the BNA?Screenshots don't give a good enough resolution. I don't like getting lumbered with a whole page for the download, particularly as my current pdf program doesn't allow editing.

Many thanks!

The Common Room / Re: Help solving this mystery
« on: Tuesday 14 January 25 23:41 GMT (UK)  »
It's possible that Elizabeth was orphaned or estranged from her family, and wasn't 100% sure on a lot of details. When later in life she needed a birth certificate, she ordered and recieved the one for "Bessie", figured that despite the differences to what she knew it probably was the right one, and moved on with the (in)"correct" info from then on.

On the theory that Elizabeth might have had some uncertainty about her date of birth, I'm wondering if the details of her father given on her marriage certificate are accurate.

I'm sorry, that won't make the search any easier!

The Common Room / Re: Browsing Ancestry galleries on trees
« on: Monday 13 January 25 17:28 GMT (UK)  »
Great idea! Many thanks for sharing.

Ancestral Family Tree DNA Testing / Re: Ancestry Pro Tools discounted
« on: Friday 10 January 25 19:14 GMT (UK)  »
Thanks, Kathryn!  Ancestry gave me a shout about the 1 month discount, but didn't mention the 6 months option. That's just about half price for 6 months.

Ancestral Family Tree DNA Testing / Re: 23andMe Offer
« on: Friday 10 January 25 19:11 GMT (UK)  »
I would say it's worth it for the curiousity value. If you don't test there, you'll never know!

I have quite a number of matches on 23andme who haven't shown up on any other DNA site. The number of new matches has slowed to a tiny trickle in the last year or so, but there's still all the older matches in the database.

I also had a new match pop up recently for a rather unexpected first cousin once removed!

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