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Topics - polly50

Pages: [1] 2
The Common Room / Two part question re:wills
« on: Wednesday 06 March 24 19:04 GMT (UK)  »
Can someone help with the following queries:

1.If a deceased person's gross estate is valued at £150,000, once all payments and debts are paid it leaves a net figure of £50,000. This is to be divided equally (as stated in the will) between 10 inheritors which would be £5000 each. However, the inheritors only received £4000 each so does anyone know of any situation where the inheritors would not receive the full amount?

2.Should the solicitor who was the executor of the estate, provide the inheritors with a full breakdown of where the £100,000 went?

Cornwall / Helston workhouse burials
« on: Thursday 21 September 23 15:14 BST (UK)  »
Does anyone know where the deceased inmates of Helston workhouse would have been buried?

I am looking for the burial details of Hetty Date born Sep. qtr 1882 and died March qtr 1883.She was my great grandmother's child and was born in the workhouse.

Technical Help / Ready print
« on: Tuesday 07 March 23 11:15 GMT (UK)  »
I have an Epson printer and there is an offer to take out a subscription for their inks.
I know that it works by reading the chip on the ink cartridge and will send you inks by post when required. But my question is do I need to leave my printer on permanent standby for this to happen? I prefer to turn off my printer when not in use and when I go away turn off all non essential electrical items as I don't like leaving things on standby.

The Lighter Side / Heir Hunters TV series
« on: Sunday 26 February 17 20:11 GMT (UK)  »
I have only had a quick search on here but couldn't see any mention about the new series of Heir Hunters.

 Anyone who is interested may like to know that the series starts tomorrow (in the UK) Monday 27th February BBC 1.

Technical Help / Bold Text
« on: Sunday 31 July 16 21:31 BST (UK)  »
Just a quick question. How do I make text (when required) bold?

The Lighter Side / Red Rose
« on: Thursday 23 April 15 10:33 BST (UK)  »
Thank you to rootschat for the red rose on the banner. Although my roots are mostly Cornish I do have some English genes :) and do appreciate the tribute to St George.

The Common Room / Bridlington/Scarborough? Identification help please
« on: Tuesday 03 February 15 16:15 GMT (UK)  »
Can anyone identify the location of the photo please. It was (possibly) taken around 1941/42.

Dad was posted to the area during the war and he and Mum are in the photo which I have chopped a bit in case the other person in the picture is still alive!

The Common Room / Clarification please
« on: Thursday 29 January 15 16:42 GMT (UK)  »
If someone was buried "under the act" in1935, am I correct in assuming this was a paupers funeral?

The Common Room / Widows Pension
« on: Sunday 10 August 14 20:51 BST (UK)  »
Would a mother widowed in 1929 (UK) be entitled to a widows pension?

If so what would be the weekly amount be?

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