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Topics - penstemon5

Pages: [1] 2
Armed Forces / RAF crash 13 or 14 June 1940 near Le Grand Luce , Sarthe France.
« on: Monday 21 October 24 21:50 BST (UK)  »
Can anyone look up if there was a plane crash near Le Grand Luce? There are 4 unidentified graves in the cemetery at Le Grand Luce, 3 of whom were RAF ORs. Money was given to locals to bury them as the allied hospital was evacuating

Lancashire Lookup Requests / Smithdown Road Institution/ Toxteth Park Workhouse
« on: Thursday 25 April 19 20:02 BST (UK)  »
My husband’s grandfather, James Byrne, died in the above institution, 126 Smithdown Road, on 24th August 1923. He was 75 years old and died of carcinoma of the sigmoid. His address on the death certificate is 22 Rathbone Street. His death was registered by his daughter Rose.
I believe that the admission registers are kept at the Liverpool Recod Office.
If anyone is going there and could look up when he was admitted and from which address, I would be very very grateful.

Hello. Does anyone recognise the uniform in this rather fuzzy photo. I think it is a photo of Evan Harries Jones, who initially joined the RAMC  no 35240 in WW1 but later  served with the Royal Field Artillery, where he was promoted to 2nd Lieutenant and was awarded the MC and bar.
does anyone have any ideas about this man's uniform?
Many thanks.

World War One / Interpreting Register of Personal Effects WW1
« on: Tuesday 24 July 18 14:49 BST (UK)  »
How did my great uncle end u "In debt to the Regiment" on his Effects form.
I have always seen back pay listed there, returned to the next of kin.
He joined the Kings Own Scottish Borderers in July 1913 and was killed at Ypres on 18/11/14.
They wrote to his Aunt, his closest relative to inform her of the debt.

World War One / Absent FROM leave
« on: Saturday 21 July 18 13:20 BST (UK)  »
Can anyone tell me what Absent FROM leave meant on WW1 Conduct form? The punishment was 7 days Field Punishment 2.

Warwickshire / Polish army officer Trying to find the grave of Major Eugene Piasecki
« on: Wednesday 11 January 17 23:20 GMT (UK)  »
I am trying to find the grave of Major Eugene Piasecki, a Polish officer who died in Rugby in Sep 1948. His address was Officers Holding Unit, Bruntingthorpe, on his death certificate and it said he was a major in the Polish Resettlement Corps. He is not buried in a Rugby Council Cemetery nor in the local RC church cemetery in Rugby.
Thank you RootsChatters.

World War One / T F Royal Field Artillery
« on: Tuesday 08 November 16 09:21 GMT (UK)  »
I am trying to find out where William George Edward Garrard fought in WW1. Family stories say he fought at the Somme, Vimy Ridge, Passchendaele and Ypres.
He served in the TF Royal Artillery no 3 (Source medal card TNA) On his Medal Roll Index Card (Ancestry) it states TF RFA/164 B. Page 12880.
Would this B refer to Battery or Brigade?
His regimental numbers were, first 2401 and then 931134
On Ancestry there is a Silver War Badge Record which also states "unit discharged from No3 OCS ".I think this is Officer Cadet School.
Does this tell me which battery/brigade he was in?
Are the certificates for the Silver Badge, referred to in the record, available anywhere. His was numbered B212520 and could maybe hold more information.
Hope some one knows abot the TF RFA!
Thank you

One Name Studies: N to S / Raab
« on: Friday 07 October 16 08:53 BST (UK)  »
Hello, I am still trying to trace the german roots of my gggrandfather Andreas Raab, first seen in the marriage records in Glasgow in 1856, when the records say he was born in Alphinstart (Alfinstaat/Alvenstadt?) Germany, parents Valentin Raab and Helen ( later referred to as Magdalena) Kebel, both deceased. They were Roman Catholic and he was a pork butcher.
His father Valentin was a farmer.
Anyone else researching a Raab connection?
So far I have 13 different spellings for Raab - rabb, robb, rob, rabbi, rabi, etc which all goes to make it more interesting to search.

Warwickshire / Italian prisoners of war in Rugby
« on: Thursday 07 January 16 10:03 GMT (UK)  »
I am trying to find any Italian prisoners of war who stayed at Newbold Grange in Newbold on Avon, Rugby.
I have been told that they didn't all go home after the war and at least one married a girl from Rugby.
Does anyone know if records were kept of Italian PoWs?

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