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Topics - markw78

Pages: [1] 2 3
United States of America / WW2 Medal Records Query
« on: Sunday 12 January 25 13:50 GMT (UK)  »
Hello Does anyone have any idea to find out if relative was awarded medals during WW2. Trying to find out if distant cousin was awarded any he was Batchelor John Brodie 1942 United States.

In UK we have medal cards but cannot seem to find USA equivalent.

Hoping someone can help,
Mark W

Angus (Forfarshire) / Occupation Query
« on: Wednesday 14 August 24 19:55 BST (UK)  »
Working on a relative's family tree and finally obtained DC for her third great grandfather. Issue is however with her fourth great grandfather's occupation. I obtained a rescan but still cannot work out what this was.
Hope someone with more experience can work out what is states,

Mark W

Scotland / Great Great Grandparents Samuel Brady / Jane Carroll DC Cannot Find
« on: Tuesday 12 March 24 19:24 GMT (UK)  »
Been trying to find DC for my maternal Great Great Grandparents.

Information I have is as follows:

Deceased prior to 1899 from Daughters Marriage Certificate.
Names Samuel Brady Birth approximately 1842 as listed in 1881 Census as aged 39 Carluke Lanak
Jane Carroll Birth approximately 1850 as listed in 1881 Census as aged 31 Carluke Lanak
They seem to have married prior to 1876/77 as my great grandmother was born that year.

Have tried Scotland's People with various name variants and locations other than Glasgow but no luck so far.

Hope someone can help me break this brickwall...

Hello all
Having some difficulty in making out parent name for a Marriage of John Coligan and Mary Ann Clements 11th March 1862..

John's aren't the issue I have these as HENRY COLLIGAN and SARAH LANG
its Mary's mothers maiden name I am struggling with ... her father being WILLIAM CLEMENTS,
I have the mother as Eliza or Elisa ??????? [       ] can't make sense of surname.. 

Second witness is also a problem I think it is ???? McEwan

Any assistance would be appreciated as Scotland People have not been assisting with re-scans during the lock-down's..

Hope someone can help..
Mark W

Midlothian / Roderick John Innes: Williams Family Tree
« on: Saturday 03 April 21 20:11 BST (UK)  »
Trying to contact owner of a family tree on ancestry 'Williams Family Tree (Private)' but don't have a valid subscription so cannot contact owner via ancestry.

If anyone can contact them on my behalf and direct them to this post I would appreciate the assistance.

Roderick John Innes  13 Nov 1895 Leith was the younger brother of my wife's grandmother Elizabeth Harriet Innes and I have family tree going back to 1770's... which I would love to share with them...

Hope someone can assist
Mark W

England / DC Robert Frank Brodie Webster Born 1931
« on: Wednesday 17 February 21 19:44 GMT (UK)  »
Hello All
Not very knowledgeable about English records so bit of a hail mary... I am looking for DC for a
Robert Frank Brodie Webster Born 1931 and I think he past sometime after 2009 somewhere in England but no idea where to start searching other than General Register Office but can't see where you can search like Scotlands People..  .... any help would be appreciated.

Mark W

I have a Marriage Certificate for the above couple MITCHELL, WILLIAM aged 51 Machine Fitter widower 133 Hilltown and DORFER MARTHA aged 25 Spinster think from Salicia (Silesia)... Parents James and Jane Elizabeth both deceased and Edward and Emilia both still living if this would help anyone in their research.... Married by declaration at 20 Castle Street Dundee 19th June 1899...

Mark W

Isle of Man / Howestrake Royal Marine Band Training School WW2
« on: Friday 05 February 21 19:05 GMT (UK)  »
Anyone know any source for local history sites for the above, my grandfather was stationed here during war and I would love to find out more about life at the camp and maybe photographs...
any help appreciated.
Mark W

Australia / Guillan's Van Dieman's Land 1830's-1850's
« on: Friday 05 February 21 13:03 GMT (UK)  »
Anyone researching the following people, all born at Ferry Port on Craig, Fife  [Called Tayport now]
John Guillan 1806 - 1851 Launceston
Alexander Guillan 1813 - 5th September 1848 Bass' Straits.
Ann Guillan 1811-1866 Bay is Biscay SS London
Married 16th June Launceston to John Clark 1812-1866 same as Ann

Any leads on whether John or Alexander had any family would be great...
Mark W

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